Cookbook /
Summary: List of recipes ordered by user ratings (excluding the unrated ones)
Category: Searching
Cookbook recipes
See also Skins.
- Note that this is not a full list of recipes: the ones without rating can be found in the full Index.
Users | Name | Summary | Categories |
+27 | Mini | Simple, lightweight, un-bloated gallery with thumbnail generator (version: 20221008) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, UnverseJS, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 |
+18 | BlogIt | Provides a complete blogging system, using in-built PmWiki features -- additional features are supported through existing cookbooks. (version: 2024-09-14, Active) | Blog, PHP55 |
+15 | DragDropMultiUpload | Allow authors to upload files by simply dropping them into the wiki page (version: 20231226, pmwiki-2.4.2, Beta) | Uploads, Editing, Ajax, HTML5, UnverseJS, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, CoreCandidate |
+14 | Fox | Form processor to add, replace, copy, delete content plus upload files and send email notifications using templates and Input markup (version: 2024-07-11, stable) | Forms CMS Blog Editing PIM Fox PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+14 | ThumbList² | A thumbnail picture gallery for PmWiki (version: 20250111) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82, PHP83, PmSyntax |
+13 | Toggle | Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page (version: 2025-01-18, stable) | Layout Links PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 |
+10 -1 | SectionEdit | Split a wiki page into separately editable sections with an edit link for each section (version: 20230302, Stable) | Editing, WikipediaSuite, PHP72, PHP80 |
+9 | Attachtable | Actions to rename, delete & restore deleted attachments, as well as an attachlist replacement to use those actions, show file types and list attachment references. (version: 2025-01-22, beta) | Uploads PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP82 Core Candidate |
+9 | Captcha | Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (version: 20240920, Stable) | Security Spam Captcha PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PHP82 PHP84 |
+9 | SourceBlock | Source code syntax highlighter for PmWiki 2.x using GeSHi (version: 2019-07-16, Stable) | Layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+8 | AutoTOC | Unobtrusive Automatic Table of Contents links (version: 20170717, stable) | Menus, TOC, Links, Layout, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 |
+8 | MarkupExprPlus | Extends {(...)} expression markups (version: 2023-02-24, Stable) | Markup, Page Variables Markup Expressions PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 |
+8 | MovePage | Move and copy wiki pages (version: 20240428, production) | Administration, Editing, Page naming, System tools, PHP72, PHP83, Core candidate |
+8 | PreviewChanges | Preview highlighted changes of the wiki markup (version: 2.2.118, Stable, added to core) | Editing, Layout, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 |
+7 | CommentBoxPlus | Simple styled form to post comments, plus comment counter (version: 2023-09-26, Stable) | Forms CMS Blog, Comments PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+7 | Footnotes | Simple footnote markup (version: 2025-02-16, Stable) | Markup PHP55 HTML5 PHP72 PHP80 WikipediaSuite |
+8 -1 | WikiStylesPlus | Lots of useful Wikistyles (rollovers, code blocks, notes, warnings, outlines) (version: 2007-05-23) | Markup PHP72 |
+7 | Flipbox | Flippable checkboxes and checklists (version: 20240918, Beta) | GTD, PIM, Editing, Markup, Ajax, ToDo, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 |
+7 | DeObMail | Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (version: 20120717, pmwiki-2.4.2, Beta) | Security Links Spam PHP55 PHP72 |
+7 | NewPageBoxPlus | Adds customisable box plus button form for page creation (version: 2023-02-14, Stable) | Forms CMS PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+7 | PmCalendar | Calendar designed for PmWiki where each day is a separate wiki page. (version: 1.0rc12, Stable) | PIM Calendar |
+7 | PowerTools | markup expressions for multi page processing incl. plist, pagelist, rename, pagecount, wordcount, trail, serialname, serial, newticket, sumdata, allptvs, random (version: 2022-11-01, stable) | Markup Administration Markup Expressions PageVariables WikiTrails Menus PHP55 PHP72 |
+7 | EditTemplates | Specify a wiki page or pages to use as a template when a new page is created. (version: N/a, Stable) | Administration, Editing, PHP72 |
+7 | CleanUrls | Enable URLs that are shorter (without .php) and/or look like paths to wiki pages. (version: 2007-04-11) | Administration, PHP72 |
+6 | CleanUp | Purge deleted pages and attachments from the server directories (version: 20220507, Beta) | Administration, SystemTools, Uploads, PHP55, PHP72, PHP81 |
+6 | EditAttributes | Edit a page's title, description and other attributes using separate EditForm fields (version: 2022-03-15, beta) | Editing, GUI |
+6 | EditToolbar | A shiny new set of icons, replacing and extending those on the standard edit toolbar. (version: 2024-08-24, Active) | GUI Edit, Buttons, Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP72 |
+6 | Ape: Automagical PmWiki Embed | Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (version: 20240605, Stable) | Links, Integration, Images, Maps, Media, Video, Flash, Includes, Google, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PmSyntax, Audio |
+6 | Galleria | Convert lists of images into a panel of clickable thumbnails, or a scrollable carousel of clickable thumbnails, without requiring a page reload. (version: 2020-03-03) | Images, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74 |
