A very lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (using Google Chart API).
This is a simple, small and lightweight recipe for displaying mathematical formulas in PmWiki pages. Authors write in the wiki page the TeX code of the formula inside a {$ ... $}
block. The formula is rendered to a picture by the Google Charts service, so there is no need to install TeX processing packages.
The solutions of the equation {$ ax^2+bx+c=0 $} can be found with {$ x_{1,2}=\frac{-b \pm \sqrt {b^2-4ac}}{2a} $} |
The solutions of the equation
- Copy formula.phpΔ to your pmwiki/cookbook directory ( formula.php).
- Add to config.php such a line:
The following variables can be set in config.php:
$FormulaTextColor = '000000';
the RGB color code of the text, like in HTML/CSS, but without the leading #, eg. ff0000=red, 0000FF=blue, etc. (default is black ie "000000").$FormulaBgColor = 'ffffff';
the RGB color code of the background, default is white ie "ffffff". To have a transparent background, use a RGBA color code with 2 zeros at the end, eg. 'ffffff00'.
You can set CSS styles of the formula pictures in the file pmwiki/pub/css/local.css (if it doesn't exist you can create it):
img.formula { vertical-align:middle; } /* better alignment within text */ img.formula { margin: .1em .5em; } /* Vert+Hz distance from text */ img.formula { border: 1px solid #ddd;} /* thin gray border */
Just write the TeX code of the formula inside a {$ ... $}
Golden ratio {$ \varphi = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5}}{2} \simeq 1,618034 $} |
Golden ratio
How many solutions this equation has? (9th grade Algebra class) {$ 2 = \( \frac{(3-x) \times 2}{3-x} \) $} |
How many solutions this equation has? (9th grade Algebra class)
Maximum allowed deformation of a concrete beam under charge (1st year Architecture class) {$ f_{max} = {L \over \beta } = { M_{max} \times L^2 \over \alpha \times E \times I } \ = { ( q \times L^2 ) \times L^2 \times 12 \over 2 \times \mu^2 \times \alpha \times E \times b \times h^3 } $} |
Maximum allowed deformation of a concrete beam under charge (1st year Architecture class)
You can find more information about TeX at Wikipedia:TeX.
It is possible to set the text and background colors of individual formulas, if the formula starts with #123456
color codes.
The #f00 code is red {$ #f00 e^x=\lim_{n\to\infty}\(1+\frac xn\)^n $} Text and background: {$ #008#eef (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 $} Background only: {$ ##ffb \sum_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 $} |
The #f00 code is red Text and background: Background only: |
To change the default black on white colors for the whole wiki see the section Configuration.
- Each formula can have up to 200 characters.
- The answer to the Algebra question is, "An infinite number of solutions: x can be any number, except 3."
Change log / Release notes
- 20220104 - Update for Cookbook:PmSyntax and Cookbook:CustomSyntax (2+spaces).
- 20211229 - Update for Cookbook:PmSyntax.
- 20211217a - Highlight some additional control characters in the formula.
- 20211217 - Minor simplification of the highlighting rules.
- 20211216 - Update for Cookbook:PmSyntax compatibility with highlighted attributes, special strings and meta.
- 20211215 - Update for Cookbook:PmSyntax compatibility.
- 20211214 - Change deprecated curly brackets in lines 50 - 54 (warning in PHP 7.4, Siegfried Seibert)
- 20180420 - Fixes for PHP 7.2.
- 20150405 - Fixes for PHP 5.5.
- 20111029a - Fixed bugs with special characters, added per-formula colors.
- 20111027 - Initial public release, ready to be tested.
See also
- Cookbook /
- AMmathjax Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. (Stable)
- ASCIIMath Display MathML rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (Stable)
- FractionsPlus Adds simple markup to write fractions. (Maintained)
- JsMath Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using TeX. (Obsolete - use MathJax)
- LaTeXMathJax MathJax support for PmWiki (stable)
- LaTeXMathML Translating LaTeX math notation dynamically to Presentation MathML (Stable)
- LinuxTex Enable TeX markup
- LuaExecute Lets Lua scripts dynamically generate parts of your wiki page (Beta)
- MathJax Add markup to embed math using TeX syntax. (Stable)
- Mathtex Add markup to display and embed several lines of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (testing)
- MimeTeX Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages (Stable)
- SageCell This allows you to embed an interactive SageCell into your webpage. Sage is an open source alternative to MathLab, Mathematica, and Maple. (Stable)
- SimpleJsMath Notes on modifying the jsMath for a skin (not a complete recipe)
- TrueLatex Enables interpretation and rendering of real LaTeX markups in PmWiki. Support for XeLaTex included in v1.8. (Working perfectly. Very simple to use, customizable and comes with lots of options.)
- Recipe written and maintained by Petko (5ko [snail] 5ko [period] fr). The formula.php file is based on the MimeTex recipe, copyright 2004-2007 Patrick R. Michaud.
- If this recipe helps you or saves you time, you can help support its continued development by ♥ .
See discussion at Formula-Talk?
User notes +1: If you use, used or reviewed this recipe, you can add your name. These statistics appear in the Cookbook listings and will help newcomers browsing through the wiki.