Questions answered by this recipe
How can I create a FAQ list where the answers are hidden by default but can be individually shown by clicking a button or the question?
How can I create a definition list where the display of each definition is instantly switchable?
dltoggle.zipΔ adds toggle buttons to a definition list (for instance a FAQ list).
dltoggle.php integrates TJK_ToggleDL by Thierry Koblentz - www.TJKDesign.com (see demo) into pmwiki, to create FAQ toggle lists using : term : definition
markup. TJK_ToggleDL is published under the terms of the Creative Commons License for non-commercial use.
Install dltoggle.php into the Farm/cookbook folder, all other files of dltoggle.zipΔ into the farm/pub/dltoggle/ folder. Add to config.php:
(:dltoggle:) Definition list(s): : term : definition : term : definition Subheaders etc. : term : definition : term : definition etc. (:dltoggleend:)
Add (above the list) optional buttons to 'Show All' and 'Close All' definitions with
(:input submit id=DLToggleOn value='Open All' class=inputbutton:)
(:input submit id=DLToggleOff value='Close All' class=inputbutton:)
For browsers with no javascript support the buttons will not show, and all definitions will be visible.
opens a div with id=TJK_DL, which is used by the javascript to identify the definition list elements.(:dltoggleend:)
closes the div and calls the main function which loads the javascript code and stylesheet.
Between these two markups any definition list element is treated with a toggle button. This makes it possible for instance to have several lists, divided by subheaders, like on the cookbook page.
Javascript and css code gets loaded only when (:dltoggleend:) markup is present.
Edit the css file to load different plus and minus button images etc.
Release Notes
- 2006-10-28: Added $RecipeInfo
- 2006-08-09: Fixed <p> </p> tags around <script>.
- 2006-04-11a: dltoggle.zipΔ New file locations. Reworked code to allow for multiple lists. New start and end markup. Added variable for tooltip, internationalised (
Show/hide the answer
). - 2006-04-11: TJK_ToggleDL.zipΔ initial release.
See Also
- ShowHide
- UnToggle - A show/hide switch where the contents is visible even for browsers with JavaScript disabled.
See discussion at FAQToggleList-Talk
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