+7 -1 | PageTableOfContents | Adds a clickable table of contents to a page (version: 2025-01-22, Stable) | Markup, TOC, PHP55, PHP72 |
+5 | AuthUser | PmWiki built-in user authentication system using user names and passwords (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Stable) | Security |
+5 | InlineDiff | Shows the difference between 2 versions by highlighting the changes in markup on word level. (version: 2010-02-03, stable) | Administration, Editing |
+5 | Author Contribution | Automatically Produce an "Author Contributions" page for each author. (version: 2007-09-16, Stable) | Editing |
+5 | PmForm | Form processing engine for PmWiki (version: 20221123 (recipe), pmwiki-2.4.2 (core), Development) | Forms PHP55 PHP72 PHP82 |
+5 | TextExtract | search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (version: 2025-01-30, stable) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Markup Expressions PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+5 | SortableTables | Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript (version: 2017-06-17, stable) | Markup Tables PHP55 PHP72 |
+5 | AuthUserSignup | Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts (version: 2010-04-14, Deprecated (UserAdmin is better)) | Administration and Security |
+4 | Callout | Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (version: 2010-01-02, alpha) | Markup Editing Images PHP55 |
+4 | GoogleViewer | Embed PDF, PPT, DOC, and TIFF files in a wiki page using Google Viewer (version: 2010-05-16) | PDF Media Images Google OfficeIntegration |
+4 | CaseCorrection | Makes PmWiki intelligently case-insensitive (version: 20170618, beta) | Administration, Links, CMS, SystemTools, PHP72 |
+4 | TrackChanges | Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits (version: N/A) | Administration, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 |
+4 | MarkupExtensions | Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions (version: 2.1.1 (2014-02-13, compatible with php 5.5, requires php 5.3 or above), Stable) | Markup PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+4 | FontAwesome | Include and use Font Awesome Icons (version: 20210119, beta) | CSS Includes Markup Images PHP72 PHP74 |
+4 | Flash | Embedding Flash movies; plus recipes for embedding Flash from specific sites like YouTube, Vimeo, GoogleVideo, Flickr,, and more... (version: 2006-10-28 (flash.php & swf.php), 2016-05-06 (swf-sites.php), 2011-02-21 (, 2010-12-21 (swf-sites-Flickr.php)) | Media Flash Images Video Audio Delete Me |
+4 | DetectMobile | PHP API to determine whether the browser is a mobile device. (version: 31-Dec-2008 (2.0.1), Active) | Mobile, PDA, Cookbook |
+4 | FacebookLikeButton | Facebook like-button social plugin recipe (version: 2010-07-12, 1.0 -> in production) | Uncategorized |
+4 | LocalCSS | Flexible CSS compilation from a wiki page (version: 20150830, pmwiki-2.4.2, beta) | Layout, CSS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+4 | LocalTimes | Display RecentChanges and History timestamps in the local timezone of each visitor. (version: 20201220 (recipe), pmwiki-2.4.2 (core), Beta) | International Layout Security Ajax WikipediaSuite PHP55 PHP72 Core Candidate |
+4 | WikiBox | Allow posting to and reading from PmWiki via email (version: 2008-08-17, Alpha) | System Tools Markup Administration |
+4 | Login Logout | How to log out after logging in (version: 1.0, Q&A) | Security, Administration, MarkupOnly, PHP72 |
+4 | HTML5Video | Show HTML5 Video (version: 20151004, obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead) | Video Markup HTML5 PHP55 Media Obsolete |
+4 | ConvertHTML | Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (version: 20210207, beta) | Administration, Markup, Wiki conversion, PHP55, PHP73, PHP80 |
+4 | AutoRestore | Automatically restore pages after a set time interval (version: 20201114, Stable) | Administration, PHP72 |
+4 | B3 blog | Easy to install and use wiki blogging system (version: 20241106, Experimental) | Blog, Editing, RSS, WikiTrails, PHP55, PHP72, PHP81, PHP83 |
+4 | Recent Uploads Log | List all uploaded files in RecentUploads pages (version: 2009-09-03) | Uploads, Administration, PHP55, PHP72 |
+4 | RecipeCheck | Check for new versions of recipes on (version: 20190903, pmwiki-2.4.2?, Stable) | Administration, System tools, Security, PHP74 |
+4 | RequireAuthor | Require author names when saving pages | Administration, Security, PHP72 |
+3 | QuickStartForAuthUser | Just a quick guide for people to set up AuthUser to lock down their site. (version: 1.0, beta) | Uncategorized |
+3 | PmSyntax | Syntax highlighting for the PmWiki documentation and edit form (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Experimental) | Editing Layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PHP82 |
+3 | MultiLanguageViews | show language specific content and titles according to user choice (version: 2019-11-12, stable) | International CMS Layout PHP55 PHP72 |
+3 | LinkIcons | Add icons to your links according to their extensions. (version: 20170226) | Links, Layout |
+3 | JsMath | Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using TeX. (version: 20160803, Obsolete - use MathJax) | Markup Math PHP72 |
+3 | Favicon | Add a Favicon to your website (version: Any, Mature) | Layout |
+3 | FeedLinks | Add HTML-header links to enable autodiscovery of RSS/Atom feeds. (version: 0.3 (2018-02-10), Active) | RSS, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+3 | FixURL | Encode special characters in link addresses (version: 20150722, Beta) | Editing, Links, PHP55, PHP72 |
+3 | Reindex | Force re-creation of entire .pageindex (version: 2015-06-18, experimental) | Uncategorized |
+3 | RememberEditPosition | Return the editing textarea to the previous position when previewing a page (version: 2009-01-20, beta) | Editing |
