Cookbook /
Includes / Insertions
PmWiki.Include Other Pages
Summary: List of recipes in Includes category, including other pages, files, maps etc.
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
AddThisWidget | Embed the 'AddThis' widget to enable easy sharing of webpages on facebook, delicious, twitter, and other social networking sites. (2009-08-11b ) | Includes, Blog, SocialNetworking, SocialBookmarking, PHP55 | +3 -1 |
Ape: Automagical PmWiki Embed | Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (20240605 Stable) | Links, Integration, Images, Maps, Media, Video, Flash, Includes, Google, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PmSyntax, Audio | +6 |
AutoPlay | Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (20140408 Superseded by Ape) | Media, Video, Flash, Links, Includes, PHP55, PHP72 | |
CachedNumberOfArticles | Count pages in wiki (2021-10-25 Stable) | Includes | |
CSVInclude | Include a CSV file as a table in your wiki page (2020-06-24 ) | Includes, Administration, Tables | |
DataSections | Create formated lists of PTVs stored between anchor blocks on another page. (2007-12-03 alpha) | Includes,Layout | |
Delicious | Insert a user's links or tags into PmWiki (2009-10-14 Stable) | Includes, SocialBookmarking | |
DirList | Local/LAN directory listings and downloads. (20241030 beta) | System tools, Includes, Links, Uploads PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP83 | |
Excerpts | Shows fragment of page around given word(s). (20171110 beta) | Searching Includes PHP72 | |
FontAwesome | Include and use Font Awesome Icons (20210119 beta) | CSS Includes Markup Images PHP72 PHP74 | +4 |
Fortune | Insert a fortune cookie into a wiki page (2007-09-17 Stable) | Includes | |
GistEmbed | Embed Gists in a wikipage. (2025-01-18 Maintained) | Includes Programming Integration PHP72 | |
Gists | Markup to allow easy embedding of syntax-highlighted github gists (2013.09.03 active) | Includes Programming GitHub Layout | |
GMap | Easy Google Maps integration (20141204 Abandoned (broken by Google)) | Integration, Images, Includes, Google, PHP55 | |
GoogleAdsense | How to add Google AdSense data to your wiki (0.1 pre-alpha) | Includes, Google | +1 |
GoogleCalendar | Embeds a Google Calendar in a PmWiki page (2016-02-11 Stable) | Includes, Google | +1 |
GoogleChart | Include Charts generated by Google Chart API (2017-12-31 alpha) | Images, Includes, Google | |
GoogleCSE | Adds markup for a Google Custom Search Engine (2007-02-24 Stable) | Searching Includes Google | |
GoogleMapAPIv3 | This is a trimmed down and modified Google Maps API based on Ben Wilson's original GoogleMapAPI. (1.0 beta) | Integration, Images, Includes, Google | |
GoogleMaps | How to add an interactive Google map into PmWiki ( ) | Integration, Images, Includes, Google | |
GoogleWave | Include Google Waves into PmWiki 2.x pages (2010-08-02 obsolete) | Includes, Google | -1 |
GpxStat | A recipe to display statistics about a GPX file (2024-05-05 Beta) | Maps Markup Includes | +1 |
Grep | Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (20171103 beta) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP83 | +2 |
IncludeAble | How to include the current revision of a pmwiki page in another php page ( ) | Includes | |
IncludeFieldPage | Extends the (:include:) directive functionality apply to pages from other fields of a wiki farm (1.0.0 - 22 November 2005 ) | Includes, WikiFarms | |
IncludeFile | How to include an external file (from the same file system) (0.2 (2007-12-07) Stable, Maintained) | Includes | |
IncludeSection | Include a section from the first available among a list of pages (20220516 ) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 | +1 |
IncludeSite | Include an entire page in a wiki page (2019-03-28 ) | Includes | +2 |
IncludeUpload | Include an uploaded (attached) text or HTML file into a PmWiki page (20190126 beta) | Includes, PHP55, PHP72 | |
IncludeUrl | Include html pages into PmWiki 2.x pages (20230214 stable) | Includes PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP82 | +2 |
IncludeWikiPage | How to syndicate wiki pages from other PmWiki 2.0 sites on your site (20051218 ) | ||
IncludeWithEdit | Enable editing of included text (2005-02-07 last tested on PmWiki Version 2.2.0.beta45) | Editing, Includes | |
IncludeXML | Include processed XML into PmWiki 2.2 pages (20070621 Deprecated) | Includes | |
InlineRSS | Allows insertion of an RSS feed's contents into a PmWiki page. (2016-05-09 DRAFT) | Includes, RSS | |
LastFM | Embed widgets (2007-05-12 Stable) | Includes | |
MapWiki | Map+Wiki Mashup; or how to make customized Google Maps using a wiki backend. (1.0 beta) | Includes Insertions Maps | |
Meetup API Event List | Adds Meetup API to PmWiki pages (2014-02-21 ) | Integration, Includes, PHP55 | +1 |
NumberOfArticles | Report the number of articles in a wiki (0.3 - 18 September 2006 ) | Administration, Includes, Obsolete | |
NZTopo | Use to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website (2022-02-22 Production) | Markup Images Includes PHP74 Maps | +1 |
OnlineStatus | Display online status for AOL, Yahoo! instant messaging, Skype, or Meebo Me! (2007-02-04 Stable) | Includes | |
OpenLayersAPI | Adds OpenLayers API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps) (0.4 alpha) | Integration, Maps, Media, Includes, PHP55 | +1 |
PastebinEmbed | Embed Pastebin pastes in a wikipage. (2025-01-18 Maintained) | Includes Programming Integration PHP72 | |
RandomPage | Include a random wiki page from a supplied list of pages. (1.0 Obsolete) | Includes | |
RandomQuote | Insert random quotes or markup into a page (2007-02-15 Stable) | Includes, PHP72 | +3 |
RichEdit | WYSIWYG editor (0.1 Abandoned) | Editing, Includes | |
Scraper | Add a markup for retrieving a portion of the content from an external webpage (screen-scraping). ( Project) | Includes, RSS | |
SectionInclude | Adds a sectioninclude markup that works like include but you can click to edit the included page. (2016-06-11 stable) | Includes, Editing | |
SimplePieDisplay | Add an RSS feed to a page using SimplePie (2008-07-28 Beta) | RSS, Includes | |
SocialBookmarkIcons | Create dynamically a list of clickable icons for social bookmarking sites. (2007-03-08 Stable) | Includes Images | |
Templates | Extend the (:include:) markup to allow passing parameters to included pages. (20191107 beta) | WikipediaSuite Includes Layout PHP55 PHP72 | +1 |
TextExtract | search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (2025-01-30 stable) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Markup Expressions PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +5 |
ViewDiff | Compare arbitrary revisions and view a particular version. (2011-05-13 Beta) | Layout, Editing, Includes, SystemTools | +1 |
WikiSh | Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (2015-06-06 (abandoneware) Beta) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Administration Files Security Markup Expressions Forms Obsolete | +3 |
Xml4pmwiki | xml4pmwiki allows you to transform xml data using a xsl stylesheet in a pmwiki page (20070615 testing) | Includes | |
ZCode | Extract and highlight source code files from 7z, TAR, ZIP, or RAR archives (20170812a Experimental) | Programming, Layout, Markup, Includes, PmWikiDeveloper | +1 |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.