Cookbook /
Summary: Editing enhancements
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
AbcSong | add and edit abc music using existing PmWiki scripts and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (2020-01-20 stable) | Markup, Editing, CMS, PHP72, Javascript | |
AbcTunebook | add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (2016-01-08 stable) | Markup Editing CMS Fox PHP55 | |
AddDeleteLine3 | An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again. (3 2017.06.07 Probably works) | Blog, Editing, Forms, Templates | |
AddFootnote | Insert markup to create a footnote (2017-11-06 Beta) | Editing GUI Layout Links Markup PHP55 PHP72 | +2 |
AddNewline | Make wiki text end with a newline character, so the last line won't be marked as changed if text is added at the bottom (2006-01-29 ) | Editing, Administration, PHP55, PHP72 | |
AddSignature | Insert markup for a stylized signature (20150802 Beta) | Editing GUI Links Markup PHP55 | +2 |
AddToggle | Add a toggle link (20150723 Beta) | Editing GUI Links Layout PHP55 | +1 |
AddToWatchlist | Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (20180221 beta) | WikipediaSuite, Links, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
AjaxEditSupport | Adds a wikipage/attachment/category AJAX browser to Edit pages (20110223 WIP) | Editing Ajax | +2 -1 |
AnyWikiDraw | Java based drawing tool to replace PmWikiDraw eventually (0.15 In development) | Editing, Images | |
AtLinks | Alternative linking scheme with @ prefix (@Page) (5 Feb. 2005 Stable) | Links, Editing | |
Author Contribution | Automatically Produce an "Author Contributions" page for each author. (2007-09-16 Stable) | Editing | +5 |
AutoGroupPages | How to create a number of pages for a new group automatically (2006-08-05 stable) | Editing, Administration, PHP72 | +1 |
AutomaticChangeSummary | Automatic change summaries (2024-05-07 ) | Editing, Administration, WikipediaSuite, PHP72 Core candidate | +1 |
AutoSave | Autosave pages in the background while editing (20171104 beta) | Editing, GUI | +2 |
B3 blog | Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (20241106 Experimental) | Blog, Editing, RSS, WikiTrails, PHP55, PHP72, PHP81, PHP83 | +4 |
Bloge-Ping | Notify search engines when a page is modified (2009-08-11 beta) | Blog, Editing | |
BulkReplace | Change the content of many pages at a time ( just a rough draft) | Editing Administration System Tools | |
Callout | Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (2010-01-02 alpha) | Markup Editing Images PHP55 | +4 |
Chord Pro | Display ChordPro-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (2022-01-22 Stable) | Editing, Layout, Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
CodeMirror | An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (2021-04-08 Stable) | Editing Layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 | +4 -2 |
ConfirmEditNotSaved | Ask users to confirm if they are leaving the edit page without saving (All ) | Editing | |
ConvertTABLE | How to convert HTML pages with tables full of data into advanced tables (17 September 2005 ) | Editing, Administration, Tables | |
DefaultTableAttributes | How to change the default attributes for tables created using PmWiki.Tables (2004-11-30 ) | Markup, Editing | |
Delta Bytes in Recent Changes | Display the number of bytes (characters) added or deleted to a page in RecentChanges. (24 February 2007 ) | Editing, Administration, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
DiffDelay | In page histories, display vertical spacing proportional to the time between the edits. (2022-01-03 Preview) | Layout, Editing, Security, PHP81 | |
DragDropMultiUpload | Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page (20231226, pmwiki-2.4.2 Beta) | Uploads, Editing, Ajax, HTML5, UnverseJS, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, CoreCandidate | +15 |
EditAttributes | Edit a page's title, description and other attributes using separate EditForm fields (2022-03-15 beta) | Editing, GUI | +6 |
EditForm Custom Fields | Add "Title", "Creation Date", etc. custom input fields to the edit form of PmWiki. This enables mentioning the title of a page in a separate input field rather than in the (: title ...:) markup. Also enables changing the value of a page's 'ctime'. Can be customized to include more fields. (1.01 Working) | Editing Forms | |