+3 | AuthCAS | Central Authentication Service(CAS) based authentication (version: 2012-08-28) | Administration, Security, Authentication |
+3 | UnToggle | An unobtrusive show/hide toggle switch. (version: 20090311, Beta) | Layout Links |
+3 | PerGroupSubDirectories | Subdivide wiki.d into subdirectories according to page group (version: n/a) | Administration, CustomPageStore, PHP72 |
+7 -4 | TotalCounter | A statistic counter - counts page views, users, languages, browsers, operating systems, referers, locations and web bots (version: 2025-01-22) | CMS, Administration, SystemTools, PHP83 |
+4 -1 | HttpVariables | Access http variables in the page, such as Get variables, Post data, and Cookies. (version: 20221024-2, Feature Complete) | PageVariables PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 |
+3 | ActionLog | Maintain a page log of wiki actions (version: 2006-08-03, Stable) | Administration Security |
+3 | GuiButtons | add guibuttons to any textarea edit box (version: 2017-06-21, stable) | Editing, Layout, Forms, PHP54, PHP72 |
+3 | HtpasswdForm | Form based management of users and passwords using .htpasswd /.htgroup files (version: 2020-01-14, Stable) | Administration Security PHP55 PHP72 |
+3 | RandomQuote | Insert random quotes or markup into a page (version: 2007-02-15, Stable) | Includes, PHP72 |
+3 | LiteralWhiteSpace | Preserve white spaces, tabs and extra lines (version: 2024-04-25, beta) | Markup Editing |
+3 | StarRater | 5 star rating system (version: 2017-06-17, stable) | Voting Images Forms PHP55 PHP72 |
+3 | Maxi2 | Inline picture zoom for modern browsers and touch-screen devices (version: 20240111, Experimental) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 |
+3 | ShareButtons | Social media sharing buttons without tracking or JavaScript (version: 20220820, Experimental) | Links, Blog, SocialNetworking, PHP81 |
+3 | Bloge | A bundle of blogging (version: 2009-08-28, beta) | Blog |
+3 | BlogCalendar | small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (version: 2017-06-16, stable) | Blog CMS Links PIM Calendar PHP55 PHP72 |
+3 | HandyTableOfContents | Handy Client-side Table of Contents (version: 2025-03-03, stable) | TOC, Markup, PHP5, PHP72 |
+3 | CurrentVisitors | Display the number of current visitors (version: 1.23) | Layout |
+3 | WikiSh | Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (version: 2015-06-06 (abandoneware) , Beta) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Administration Files Security Markup Expressions Forms Obsolete |
+3 | Do the Right Thing | Link shortcuts to custom searches for your browser (version: 20230622, beta) | Links, PIM, Cloud, PHP55, PHP72 |
+3 | NotSavedWarning | Warn authors when they move away from a page without saving it; optionally request an edit summary or an author name (version: 20170712, beta) | Editing, PHP55, PHP72 |
+3 | Backlinks | List pages with links to a target (version: n/a, Documentation) | Links Searching PageList PHP72 WikipediaSuite |
+3 | Bloge-Feeds | Blog-like Atom & RSS feeds (version: 2009-08-11, beta) | Blog, RSS |
+4 -1 | SlimTableOfContents | Simple or Numbered Table of Contents, Compatible with SectionEdit Recipe (version: 2009-02-26, not working with php5.5) | TOC |
+3 | OpenPass | Set a global password which is openly displayed to reduce spam (version: 2009-05-01B, Alpha) | Spam Security Passwords |
+3 | Rowspan in simple tables | Markup to add a rowspan attribute on a simple table cell (version: 2018-04-15, Stable) | Tables Editing Layout PHP55 |
+2 | SecureAttachments | Security issues for attachments (version: n/a) | Administration, Security, Uploads |
+2 | PageGenerationTime | Display page generation time (version: 2004-05-05) | Administration |
+2 | SiteInformation | How to quickly see the settings for a site without having to look at the contents of the local configuration file (version: 2021-10-28) | Administration |
+2 | HorizontalVerticalMenu | Generate multilevel horizontal and vertical menus (version: 2015-10-18, Stable) | Menus |
+2 | NewGroupBox | Input box to create new wiki groups from predefined template pages (version: 2017-06-17, stable) | Forms CMS PHP55 PHP72 |
+2 | SharedPages | Share selected pages among several wikis on a common server, as in WikiFarms (version: 2005-12-05, Stable) | WikiFarms, CustomPageStore |
+2 | SelectQuery | Run a SQL SELECT query based on parameters submitted (version: 4.0, December 13th, 2017, demo at Interdependent Web) | CMS, SystemTools, PHP72 |
+2 | SpamFilters | Automatic blocking of some spambots (version: 20170619, beta) | Administration, Security, Spam, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | ImageMap | Directive to create image maps and image toolbars (version: 2022-06-23, Stable) | Images PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+2 | RecentChangesDeletion | Allow authors to delete RecentChanges pages, there-by making it possible for authors to delete wiki groups. (version: 2023-09-03) | Editing, Administration, PHP55, PHP72, PHP82 |
+2 | PersistentLogin | Login form with "Remember me/Stay signed in" option (version: 20091122, Beta) | Administration Security |
+2 | PageAttic | How to store backup files of deleted pages in a separate directory (version: 2011-10-26) | Administration, CustomPageStore |
+2 | ImportText | Import text files as PmWiki pages (version: 20231117, Under development) | System tools, WikiConversion, PHP72, PHP82 |
+2 | Text2Tbl | Provide a way to convert arbitrarily structured text to table markup and provide conversion of simple tables to advanced. (version: 2013-09-23, alpha) | Editing Tables |
+2 | Tags | How to have tags (like Flickr) | Searching, Administration, CMS, Blog, Links, PHP72 |
+2 | IncludeSite | Include an entire page in a wiki page (version: 2019-03-28) | Includes |
