Cookbook /
Summary: Form creating, configuring and processing
Discussion: Forms-Talk
See also PmWiki.Forms about (:input ..... :)
markup for form controls
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
ActionMenu | Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (20170618 Beta) | Forms, Markup, Menus, PHP55, PHP72 | |
AddDeleteLine | Create a list where entries can easily be inserted and deleted (1.10 unmaintained and not without bugs (use AddDeleteLine2)) | ||
AddDeleteLine3 | An easy way to add information to a page and delete it again. (3 2017.06.07 Probably works) | Blog, Editing, Forms, Templates | |
AddPageForm | How to add new pages without creating a link first ( ) | Forms, Links | |
Ai | Ai is another mysql data query using an original and efficient system of envelop and masks (4 functional, but experimental for security reasons maybe) | System tools, Data, CMS, Forms | |
BuildForms | Create an HTML form with Wiki markup, save values in a file, and pass values to a user defined function (obsolete) ( 0.8 (16 May 2005) ) | Forms Obsolete | |
Comment4Comment | adds the possibility to comment on comments to commentboxstyled (2010-06-02 ) | Forms CMS Blog, Comments | |
CommentBox | Adds a simple form to post comments (2.0.19 (released 2007-10-31) Stable) | Forms CMS Blog, Comments | |
CommentBoxPlus | Simple styled form to post comments, plus comment counter (2023-09-26 Stable) | Forms CMS Blog, Comments PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +7 |
Comments-UseCases | ( ) | ||
CompareDatabaseRecipes | Comparison of Database Recipes for PmWiki ( draft) | Data, Forms, CMS, SystemTools | |
CompareFormsRecipes | Comparison of various form recipes ( ) | Forms | |
CSVTemplate | Allow representing the same CSV data in different locations using templates. (2023-11-01 stable) | CMS, Forms, Tables | |
DataPlates | Automatically generate templates for displaying, editing, and searching database queries. (0.3 beta) | Forms,Data | |
DataQuery | Retrieve records and query results from any database supported by ADOdb (such as MySQL) and portray them as wiki pages, allowing them to be processed by other wiki functions such as pagelists, includes, page text variables, and ZAP. (0.6 beta beta) | CMS, Forms, Data, SystemTools, CustomPageStore | |
Datepicker | Adds a datepicker button (use it with a date input field) (2015.02.05 / 1.04 beta ) | Forms, Fox, Calendar | +1 |
DQReport | Enhance the functionality that DataQuery offers to build a complete database frontend (2008-11-03 Functional) | Forms, Data, SystemTools | |
EditDataPages | Bring the wiki's View and Edit commands to ZAP data pages (1.0 in active use) | Forms, Data | |
EditForm Custom Fields | Add "Title", "Creation Date", etc. custom input fields to the edit form of PmWiki. This enables mentioning the title of a page in a separate input field rather than in the (: title ...:) markup. Also enables changing the value of a page's 'ctime'. Can be customized to include more fields. (1.01 Working) | Editing Forms | |
EditTemplatesMenu | Allow authors a choice among several pre-filled templates for new pages (20090328 Stable) | Editing, Menus, Forms, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
EditToolbar | A shiny new set of icons, replacing and extending those on the standard edit toolbar. (2024-08-24 Active) | GUI Edit, Buttons, Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP72 | +6 |
EnableHTML | How to include HTML markup in wiki pages ( ) | Forms, Markup | |
FormExtensions | adds fieldset, legend, and label tags to PmWiki forms (1.0 in active use at, | Forms | |
FormGuideSystem | Flexible, extensible, parameter-driven system to support the use of form pages ( ) | Forms Obsolete | |
FormsPlus | Form extensions adding new HTML5 input types (2017-06-16a new updated) | Forms HTML5 PHP55 PHP72 | |
FormValidation | How to validate forms within wiki pages ( ) | Forms | |
Fox | Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (2024-07-11 stable) | Forms CMS Blog Editing PIM Fox PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +14 |
FoxAuthUserCommentBox | Posting comments for logged in users only, using Fox (2011-12-23 ) | Fox Security CMS Forms | |
FoxCat | Using forms and fox to structure category and cross-group linking ( ) | Fox Categories Forms | |
FoxCommentBox | Adding a comment form using Fox (2006-04-03a ) | Forms CMS, Comments Fox | |
FoxCount | Dynamically display the number of words or characters entered or remaining in an input or a textarea input element. (2023-11-01 stable) | Forms | |
FoxCSV | Display csv tables automatically or via templates; filtering, sorting, editing csv data. (2024-07-12 beta) | Fox Forms Tables | |
FoxDelete | add delete links for deleting lines or sections with Fox (2019-11-11 stable) | Forms Fox PHP55 PHP72 | |
FoxEdit | add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs with Fox (2017-06-16 stable) | Forms Markup Fox Editing CMS PHP55 PHP72 | |
FoxEntryMaskPages | use Fox forms as entry masks to store page data instead of wiki mark-up editing (2010-02-05 stable) | Forms Fox | |
FoxHoneyPot | Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms (2024-04-15 New) | Fox Security Forms Markup | |
FoxNotify | add email notifications and mailing capability to Fox forms (2023-09-30 stable) | Forms Fox PHP55 PHP81 | |
FoxPageManagement | creating new pages, new groups and copying pages with Fox forms ( ) | Forms Fox | |
FoxPTVConvert | Display and convert hidden PTVs on multiple pages (2015-09-28 new) | Administration Fox Forms PageVariables | |
FoxSection | Make it possible to click on a button to duplicate a form section or to display a section depending on the value of a select input. (2023-11-01 stable) | Forms, Fox | |