EditFormSamples | Provide administrators and authors with examples and instructions for replacing or customizing their site's Site.EditForm. (pmwiki-2.1.10 and up ) | Layout, Skins, Editing, AdvancedAuthoring | |
EditHelp | Easier editing with automatic detection and insertion of some wiki markups (2.2.119 Experimental) | Editing, PHP55, PHP72 | |
EditMore | Provides desirable Site.EditForm additions for title, keywords, description, tags (categories), and notes (so far!). (1.2 Functional) | Editing, GUI, CMS, DocumentationToDo | |
EditOnDblClick | Enable edit on double-clicking a page ( ) | Editing | |
EditPosFix | Memorize both the last scroll position and cursor position when editing. (20160728 ) | Editing | |
EditTemplates | Specify a wiki page or pages to use as a template when a new page is created. (N/a Stable) | Administration, Editing, PHP72 | +7 |
EditTemplatesMenu | Allow authors a choice among several pre-filled templates for new pages (20090328 Stable) | Editing, Menus, Forms, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
EditThisPageLink | short markup for a link to 'edit this page' (2071121 ) | Markup Editing PHP72 | |
EditTitle | Provide a separate edit field for the page title. (1.1 (09 Nov 2005) Works for me) | Editing, GUI, DocumentationToDo, PHP55 | +1 |
EditToolbar | A shiny new set of icons, replacing and extending those on the standard edit toolbar. (2024-08-24 Active) | GUI Edit, Buttons, Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP72 | +6 |
EmacsPmWikiMode | Allow the use of Emacs for editing wiki pages in a PmWiki (1.4 pre2 ) | Editing | |
EnableTabs | Enable Tabs in the main edit text area (20200506 Beta) | Editing PHP74 | |
EncodePost | Base64 encode/decode fields in posted forms as a workaround for mod_security (20230504 experimental) | Editing Security Ajax | |
EtherpadInclusion | This recipe describes a way how to include data stored in collaborative documents in Etherpad-Lite via IncludeXML into PmWiki. (2011-12-28 experimental) | Editing, Publishing | |
EX | Simple "edit section" for wiki pages (20230429 experimental) | Editing, WikipediaSuite, PHP80 | |
ExcelPaste | Copy and paste spreadsheet tables (e.g., from Excel) into pages ( Stable) | Editing, Tables | |
FCKEditor | How to implement FCKEdit in PmWiki (1.1 unsupported and buggy -- read all notes below, and be prepared to experiment and test; this may or may not work for you.) | Editing | |
FileAttachList | Adds a Ajax list of quickly attachable files to the edit page (2020-08-12 Stable) | Editing, Files, Uploads, Ajax | |
FilmScript | Enable film script markup ( ) | Editing, CSS | |
FixURL | Encode special characters in link addresses (20150722 Beta) | Editing, Links, PHP55, PHP72 | +3 |
Flipbox | Flippable checkboxes and checklists (20240918 Beta) | GTD, PIM, Editing, Markup, Ajax, ToDo, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 | +7 |
Fox | Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (2024-07-11 stable) | Forms CMS Blog Editing PIM Fox PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +14 |
FoxEdit | add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs with Fox (2017-06-16 stable) | Forms Markup Fox Editing CMS PHP55 PHP72 | |
FoxTextReplace | replace text strings on multiple pages (2008-12-08 experimental) | Fox Administration Editing | |
FuseEdit | Merge the latest successive minor edits in page histories (20220118 Beta) | Editing, Security | |
Google XML Sitemap Creator | Create an XML sitemap in the root of the website which is suitable for submission to Google (and other) search engines. (20231026 Active) | Administration, Editing, System Tools, PHP55, PHP72, PHP82 | |
GrepRC | Search the RecentChanges entries similarly to a pagelist (2010-02-05 Beta) | Administration Editing | |
GuiButtons | add guibuttons to any textarea edit box (2017-06-21 stable) | Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP54, PHP72 | +3 |
GuiEditDateButton | javascript calendar to insert a date (2.0 November 2, 2006 Stable) | Editing, Layout, Calendar | |
GuiEdit Resize | Allows resizing of the Edit text box, for convenience. (2009-09-11 Initial release.) | Editing, Layout | +1 |
GUIEditSnippets | Easily define text blocks/snippets and insert them in the wiki page with a button (20230403 Experimental) | Editing | |
i19 | Translator-oriented edit form, easing the internationalization (i18n) of a wiki (20110907 Experimental) | International, Editing, UnverseJS, Ajax, PHP55, PHP72 | |