+2 | MarkThingsDone | Mark Things Done! - A Comprehensive Productivity System (version: 20100330, Active) | GTD PIM Calendar Reference To Do |
+2 | MimeTeX | Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages (version: 2007-02-16, Stable) | Markup Math |
+2 | IncludeUrl | Include html pages into PmWiki 2.x pages (version: 20230214, stable) | Includes PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP82 |
+2 | ListCategories | use categories as tags (version: 2021-09-19, stable) | Links CMS Blog PIM PHP72 |
+2 | Mailform4 | Mailform4 alias Mailform2² - A contact form module with extensible form fields (version: 2021-04-16, Stable) | Forms PHP55 PHP72 |
+2 | OptionMenu | Get page listings as an option menu selector (version: 2010-02-18, Stable) | Searching Menus PageList |
+2 | PageTopStore | A PageStore alternative which doesn't mangle page contents when viewed outside PmWiki (version: 2009-11-27, beta) | Administration, CustomPageStore, PHP72 |
+2 | InstallOnIIS | How to install PmWiki on IIS v6 or v7 (version: 2.2, living document) | |
+2 | Maxi | An image viewer with inline zoom, suitable for large drawings or panoramas (version: 20210702, Experimental) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 |
+2 | PageListMultiTargets | Enable multiple pages and wildcards in PageList (version: 20151222, Experimental) | PageList, Links, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | Syntaxlove | Syntax highlighting with good look and cool JavaScript-effects (version: 20170226 (0.3.1)) | Layout, PHP72 |
+2 | MoreCustomPageVariables | Additional custom page variables for use in pages, forms, includes and conditional markup. (version: n/a) | PageVariables |
+2 | MiniEdit | An easy to use visual editor for Mini galleries (version: 20170820, experimental) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, Ajax, UnverseJS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | TitleCased | Site customizeable title case of titles. (version: 1.1, September 17, 2017, stable) | |
+4 -2 | CodeMirror | An enhanced page editor for PmWiki (version: 2021-04-08, Stable) | Editing Layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 |
+2 | EnableHTML | How to include HTML markup in wiki pages | Forms, Markup |
+2 | VoteCounter | Count & summarize votes (version: 2010-01-31, Experimental) | Voting PageVariables PHP72 |
+2 | Embed OpenStreetMap | Easy, lightweight and unobtrusive embedding of simple maps in wiki pages (version: 20131130, Superseded by Ape) | Links, Integration, Maps, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | WatchLists | Track the most recent changes to a list of pages (version: n/a, Stable) | Cookbook, Links, Menus, PageList, MarkupOnly, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | WikiCalendar | Add support for a simple calendar. Each date becomes a wiki page. (version: 1.1.3 (2014-12-24, compatible with php 5.5), Stable) | Calendar, Blog, PIM, International PHP55 |
+2 | EPUBCreation | Assembles wiki page collections into an EPUB e-book file (version: 2.2.45 of Publish PDF (released for beta testing 2014-08-08), EPUB output is ready for beta testing) | Publishing, EPUB, PHP55 |
+2 | WikiForms | Use a form template to create, edit and list wiki pages (version: 1.1.1 (2014-02-13, compatible with php 5.5), Stable) | Forms, PHP55 |
+2 | CSSPopups | How to make popups with CSS (version: 2006-08-30) | Links Layout |
+2 | Bloge-Tags | Use page keywords and categories as tags (version: 2009-10-13, beta) | Blog, Links, Categories, PHP72 |
+3 -1 | UserAuth2 | A user-based permission granting and authentication module (version: 2.2.3 (2010-03-03), released, stable, maintained (tested with Pmwiki 2.1.11, 2.2.0-beta45)) | Administration, Security |
+2 | AutoSave | Autosave pages in the background while editing (version: 20171104, beta) | Editing, GUI |
+2 | EditHelp | Easier editing with automatic detection and insertion of some wiki markups (version: 2.2.119, Experimental) | Editing, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 | Audio5 | HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (version: 2022-10-30, Stable) | Audio, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 |
+2 | AttachLinks | Get Attach: links to display by default without the "Attach:" prefix (version: n/a) | Uploads PHP72 |
+2 | AllGroupHeader | How to create a page that appears as a header (or footer) for all pages in all groups (version: 1, Stable) | Layout |
+2 | PagePmSyntax | Highlight a full PmWiki source page (version: 20220817, pmwiki-2.4.2, Experimental) | PmSyntax Layout Obsolete |
+3 -1 | AddThisWidget | Embed the 'AddThis' widget to enable easy sharing of webpages on facebook, delicious, twitter, and other social networking sites. (version: 2009-08-11b) | Includes, Blog, SocialNetworking, SocialBookmarking, PHP55 |
+2 | AddSignature | Insert markup for a stylized signature (version: 20150802, Beta) | Editing GUI Links Markup PHP55 |
+2 | AddFootnote | Insert markup to create a footnote (version: 2017-11-06, Beta) | Editing GUI Layout Links Markup PHP55 PHP72 |
+2 | ExpireDiff | How to remove a page's history (version: 20180109, Stable) | Administration, PHP72 |
+2 | TwitterBootstrap | Ready-to-install pmwiki package with Twitter Bootstrap skin | CSS Skins |
+2 | UploadTypes | Add extensions to or remove them from the list of allowed upload types (version: n/a, Documentation) | Uploads |
+2 | Farm Setup By Example | An alternative introduction to creating a WikiFarm (version: 0.06, Maintained) | WikiFarms, Security |
+2 | GooglePlusOne | A recipe to enable the use of Google Plus One widgets in your PmWiki pages (version: 1.0, RC) | Links Menus SystemTools |
+2 | Toolbox | Tools for recipe developers (version: 2009-04-20, Alpha) | PmWiki developer PHP55 Obsolete |
