This recipe enables custom bullets in a list as shown on this page: NOTE: as of 2013.09.06 this link is dead
First we enable the handling of the following css properties by adding this to config.php file:
$WikiStyleCSS[] = 'background'; $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'list-style-type'; $WikiStyleCSS[] = 'padding-left';
Then we disable the default list bullets by adding this to the config.php file:
$WikiStyle['cl']['apply'] = 'list'; $WikiStyle['cl']['list-style-type'] = 'none'; $WikiStyle['cl']['padding-left'] = '0px'; $WikiStyle['cl']['margin-left'] = '0px';
This defines the markup %cl% ("custom list") which we have to include in our customized list later.
Then define the custom bullets, in this case a word and a pdf one(define as many you want):
$WikiStyle['pdf']['apply'] = 'item'; $WikiStyle['pdf']['background'] = 'url('.$PubDirUrl.'/bullets/pdf.png) left center no-repeat'; $WikiStyle['pdf']['padding-left'] = '20px'; $WikiStyle['pdf']['margin-bottom'] = '5px'; $WikiStyle['word']['apply'] = 'item'; $WikiStyle['word']['background'] = 'url('.$PubDirUrl.'/bullets/word.png) left center no-repeat'; $WikiStyle['word']['padding-left'] = '20px'; $WikiStyle['word']['margin-bottom'] = '5px';
Place the proper bullet images (pdf.png, word.png) into the /pub/bullets/ directory.
Bullets are available here: NOTE: as of 2013.09.06 this link is dead
Finally, we can now write in our documents:
* %cl% %pdf% This is the pdf document #1 * %word% This is the word document #1 * %pdf% This is the pdf document #2 * %word% This is the word document #2
Resulting in this list:

Release Notes
Initial release: 2006-03-25
See Also
- AttachIcons Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension
- Link icons Add icons to your links according to their extensions.
See discussion at CustomBullets-Talk
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