FoxShoutboxAlternative | An alternative Shoutbox (v0.2 Tested) | Forms Fox | |
GuiButtons | add guibuttons to any textarea edit box (2017-06-21 stable) | Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP54, PHP72 | +3 |
InputDefault | Demonstrates various ways to set the default values for form controls ( in-core) | Forms, MarkupOnly, PHP72 | |
InputFormsAndJavaScript | Some ideas of combining Javascript with PmWiki Input forms ( ) | Forms | |
InputStar | Input control shaped like a group of 5 stars. (2024-04-06a Beta) | Extensions Markup Forms | |
JavaScriptHelpers | Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis ( Planning) | Editing, Forms, Layout, Security, PHP55, CoreCandidate | |
JITS | Issue Tracking System (20070515 tested with) | Forms Data CMS Application ZAP ToDo | |
JumpBox | A pull down menu that can be used for navigation (2018-06-07 ) | Forms | Markup | Menus | PHP55 | PHP72 | |
Live Edit 2 | Edit blocks of wiki-text in pop-up windows right from the wiki page. Editable blocks can be automatically detected/created on existing wiki pages using a Javascript-based GUI-like tool. An authenticated user with edit permission can edit the contents inside the blocks right from the page's view in a 'pop-up' editing environment. One can now choose from different themes/skins for the LiveEdit environment, as well as create custom themes/skins. Very useful for better organizing and maintaining contents of a wiki page, especially if the page is large. (2.2 (Release date: Dec 16, 2011) Working great! Latest improvements in auto-detect tool are in beta test.) | Editing Forms Layout CMS | |
Mailform2 | Set up a mail form so that visitors can send comments or suggestions to a limited list of recipients (0.9 - 26 June 2005 ) | Forms | |
Mailform3 | A single wiki page mail form with feedback (05 Aug 2007 Stable) | Forms | |
Mailform4 | Mailform4 alias Mailform2² - A contact form module with extensible form fields (2021-04-16 Stable) | Forms PHP55 PHP72 | +2 |
MailListForm | Form for subscription to an email list (2008-08-28 working) | Forms | +1 |
NewGroupBox | Input box to create new wiki groups from predefined template pages (2017-06-17 stable) | Forms CMS PHP55 PHP72 | +2 |
NewPageBox | How to provide a form or box to allow users to create new pages (deprecated in favour of NewPageBoxPlus) (4 January 2006 Deprecated) | CMS, Forms, Editing, Administration | |
NewPageBoxPlus | Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (2023-02-14 Stable) | Forms CMS PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +7 |
NewPageForm | Adds a new page using a form (1.0.9 Not working with PmWiki 2.2) | Forms, Obsolete | |
PITS | The PmWiki Issue Tracking System (20240518 Beta) | Forms Editing PageList PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | |
PITS-Community | Generic PmWiki Issue Tracking System ("pits") (pits-0.24.phpΔ ) | Modules | |
PmForm | Form processing engine for PmWiki (20221123 (recipe), pmwiki-2.4.3 (core) Development) | Forms PHP55 PHP72 PHP82 | +5 |
ProcessForm | Maintain values in fields and make PVs of the form name/values when a form is submitted (1.0 Beta) | Forms | +1 |
RatingSystem | Display a widget from (2015-09-12 Alpha) | Forms Voting Review Rating PHP55 | |
Rye Voting | Voting with several option and graph bars (0.7 (2007-07-14) stable) | Voting Forms | |
SagePayPayment | Provides SagePay (previously known as Protx) payment integration into PmWiki (1.0.2341 released 7 July 09. Beta / RC (works for me)) | Forms | Shopping Cart | Payment | |
SerialPageNames | Markup expressions to create serial page names (2008-05-25 stable) | Markup Forms Fox PHP55 PHP72 | |
Shoutbox | Display sidebar shoutbox (1.0 tested) | Forms Fox | |
SimpleAjax | Allow a simple ajax interaction within forms, usually via WikiSh (2011-03-03 Backup of Development version) | Forms Data Database | |
SimpleCart | integration of simple javascript shopping cart with PayPal or Google checkout (2012-04-11 stable) | ShoppingCart Forms Payment PHP55 | |
StarRater | 5 star rating system (2017-06-17 stable) | Voting Images Forms PHP55 PHP72 | +3 |
Multiline textareas | How to create textareas pre-filled with content ( ) | Forms Obsolete | |
UpdateForm | Easily create forms to display, add, and update records in a MySQL table. (1.3 updated 8/20/2017. Live demo at | CMS, SystemTools, Forms, PHP72 | +1 |
Voting | Add a form to record "votes" on a page ( ) | Voting Markup Forms | |
WikiForms | Use a form template to create, edit and list wiki pages (1.1.1 (2014-02-13, compatible with php 5.5) Stable) | Forms, PHP55 | +2 |
WikiFormSample | Defines the layout of a simple issues form to use with the WikiForms recipe ( ) | Forms | |
WikiFormsBugs | Bug reports for the WikiForms recipe ( ) | Forms | |
WikiFormsFAQ | FAQ regarding the WikiForms recipe ( ) | Forms | |
WikiFormsFeatureRequests | Feature requests for the WikiForms recipe ( ) | Forms | |
WikiForms Recipes | Various recipes for the WikiForms recipe ( ) | Forms | |
WikiSh | Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (2015-06-06 (abandoneware) Beta) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Administration Files Security Markup Expressions Forms Obsolete | +3 |
ZAP Form Processor | The ZAP forms processor handles data and file management, page insertions (forums, blogs), email & newsletters, e-commerce, and more. ( Stable (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki)) | Forms | Markup | CMS | File Management | Editing | Page Variables | Email | Shopping Cart |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.