+2 | Grep | Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (version: 20171103, beta) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP83 |
+2 | FlashMediaPlayer | Embed flash media players in your pages (version: 2009-02-11, Beta) | Media Flash Video Audio PHP72 |
+2 | GuiEdit | Add graphical editing buttons, as in's site (version: n/a, Stable) | Editing Layout |
+2 | UploadGroups | Allow uploads to be associated with individual pages or the entire site (version: n/a, stable) | Uploads |
+2 | FormattingTables | Formatting and styling for tables (version: 2004-12-13) | Layout, CSS, Tables |
+1 | ICalExport | Export wikicalender entries as ical file (version: 1.31, stable) | Calendar, PIM, PHP82, PHP83 |
+1 | Templates | Extend the (:include:) markup to allow passing parameters to included pages. (version: 20191107, beta) | WikipediaSuite Includes Layout PHP55 PHP72 |
+1 | RenamePage | Rename a wiki page from a browser (version: 2014-02-27 (aka "2.0.21" inside of the code), stable) | System tools, PHP55 |
+1 | ReverseHeadings | Reverse !'s so that more !'s are larger headings (version: 20170618, Stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | Python-based Pmwiki Editor | Provides author-preferred text editor support for PmWiki page edits (version: 1.3.1 (February 9, 2007), Beta) | Editing |
+1 | Scribd | Embed PDF files in a wiki page using Scribd (version: 2010-10-27) | PDF Media Flash Images |
+1 | Tagger | Easy tagging into multiple category groups. (version: 2017-06-21, stable) | Links, Markup, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | Display twitter-messages and twitpics from any member in your page. (version: 20110420) | Images, RSS, Twitter, SocialNetworking | |
+1 | Request | Extends conditional markup to test parameters in the URL, to allow pages to pass parameters via their URL links (version: 2010-05-12, Beta) | Markup PHP55 |
+1 | TextCaptcha | Small and simple text captcha that uses ascii art and no session, cookies and images (version: 2009-01-29, beta) | Captcha, Security, Spam . |
+1 | Mini with Galleria | Galleria carousel/slideshow for the Mini gallery (version: 20150909, beta) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | $CustomSyntax | Design notes of PmSyntax and custom markup rules (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Beta) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PmWikiDeveloper, PmWikiInternals |
+1 | RemovingHTMLStyles | How to remove pmwiki styles from HTML head (version: 2006-10-28, Stable) | Skins CSS |
+1 | RemoveQuestionMark | How to remove question mark beside links for non-existent pages | Links |
+1 | Reminder | Birthday, anniversary and other task reminders (version: 20250208a, Stable) | Calendar, PIM, GTD, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 |
+1 | SearchboxRecognition | Determine which of a page's multiple searchboxes was used (version: 1.0, works for me) | Searching, PHP55 |
+1 | ReindexCategories | Update link targets and page index for PmWiki 2.3.0 (version: 20220122, beta) | Administration |
+1 | LazyLoading | Instruct browsers to only load pictures when they would be visible on the screen (version: 20220323, Beta) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP80 |
+1 | ListResume | Resume numbered lists interrupted by other markup (version: 20180312, Experimental) | Layout Markup PHP72 |
+1 | AutoTel | A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (version: 2022-12-22, Alpha) | Links, Markup, Media, Mobile |
+1 | RecentChangesExcerpt | How to display a list of last n RecentChanges (version: 1) | Layout, GUI |
+1 | UnaccentUTF8 | Diacritics-insensitive page index and searches (version: 20230203, Beta) | PageLists, Searching, International, PHP82 |
+1 | Rating2 | Even Simpler Page Rating Counter (version: 20100216, Beta) | Voting, Page variables, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | InternationalPTVs | Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables (version: 20240704, experimental) | International, PageVariables, Markup, PHP55, CoreCandidate |
+1 | GpxStat | A recipe to display statistics about a GPX file (version: 2024-05-05, Beta) | Maps Markup Includes |
+1 | SearchPatterns | Q & A's on search patterns | Searching |
+1 | Txt2tags | Txt2tags markup for PmWiki (version: 05 feb 2016, Active) | Markup |
+1 | SecLayer | Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (version: 2015-06-06, Beta) | PmWiki developer Security PHP55 Obsolete |
+1 | SlideShow | Create slide presentations with skin support (version: 1.2, Stable) | Functional |
+1 | Video5 | HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (version: 2022-10-30, Stable) | Video, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 |
+1 | ViewDiff | Compare arbitrary revisions and view a particular version. (version: 2011-05-13, Beta) | Layout, Editing, Includes, SystemTools |
+1 | Svg | Embedding Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG) into PmWiki pages (version: 20161021) | Media, Images, PHP55 |
+1 | SysDiff | Use an external "diff" program to speed saving of long pages. (version: 2007-03-21, Stable) | Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | WebAdmin | PHP file manager, works without ftp client (version: 1.1, 9 November 2006) | |
+1 | UploadForm | Alternative file upload form using (:input file:) (version: 2009-08-26, stable) | Uploads PHP55 |
+1 | SystemLimits | Ways to increase various memory and filesize limits for a PmWiki installation (version: N/A) | SystemTools, Administration, Uploads |
+1 | Wiki Footer | Website page footer (version: 1.0, Mature) | Page template Core Candidate Layout |
+1 | SortByScore | Sorts (:pagelist:) search results by number of matching words found in page + displays fragments of page near the word. (version: 20171110, beta) | Searching PHP72 |
