
Summary: Talk page for GoalMeter.
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PHP5.5 Compatibility Issue

M. Denning, 20170729: Ruleset is throwing the following compatibility error. Please, can this be addressed ASAP? Base site is battzion.org and WebMaster contact is at the bottom. Thanks!
goalmeter directives B>>>= ! file: /cookbook/goalmeter.php, line: 29, pat: /\(:goalmeter\s*(.*?):\)/ei

Update: I have updated line 28-29
FROM028: Markup('goalmeter', 'directives', '/\\(:goalmeter\\s*(.*?):\\)/ei', "GoalMeter(\$pagename, PSS('$1'))");
TO028: Markup_e('goalmeter', 'directives', '/\\(:goalmeter\\s*(.*?):\\)/i', "GoalMeter(\$pagename, PSS(\$m[1]))");
TakeAway:This seems to have taken away the error generated in Rule Table.
AfterThought:However, I would still be more comfortable if I obtained positive word from the other developers that this was the only updated necessary.

Talk page for the GoalMeter recipe (users?).