ImportTabTable | import and convert tab table to simple table markup quickly. (2010-04-14 stable) | Tables Editing Markup PHP55 PHP72 | |
IncludeWithEdit | Enable editing of included text (2005-02-07 last tested on PmWiki Version 2.2.0.beta45) | Editing, Includes | |
InlineDiff | Shows the difference between 2 versions by highlighting the changes in markup on word level. (2010-02-03 stable) | Administration, Editing | +5 |
InputDraw | InputDraw, a Flash-based drawing tool (2009-05-07 beta testing) | Editing, Images | |
JavaScriptHelpers | Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis ( Planning) | Editing, Forms, Layout, Security, PHP55, CoreCandidate | |
LatexMarkup | Enables the usage of a subset of LaTeX syntax as an alternative markup (except Math). (0.1 (initial pre-alpha test release) working (but with very limited features)) | Editing Markup Changes | |
LazyWebLinks | Cause markup text beginning with "www." to be automatically converted into a link to an external site (20171011 ) | Links, Editing, PHP72 | |
Limit Diffs per page | Paginate the "diff" output (when viewing a page history, limit the number of displayed revisions at once) (20100217 Stable/Beta) | Administration, Editing, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
LiteralWhiteSpace | Preserve white spaces, tabs and extra lines (2024-04-25 beta) | Markup Editing | +3 |
Live Edit 2 | Edit blocks of wiki-text in pop-up windows right from the wiki page. Editable blocks can be automatically detected/created on existing wiki pages using a Javascript-based GUI-like tool. An authenticated user with edit permission can edit the contents inside the blocks right from the page's view in a 'pop-up' editing environment. One can now choose from different themes/skins for the LiveEdit environment, as well as create custom themes/skins. Very useful for better organizing and maintaining contents of a wiki page, especially if the page is large. (2.2 (Release date: Dec 16, 2011) Working great! Latest improvements in auto-detect tool are in beta test.) | Editing Forms Layout CMS | |
MessageAfterPosting | Provide a message to users after posting and /or prompt them to notify relevant people ( ) | Layout Functional Extensions Editing | |
MovePage | Move and copy wiki pages (20240428 production) | Administration, Editing, Page naming, System tools, PHP72, PHP83, Core candidate | +8 |
Multilink | How to create multilinks ( ) | Links, Editing | |
NewGroupWarning | Display a warning when a user is creating a page in a non-existing wiki group. (2008-01-29 ) | Editing, Links, Administration, MarkupOnly, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
NewPageBox | How to provide a form or box to allow users to create new pages (deprecated in favour of NewPageBoxPlus) (4 January 2006 Deprecated) | CMS, Forms, Editing, Administration | |
NoteIt | NoteIt is a simple Windows application to create notes for PmWiki (25 Octobre 2009 Prototype) | Interface Editing Windows | |
NotSavedWarning | Warn authors when they move away from a page without saving it; optionally request an edit summary or an author name (20170712 beta) | Editing, PHP55, PHP72 | +3 |
PageDiffSize | Add an accurate count of characters added & removed to each edit summary (2010-06-17 beta) | Administration, Editing, PHP55, PHP72 | |
PasteImgUpload | Upload an image by copying and pasting in the editing area directly. (20160729 Only works with Chrome) | Uploads Editing Images | |
PITS | The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (20240518 Beta) | Forms Editing PageList PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | |
PITS-Community | Generic PmWiki Issue Tracking System ("pits") (pits-0.24.phpΔ ) | Modules | |
PkTemplate | Easily create multiple pages from a user-supplied template (20170111 stable) | Editing Templates | |
PmSyntax | Syntax highlighting for the PmWiki documentation and edit form (pmwiki-2.4.2 Experimental) | Editing Layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PHP82 | +3 |
PmWikiDraw | Java drawing recipe based on TWikiDraw (2.362 - 2 May 2007 ) | ||
PositioningCursorInEditForm | How to position the cursor at the end in the edit form (2006-08-30 ) | Editing | |
PreviewChanges | Preview highlighted changes of the wiki markup (2.2.118 Stable, added to core) | Editing, Layout, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 | +8 |
PreviewFirst | How to get the page preview to appear before the edit box (2.0 beta 44 and later ) | Administration, Editing, Layout, PHP72 | +1 |
PTVReplace | Add link markup or input forms to replace values in PageTextVariables (2007-04-26 beta) | Editing, PageVariables | |
Python-based Pmwiki Editor | Provides author-preferred text editor support for PmWiki page edits (1.3.1 (February 9, 2007) Beta) | Editing | +1 |
RecentChangesDeletion | Allow authors to delete RecentChanges pages, there-by making it possible for authors to delete wiki groups. (2023-09-03 ) | Editing, Administration, PHP55, PHP72, PHP82 | +2 |
RememberEditPosition | Return the editing textarea to the previous position when previewing a page (2009-01-20 beta) | Editing | +3 |
RequireCategory | Require categories to be entered (2005-09-16 ) | Editing, Administration, PHP72 | |
RichEdit | WYSIWYG editor (0.1 Abandoned) | Editing, Includes | |
Rowspan in simple tables | Markup to add a rowspan attribute on a simple table cell (2018-04-15 Stable) | Tables Editing Layout PHP55 | +3 |
SectionEdit | Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section (20230302 Stable) | Editing, WikipediaSuite, PHP72, PHP80 | +10 -1 |
SectionInclude | Adds a sectioninclude markup that works like include but you can click to edit the included page. (2016-06-11 stable) | Includes, Editing | |
SideNotes | Create "Side Notes" for jotting down notes ( ) | Editing, Administration | |
SpellChecker | How to enable spell-cheking on a wiki ( Unmaintained) | Editing, GUI, Obsolete | |
StringReplace | link or form markup for replacing text strings in pages (2007-03-12 beta) | Editing | |
SwitchToAndFromDraft | Provide a sidebar or PageActions link to switch to/from -Draft pages (Initial Quo) | CMS Editing | |
TableEdit | Interactive table editor (0.2 (17 December 2006) first version) | Editing, GUI, Tables | |
Tabulate | Handles tab-delimited tables so you can cut and paste to and from spreadsheet applications (2008-09-08 beta) | Editing Tables | |
TemplateMarkupTricks | Various ways of using templates to facilitate the creation of new pages (using standard PmWiki markup) (2014-02-20 ) | MarkupOnly, Administration, Editing, PHP72 | |
Text2Tbl | Provide a way to convert arbitrarily structured text to table markup and provide conversion of simple tables to advanced. (2013-09-23 alpha) | Editing Tables | +2 |
TimeZones | Display all dates and times in user selectable timezone and format (2007-10-28d alpha) | Page variables, Editing, Administration | -1 |
ToggleEdit | easier addition of toggle-markup. (2014-07-01 beta) | Editing Markup | |
TrackChanges | Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits (N/A ) | Administration, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | +4 |
TrueLatex | Enables interpretation and rendering of real LaTeX markups in PmWiki. Support for XeLaTex included in v1.8. (20211011 Working perfectly. Very simple to use, customizable and comes with lots of options.) | Editing Markup Changes Markup Math PHP72 PHP80 | |
UniversalEditButton | Provide support for the Universal Edit Button in PmWiki (2008-06-23 Beta) | Editing | |
UserConfigurations | How can users customise an edit form for their personal use, and customise other settings like access keys? ( ) | Editing | |
ViewDiff | Compare arbitrary revisions and view a particular version. (2011-05-13 Beta) | Layout, Editing, Includes, SystemTools | +1 |
WikiRefactoring | Steps and methods to refactor and re-organize a wiki ( ) | wiki, Refactoring, Administration, Editing | |
WikiSmileys | Add graphical smileys to the markup ( ) | Images, Markup, Editing | |
Wikiwyg | Integrate Wikiwyg into PmWiki for WYSIWYG editing (20070211 pre-alpha) | Editing, Wikiwyg, Wysiwyg | |
Worse (is better) | Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (20231213 experimental) | WYSIWYG, Editing, Markup, Uploads, HTML5, Ajax, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 | +1 |
XMLRPC | How to communicate with PmWiki via the XML-RPC protocol (0.2 ) | Editing, Interface | |
ZAP Form Processor | The ZAP forms processor handles data and file management, page insertions (forums, blogs), email & newsletters, e-commerce, and more. ( Stable (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki)) | Forms | Markup | CMS | File Management | Editing | Page Variables | Email | Shopping Cart |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.