+1 | TagPages | Allow categorizing/tagging of pages with an easy interface. (version: 2014-01-29, working) | Blog |
+1 | WikiMail | Provide support for email for other recipes (version: 2009-11-14, Beta) | PmWiki developer |
+1 | Wiki On A Stick | How to place a standalone wiki on a USB stick (version: 2007-05-02, new) | SystemTools Install |
+1 | XESBlog | Provide blog application functionality for one point installation. (version: 2023-12-08, stable) | Blog, CustomPageStore |
+1 | ZCode | Extract and highlight source code files from 7z, TAR, ZIP, or RAR archives (version: 20170812a, Experimental) | Programming, Layout, Markup, Includes, PmWikiDeveloper |
+1 | ImagesAutoResizing | Creates a small image on the page, with a link to a larger image (version: 2.2 (July 2016), Stable) | Images |
+1 | SimpleSiteMap | Easy site map using only core PmWiki features (version: 1.0, Stable) | Administration, Hierarchy, Menus, PageList, MarkupOnly |
+1 | SimpleForum | Simple and styled forum (version: 2019-06-02, Stable) | CMS, PHP7 |
+1 | InCategory | Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (version: 20220606, Experimental) | Links, Markup, PHP81 |
+1 | TitleSpaced | How to have spaces in a page title (version: n/a) | Administration, PageNaming |
+1 | SignalWhenMarkup | Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (version: 2019-01-26, stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72, Obsolete |
+1 | Worse (is better) | Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (version: 20231213, experimental) | WYSIWYG, Editing, Markup, Uploads, HTML5, Ajax, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 |
+1 | ShortCutsMarkup | Gives easy access to creating some types of custom markup. (version: 1.0, Working) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PageVariables, Navigation, Links |
+1 | UpdateForm | Easily create forms to display, add, and update records in a MySQL table. (version: 1.3, updated 8/20/2017. Live demo at | CMS, SystemTools, Forms, PHP72 |
+1 | ExportHTMLWiki | Create a wiki using static HTML pages as front end for visitors (version: 2023-10-06, stable) | SystemTools, Administration CMS PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+1 | ExtensionHub | Configuration panel for extensions (version: 2024-08-13a, Experimental) | Administration System Tools Extensions CMS PHP83 |
+1 | UpForm | Allow use of a Site.UploadForm page to format the upload form (version: 2010-06-20, alpha) | Uploads |
+1 | ToggleNext | Unobtrusive WikiStyle-based toggle-next element (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Beta) | Layout |
+1 | SubgroupMarkup | Add one level of subpage using [[,subpage]] markup (version: 2025-02-11, Stable) | Markup, Links, Hierarchy, Page Naming, PHP72 |
+1 | PmWikiInfo | Display of selected PmWiki Information in a wiki page (version: 2024-05-03, Stable) | Markup PmWiki Developer Markup Writing Extensions |
+1 | ABCHoverIndex | displays a pagelist as an alphabetic hover menu, sorted by title (version: 2008-04-20, stable) | Searching Menus PageList PHP55 PHP72 |
+1 | PublishPDF | Typesets wiki page collections into PDF (finalist: New Zealand open source awards 2008) (version: 2.2.47 (released 2016-01-06) -- see release notes, EPUB and DocBook output, custom book styles, book glossaries and minor fixes and improvements , Stable, reliable and substantially complete, php 5.5 compliant) | Publishing, PDF, EPUB, Bibliography, Equations, Glossary, Custom PageStore PHP55 |
+1 | ExpandingMenu2 | Provides markup to create an (automatically) expanding menu (version: 2007-08-04) | Menus, Layout |
+1 | Datepicker | Adds a datepicker button (use it with a date input field) (version: 2015.02.05 / 1.04, beta ) | Forms, Fox, Calendar |
+1 | DomTT | Use divs as tooltips (version: 20180420, Stable) | Markup PHP72 |
+1 | Delta Bytes in Recent Changes | Display the number of bytes (characters) added or deleted to a page in RecentChanges. (version: 24 February 2007) | Editing, Administration, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 |
+2 -1 | EProtect | Email obfuscation via ROT13 (version: 7 April 2005) | Security, Administration, Spam, PHP55, PHP72, PHP82 |
+1 | EditMX | Allow Markup Expressions to be used in the editing of a page (version: 20230823, Alpha) | Markup MarkupExpressions PHP82 |
+1 | EditTemplatesMenu | Allow authors a choice among several pre-filled templates for new pages (version: 20090328, Stable) | Editing, Menus, Forms, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | EditTitle | Provide a separate edit field for the page title. (version: 1.1 (09 Nov 2005), Works for me) | Editing, GUI, DocumentationToDo, PHP55 |
+1 | EmbedTweet | a recipe to embed live tweets from using Twitter's oembed API facility (version: 2012/07/04, stable) | Twitter, Markup, SocialNetworking |
+1 | EnhancedWebFeeds | Enhances native PM Wiki Feed support. (version: 0.1a, beta) | Blog RSS |
+1 | ExportHTML | Export PmWiki pages as "static" HTML pages (version: 2007-01-12) | SystemTools, Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | CustomPagelistSortOrderFunctions | Custom functions for creating custom page sort orders with pagelists (version: 2007-03-06) | Searching PageList |
+1 | ExternalLinks | Configure external links to open in a new window, have a "tooltip title", or use other CSS classes (version: n/a, Stable) | Links |
+1 | FastCache | Caches complete wiki pages for very fast retrieval (version: 2020-10-17, beta) | Administration, CMS, PHP72 |
+1 | FauxTrail | Enable page listings to have a "trail-like" format via fmt=fauxtrail (version: 0.01, beta) | FPL Searching PageList WikiTrails |
+1 | FootnotesExtended | A footnote recipe with extended referencing possibilities (version: 2023-11-04, stable, maintained) | Markup |
