Below are examples of Fox custom filters that might prove useful.
While you can eliminate the use of directives in Fox (indeed it is eliminated by default) by using $EnablePostDirectives = false;
using smileys (as in :)
or (:
, in particular) will still break the page. You can avoid this by replacing these with special character codes.
$FoxFilterFunctions['smiley'] = 'FoxSmileyFilter'; function FoxSmileyFilter($pagename, $fields) { $fields = preg_replace('/\(:/', '(:', $fields); $fields = preg_replace('/:\)/', ':)', $fields); return $fields; }
When you have a Website field, you never know when people will type http://
or not. This filter will check and see, then add it if necessary.
$FoxFilterFunctions['FoxFixUrl'] = 'FoxFixUrlFilter'; function FoxFixUrlFilter($pagename, $fields) { if ($fields['website']!="") $matches = strpos("http://",$fields['website']); if ($matches==false && $fields['website'] != "") { $fields['website'] = "http://".$fields['website']; } return $fields; }
even if it's already there. Until I figure out why (or someone who's not a PHP n00b explains that to me) I've added the following line above the "return $fields" line.
$fields['website'] = preg_replace('/http:\/\/http:\/\//', 'http:\/\/', $fields['website']);
E-mails provide several potential pitfalls for a form submission. Here are a couple of examples of ways you can filter an e-mail field. First, if you just want to make sure something gets entered in the field, regardless of whether it's an e-mail or not, you can use this function (note you could use this kind of filter for any field that's necessary but not required):
$FoxFilterFunctions['FoxVerifyEmail'] = 'FoxVerifyEmailFilter'; function FoxVerifyEmailFilter($pagename, $fields) { if ($fields['email']=="") $fields['email']="noemail"; return $fields; }
You may also want to validate that what was entered in the field was really an e-mail address and not something else. the following function will verify the most common email addresses:
$FoxFilterFunctions['FoxVerifyEmail'] = 'FoxVerifyEmailFilter'; function FoxVerifyEmailFilter($pagename, $fields) { if(!preg_match("/^[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\^_`=\/{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\^_`=\/{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,4}|museum|travel)\b$/i", $fields['email'])) { $fields['email'] = ""; FoxAbort($pagename, "Please provide a valid email address!"); } return $fields; }
Note that email addresses can contain quoted strings, but the regex function above will not catch these.
See more about regex patterns for e-mail: