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Preview with every edit
Preview with every edit. You can replace part of the markup on the Site.EditForm to force the display of the page preview whenever ?action=edit. (note that the (:markup:)...(:markupend:) markup doesn't work for this)
There are other issues with this solution. For example, I have code like this in my template:
<!--markup: (:if e_preview:) (:e_preview:) (:else:) (:include {$FullName}:) (:ifend:) -->
If use Mini with Ultralightbox, Ultralightbox will not work until Preview button is pressed.
Petko, probably is there any other way to make Preview enabled all the time when ?action=edit ? Note, that I use separete .tmpl for edit mode.
Finar November 27, 2019, at 10:06 AM
if($action == "edit") $_REQUEST['preview'] = 1;
in config.php should work, no need to change the edit form. --Petko November 27, 2019, at 10:32 AM
Different edit forms
create Site.EditForm1, Site.EditForm2, etc, and add conditional statements in the original Site.EditForm to determine which form is displayed.
Can someone please give or link to an example of how to use this multiple Site.EditForms - Thanks karlh626 - 6-26-08
HansB - Replace content of Site.EditForm with something like this:
(:if condition.....:)(:include Site.EditForm1:) (:else:)(:include Site.EditForm2:)
Talk page for the EditFormSamples recipe (users?).