+1 | Formula | Lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (version: 20220104, Beta) | Markup Math Google PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PmSyntax |
+1 | FoxSimpleTodoList | An example of how to use Fox to setup a simple 'todo list'. (version: 2007-04-03a, Functional) | CMS PIM Fox |
+1 | GoogleAdsense | How to add Google AdSense data to your wiki (version: 0.1, pre-alpha) | Includes, Google |
+1 | GoogleCalendar | Embeds a Google Calendar in a PmWiki page (version: 2016-02-11, Stable) | Includes, Google |
+2 -1 | Google Map API for PmWiki | Adds Google Map API to PmWiki pages. (version: 2.2.0-Pre9, Beta (out-of-date - no longer works)) | Integration, Google |
+1 | PublishFAQ | Supplied with a raw list of Qs and As, it outputs a formatted FAQ complete with TOC (version: 1.0rc - initial release , RC) | Layout |
+1 | DatabaseStandard | Working towards a standard for database integration to PmWiki (version: 0.1, beta) | |
+1 | ControllingWebRobots | How to control web robots or bots trying to scan files (version: 1.0, stable) | Security PHP72 |
+1 | HTML5Audio | Play HTML5 Audio (version: 20160205, obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead) | Audio Markup HTML5 Media Obsolete |
+2 -1 | AuthDNS | Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (version: 20110603, Beta) | Administration, Security, Authentication, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | Abc music notation | Display music scores from abc notation (version: 2006-04-03) | Markup |
+1 | Accordion | lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework (version: 2017-06-16, stable) | Links Layout TOC CMS PHP55 PHP72 |
+1 | AddToWatchlist | Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (version: 20180221, beta) | WikipediaSuite, Links, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | AddToggle | Add a toggle link (version: 20150723, Beta) | Editing GUI Links Layout PHP55 |
+1 | AddUrlSchemes | How to get PmWiki to recognize additional URL schemes such as irc: , nntp: , etc. | Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | AdvancedTableDirectives | Add Table capabilities - nested tables, zebra tables, new directives. (version: 3.2, Working) | Markup Tables |
+1 | Applet | Use Java Applets in PmWiki pages (version: 2014-08-25, Stable) | Functional extensions PHP55 |
+2 -1 | AjaxEditSupport | Adds a wikipage/attachment/category AJAX browser to Edit pages (version: 20110223, WIP) | Editing Ajax |
+1 | AttachDelete | An enhancement to the current upload feature to allow the deletion of uploaded files. (version: 0.08 21 Nov 2015) | Uploads |
+1 | AttachListSort | Sort an attachlist (version: 1.7, Working) | Uploads PHP72 |
+1 | AuthPhpbb2Sso | Single Sign On for PmWiki and phpBB2 (version: 080401, Stable) | Administration, Security, Forum |
+1 | Copy Paste Calendar | Adds a calendar to your wiki pages without installing any additional scripts (version: 2016-12-24) | Calendar, PageList, PageVariables, PIM, MarkupOnly |
+1 | AuthUserFederated | OpenID and OAuth authentication extension for AuthUser (version: 2018-02-08, In active use) | Administration, Security |
+1 | AutoGroupPages | How to create a number of pages for a new group automatically (version: 2006-08-05, stable) | Editing, Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | AutoThumber | Automatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick (version: 2008-04-05, beta) | Images, Uploads, Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | AutomaticChangeSummary | Automatic change summaries (version: 2024-05-07) | Editing, Administration, WikipediaSuite, PHP72 Core candidate |
+1 | Chord Pro | Display ChordPro-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (version: 2022-01-22, Stable) | Editing, Layout, Markup, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | ColorNotes | Display yellow (or other color) "sticky" notes. (version: 20200330, Unsupported) | |
+1 | CSSToolTipsToGo | markup for tooltip functionality (version: 2023-05-31.v.0.5, New) | Markup CSS |
+1 | CSVAction | Adds a ?action=csv capability to pmwiki to output tables as a CSV (version: 20140720, stable) | Administration, Publishing, Tables |
+1 | ChoiceColorChanger | Provide a way of setting persistent skin color and theme choices when using the Choice skin. (version: 2011-06-12, Active) | Skins |
+1 | CalloutCustomization | How to create custom callouts using the Callout recipe (version: 2010-01-02, alpha) | CSS Styles PHP55 |
+1 | GuiEdit Resize | Allows resizing of the Edit text box, for convenience. (version: 2009-09-11, Initial release.) | Editing, Layout |
+1 | GroupHomePageChange | How to rename the group's starting page, i.e., be different than the default "HomePage". (version: N/A) | Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | HideSearchBar | hide the search bar at the top of a skin with (:nosearch:) (version: 2009-10-15) | Skins PageDirectives Markup |
+1 | PagelistByCategory | List pages by Category (version: Production, Production) | PageList MarkupOnly |
+1 | NumberedSections | Add section numbers on a page (version: 1.2, stable) | TOC |
+1 | OpenLayersAPI | Adds OpenLayers API to PmWiki pages (for embedding OpenStreetMaps) (version: 0.4, alpha) | Integration, Maps, Media, Includes, PHP55 |
+1 | OtherBookmarklets | Some JavaScript bookmarklets | Browsing |
+1 | PHPFreeChat | Integrate phpFreeChat (PFC) ajax chat into PmWiki (version: 2007-07-09, Young and ugly) | Chat Integration Ajax |
+1 | PHPScriptAsWikiMarkupSource | let PHP scripts generate parts of you wiki page content (version: 1.4b, stable) | Markup |
+1 | PPDonate | Create links to accept donations via PayPal (version: 20221029, Beta) | Links, Administration, Payment, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | PageAction-IconPack | Using SVG icons to replace text links in the Page Action menu (version: 20170504, 1.0) | Skins, Layout, MarkupOnly |
