
Summary: Support for Google Web Fonts in a secure way and for all users
Version: 20180329
Prerequisites: none
Status: Mantained
Maintainer: CarlosAB
License: GPL
Categories: Fonts Fun PHP72
Users: (view / edit)

Questions answered by this recipe

How can I add support for Google Web Fonts in secure way for all users?


This recipe adds support for Google Web Fonts in secure way for all users.


Just download the file and place in your cookbook.


Just include it in config.php with a traditional:


The xxxx relates to release date or you can remove the release date as it is inside the recipe as well.

I like to keep the release date, as you cannot accidentally do a number of mistakes, but it is up to you.


There is no need.


After installing you just have to include the markup loadfont to load the one or more of the fonts avilable, like this:

(:loadfont EwertNormalLatin,EaterNormalLatin,NosiferNormalLatin :)

You can see the fonts available using:

(:loadfont help:)

You can also (from version 20180329) see what fonts load automaticaly, like this:

(:loadfont auto:)

If you just want to include the auto loading fonts, do this:


Here are some examples you can use on your WikiSandbox after install:

%font-family='"advent pro"' font-size=50px% This is the Advent Pro webfont!!!

%font-family=plaster font-size=50px% This is the Plaster webfont!!!

%font-family="Emblema one" font-size=50px% This is the Emblema one webfont!!!

%font-family="Henny penny" font-size=50px% This is the Henny-Penny webfont!!!

%font-family=butcherman font-size=50px% This is the Butcherman webfont!!!

%font-family=creepster font-size=50px% This is the Creepster webfont!!!

%font-family="dr sugiyama" font-size=50px% This is the Dr Sugiyama webfont!!!

%font-family=monoton font-size=50px% This is the Monoton webfont!!!

%font-family=ewert font-size=50px% This is the Ewert webfont!!!

%font-family=eater font-size=50px% This is the Eater webfont!!!

%font-family=nosifer font-size=50px% This is the Nosifer webfont!!!


Also visit that is just brilliant, beautiful and extremely useful, to also load more fonts into your array of fonts.

To do / some day / maybe

Include support for javascript/client side loading of Google Web fonts.

Change log / Release notes

20180319 - first version - googlewebfonts-20180319.phpΔ
20180320 - 2nd version, solved some problems discovered by AllanG, discovered a problem related to protocol use ( with https fonts won't load properly, fix on next version) - googlewebfonts-20180320.phpΔ
20180326 - markup definiton was causing the trouble - googlewebfonts-20180326.phpΔ
20180327 - now it works on http and https - googlewebfonts-20180327.phpΔ
20180329 - include the auto property, small fixes, code got beautified - googlewebfonts-20180329.phpΔ

See also




See discussion at GoogleWebFonts-Talk

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