

Summary: Picture generation, smileys, thumbnails, galleries, uploading, manipulating, and displaying of images
Discussion: Images-Talk

  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
AddImageTypeAdd new image type extension ( )Images PHP55 PHP72 PHP74
AnyWikiDrawJava based drawing tool to replace PmWikiDraw eventually (0.15 In development)Editing, Images
Ape: Automagical PmWiki EmbedEmbed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (20240605 Stable)Links, Integration, Images, Maps, Media, Video, Flash, Includes, Google, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PmSyntax, Audio +6
Attache-ImageSizerResize and manipulate uploaded images (2017-09-05 beta)Images Uploads Administration PHP72
AttachIconsAdd icon images to Attach file links according to file extension ( )Images, Uploads
AttachIcons2Add icon images to Attach file links according to file extension ( )Images, Uploads
AttachImageSizeGenerate width and height attributes for attached images (20210213 )Images, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80
AuditImagesView the images that have been uploaded to your wiki. (1.1 Stable)Images, Security, Uploads
AutoThumberAutomatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick (2008-04-05 beta)Images, Uploads, Administration, PHP72 +1
BackgroundImagesHow to add background images to divisions, tables & cells (1 Stable)Images
BarCodeEasily create barcodes inside wiki pages (2007-07-22 works)Images
BootstrapIconsBootstrapIcons extension for PmWiki (2024-05-16 Beta)Images Markup Extensions PHP83
CalloutPresent something within an iconic bubble or style. (2010-01-02 alpha)Markup Editing Images PHP55 +4
Carouselsimple Image Carousel, from one-line Markup: auto-populated from contents of a directory (2022-05-06 Active)Images, Media, Layout, Markup
ChartDirectorAdd a bar chart to a page using modifiable data in page markup ( )Markup, Images
ClipboardInclude content on another page (v0.50 )Images
CustomBulletsEnable custom bullets to distinguish document types (1.0 )Images, Uploads
EasyGalleryCreates an easy image gallery ( )Images
EmbeddedGalleryHow to embed the Menalto Gallery (0.2 (27 February 2005) )Images, Integration
ExternalLinksFaviconsDisplay favicons before links to external websites (20201203 Beta)Links Images CSS PHP74
FlashEmbedding Flash movies; plus recipes for embedding Flash from specific sites like YouTube, Vimeo, GoogleVideo, Flickr,, and more... (2006-10-28 (flash.php & swf.php), 2016-05-06 (swf-sites.php), 2011-02-21 (, 2010-12-21 (swf-sites-Flickr.php) )Media Flash Images Video Audio Delete Me +4
FlickrHow to integrate Flickr into a PmWiki page ( )Integration, Administration, Images
FlickrAlbumDisplay images dynamically from Flickr (2007-03-05 Stable)Images
FlickrGalleryCreate thumbnail galleries linked to flickr. (2015-01-01 Beta)Images
FontAwesomeInclude and use Font Awesome Icons (20210119 beta)CSS Includes Markup Images PHP72 PHP74 +4
GalleriaConvert lists of images into a panel of clickable thumbnails, or a scrollable carousel of clickable thumbnails, without requiring a page reload. (2020-03-03 )Images, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74 +6
GMapEasy Google Maps integration (20141204 Abandoned (broken by Google))Integration, Images, Includes, Google, PHP55
GoalMeterCreate thermometers or columns showing goals and current values (2009-01-29 stable)Images
GoogleChartInclude Charts generated by Google Chart API (2017-12-31 alpha)Images, Includes, Google
GoogleMapAPIv3This is a trimmed down and modified Google Maps API based on Ben Wilson's original GoogleMapAPI. (1.0 beta) Integration, Images, Includes, Google
GoogleMapsHow to add an interactive Google map into PmWiki ( )Integration, Images, Includes, Google
GoogleViewerEmbed PDF, PPT, DOC, and TIFF files in a wiki page using Google Viewer (2010-05-16 )PDF Media Images Google OfficeIntegration +4
HeadlineImageDisplay the title attribute of an image directly on the image without editing the image. (20170225 )Images, Layout
HighslideA recipe that enables you to use the Highslide JS application in your wiki. (4.0.8 (Oct 30 2008) Initial release)PHP55
ImageMapDirective to create image maps and image toolbars (2022-06-23 Stable)Images PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 +2
ImagePopupDisplay a popup window with a larger view of an image if you clicked on an image in the page. (2024-10-31 In active use)Images
ImagesAutoResizingCreates a small image on the page, with a link to a larger image (2.2 (July 2016) Stable)Images +1
ImageSetsCreate galleries that are not tied to a single wiki page (0.2 )Images
ImgFocusClick to view an image with a dimmed and blurred background. Support scroll to zoom. (20160728 )Images +1
ImgPopUpExtension to image uploading (1.2.9 (2009-06-21) stable)Images
InputDrawInputDraw, a Flash-based drawing tool (2009-05-07 beta testing)Editing, Images
LazyLoadingInstruct browsers to only load pictures when they would be visible on the screen (20220323 Beta)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP80 +1
MarkupOnlyBarChartsAdds editable bar charts to your wiki using only core PmWiki features (2014-02-27 )MarkupOnly Images
MaxiAn image viewer with inline zoom, suitable for large drawings or panoramas (20210702 Experimental)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 +2
Maxi2Inline picture zoom for modern browsers and touch-screen devices (20240111 Experimental)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 +3
MermaidJsdiagrams and visualizations for PmWiki (2021-12-06 Beta)Markup Images PHP55 PHP72 PHP80
MindjetMapEmbedding a Mindjet MindManager Map (2007-05-13 (v.0.1) first release)Media Images MindMapping
MiniSimple, lightweight, un-bloated gallery with thumbnail generator (20221008 )Images, Uploads, Gallery, UnverseJS, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 +27
MiniEditAn easy to use visual editor for Mini galleries (20170820 experimental)Images, Uploads, Gallery, Ajax, UnverseJS, PHP55, PHP72 +2
Mini with FancyboxFancybox jQuery slideshow for the Mini gallery (20181115 experimental)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72 +1
Mini with GalleriaGalleria carousel/slideshow for the Mini gallery (20150909 beta)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72 +1
Mini with LightboxLightbox slideshow for the Mini gallery (20181115 beta)Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72
NZTopoUse to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website (2022-02-22 Production)Markup Images Includes PHP74 Maps +1
Pagelist Random ImageSelect an image randomly from all pages with images and display (0.1 Production)Images PageList +1
PasteImgUploadUpload an image by copying and pasting in the editing area directly. (20160729 Only works with Chrome)Uploads Editing Images
PDFThumbGenerate thumbnail images for PDFs (1.0.1 (2020-05-12) )Images, Uploads
PHPImagesGenerate on-the-fly graphics within a PmWiki page using a PHP script. ( )
PictureGalleryPicture viewer with thumbnails and comments option (4 (13 July 2006) )Images
PmDocConvertPmDocConvert makes it easy to upload and display formats that can be handled by on a PmWiki page. (20171013 Alpha)Uploads Images
pmGalleryDisplay your Picasa and Google Photo albums and pictures within PmWiki. (0.3.3 (25-Feb-2016) )Images, Gallery, Picasa, Flickr, PHP55 +1
PmGraphVizProduced graphs using graphviz inside of PmWiki. (0.03 Stable)Images MindMapping
PmWikiDrawJava drawing recipe based on TWikiDraw (2.362 - 2 May 2007 )
PngAlphaIESteps for displaying PNG images with 8bit alpha transparency (0.1 18 Mar 2006 Limited testing)Images
PTViewerhow to display 360° panoramic images (2014-08-25 Stable)Images PHP55
QRCodeCreate QR code. (2021-10-25 )Images
QuickTimeEmbed QuickTime content on wiki sites. (2009-12-20 Stable)Media Images Audio Video +1 -1
RandomImageFromAListOfPicturesPosting a random image from a number of pictures ( )Images, Links
ResponsiveSlidesSimple js carroussel for pmwiki based on responsiveslides.js. (2016-07-05 )Images, Gallery, PHP55
RotatePictureEasy rotation of attached pictures (20200116 Experimental)Uploads Images PHP72
ScribdEmbed PDF files in a wiki page using Scribd (2010-10-27 )PDF Media Flash Images +1
SeadragonSeadragon image zoomers (0.1 Beta)Images
SimpleGalleryA simple image gallery ( )Images
SmartColorboxGallerySmart Colorbox Gallery is an easy to use gallery that creates small and large images, and makes a colorbox slideshow. (1.0 RC)Images
SocialBookmarkIconsCreate dynamically a list of clickable icons for social bookmarking sites. (2007-03-08 Stable)Includes Images
SparklinesEasily embed sparklines inside wiki pages (2007-08-09 works)Images
StarRater5 star rating system (2017-06-17 stable)Voting Images Forms PHP55 PHP72 +3
SvgEmbedding Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) into PmWiki pages (20161021 )Media, Images, PHP55 +1
ThickBoxintegrate the AJAX image effect known as thickbox into a PmWiki page ( )Ajax, Images, Uploads, Gallery
ThumbList²A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki (20250111 )Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82, PHP83, PmSyntax +14
ThumbnailLinkToImageProduce a thumbnail link to a full-sized uploaded image that, in turn, links back to the page. (20060315 Pending code review by Pm)Images
TinyWebGalleryIntegration in PmWiki of the refined gallery TinyWebGallery (26 Feb. 2006 - updated this page (config) 18 Apr. 2006 Stable)Images
TwitterDisplay twitter-messages and twitpics from any member in your page. (20110420 )Images, RSS, Twitter, SocialNetworking +1
UploadPicCompressionCompress uploaded image files (7 March 2005 )Images, Administration
ViewPDFEmbed PDF files in a wiki page (2010-01-22 Experimental)PDF Media Images
WikiGalleryWikiGallery - automatic easy to use fully integrated gallery extension for PmWiki ($Rev: 67 $ )Images, CustomPageStore
WikiSmileysAdd graphical smileys to the markup ( )Images, Markup, Editing
WMPlayerEmbedding a Windows Media Player (2006-04-13 (v.0.2) stable)Media Images Audio Video
YAG"Yet Another Gallery tool" for PmWiki - An easy-to-use tool that creates and caches thumbnails of images, and displays them in gallery. Suited for creating a thumbnail gallery distributed over multiple pages for large number of images. Images can be within the PmWiki (page attachments) or can be in WWW. Range of images can be declared in single line using wildcard-like features. (2.0 Working perfectly well (as of some July 2012 (?).) )Images Gallery
YumlMeEasily edit and display UML diagrams in PmWiki pages (0.3 Beta)Images
  • Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.