+1 | PageConfig | Allow basic administrative configuration from a page (version: 2008-06-01, Alpha) | Administration |
+1 | PageRegenerate | Make PmWiki regenerate a page, as if someone had done an edit+save sequence. (version: 1.0, Stable) | Administration, PHP72 |
+1 | Pagelist Auth List Short | Display, in brief format, the permissions settings for pages that have permissions set. (version: 1.0, Mature) | PageList, MarkupOnly |
+1 | Pagelist Random Image | Select an image randomly from all pages with images and display (version: 0.1, Production) | Images PageList |
+1 | NZTopo | Use to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website (version: 2022-02-22, Production) | Markup Images Includes PHP74 Maps |
+1 | Pagelist Recent Changes | A recent changes page created using Page lists (version: 1.0, Mature) | PageList, MarkupOnly |
+1 | Pagelist Site Map | Create a sitemap using the page list directive (version: 0.1, Production) | Menus, PageList, MarkupOnly |
+1 | Parmset | Provide access to the current requests in the URL as a page variable (version: 20150803, Beta) | Links PageVariables Menus PHP55 |
+1 | PayPalButtons | Creating neat markup for otherwise sloppy PayPal button forms (version: pmwiki-2.1beta25, stable) | Layout | Payment |
+1 | PayPalCart | Provides markup for PayPal shopping cart buttons. (version: 2016-03-13, in active use) | Form Tools Payment PHP55 PayPal MicroPayments |
+1 | PmFeed | RSS feed display for PmWiki. (version: 20181203, Stable) | RSS, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | pmGallery | Display your Picasa and Google Photo albums and pictures within PmWiki. (version: 0.3.3 (25-Feb-2016)) | Images, Gallery, Picasa, Flickr, PHP55 |
+1 | PmWiki2PDF-v2 | Generate a PDF (version: 2015-02-22, Stable) | PDF, Publishing, Administration |
+1 | PreviewFirst | How to get the page preview to appear before the edit box (version: 2.0 beta 44 and later) | Administration, Editing, Layout, PHP72 |
+1 | ProcessForm | Maintain values in fields and make PVs of the form name/values when a form is submitted (version: 1.0, Beta) | Forms |
+1 | NewGroupWarning | Display a warning when a user is creating a page in a non-existing wiki group. (version: 2008-01-29) | Editing, Links, Administration, MarkupOnly, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | NewsList | Insert a list of recently changed/updated wikipages in a short form. (version: 29.11.05: Initial release) | Blog, CMS |
+1 | MultiLanguagePages | Show language specific pages according to user choice (version: 1.0, new) | International CMS Layout |
+1 | MobileUsers | Accommodating visitors who use mobile devices (version: 1.0, Stable) | Mobile PDA |
+1 | ImgFocus | Click to view an image with a dimmed and blurred background. Support scroll to zoom. (version: 20160728) | Images |
+1 | IncludeSection | Include a section from the first available among a list of pages (version: 20220516) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 |
+1 | InstallOnIIS7dot5plus | Install PmWiki on IIS 7.5, 8, 8.5, 10, or newer (version: 2014-07-20, Living document) | Administration Install System tools |
+1 | InstallOnWindowsHomeServer? | ||
+1 | JavaScript-Editable | How to include JavaScript markup in wiki pages (version: 20190619) | Markup |
+1 | Licenses | Markup to display licensing info on pages (version: 20180415, Stable) | Markup PHP72 |
+1 | Limit Diffs per page | Paginate the "diff" output (when viewing a page history, limit the number of displayed revisions at once) (version: 20100217, Stable/Beta) | Administration, Editing, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | LinkCSSToolTip | link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus (version: 2020-07-26, stable) | Links Markup Menus PHP55 PHP72 |
+1 | LinkPageExistsFmtTooltip | How to add tooltips to links (version: 2007-01-15, Stable) | Links |
+1 | LinkedResourceExtras | Linked resource helper functions and scripts for recipe writers (version: 20070215, Beta) | Uploads PmWiki Developer |
+1 | MarkupDirectiveFunctions | Simply configured custom directives (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Experimental) | MarkupWriting |
+2 -1 | MathJax | Add markup to embed math using TeX syntax. (version: 2019-03-28, Stable) | Markup Math |
+1 | MiscMX | Implement miscellaneous PHP functions by means of Markup Expressions (version: 2008-09-20, Beta) | Markup Expressions |
+1 | Mini with Fancybox | Fancybox jQuery slideshow for the Mini gallery (version: 20181115, experimental) | Images, Uploads, Gallery, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | AMmathjax | Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. (version: 20190619, Stable) | Markup Math PHP72 |
+1 | Meetup API Event List | Adds Meetup API to PmWiki pages (version: 2014-02-21) | Integration, Includes, PHP55 |
+1 | MajorChanges | How to create MajorChanges pages and Site.AllMajorChanges (version: 2009-08-19) | Searching |
+1 | MailListForm | Form for subscription to an email list (version: 2008-08-28, working) | Forms |
+1 -1 | GTD Task List Manager | An experimental JavaScript GTD task/todo list manager (version: 20150405, experimental) | GTD PIM PHP55 |
+1 -1 | Standalone | Allows PmWiki to run in a "standalone" mode, without needing a webserver such as Apache (version: 2019-09-10) | SystemTools |
+1 -1 | AutoLink | automatically displays any specified word, phrase or name as a link, throughout the entire site (version: 2010-02-15) | Links |
+1 -1 | QuickTime | Embed QuickTime content on wiki sites. (version: 2009-12-20, Stable) | Media Images Audio Video |
+1 -1 | Imagemaps | an image based summary of the visitors to your site (version: 1.0, alpha) | Uncategorized |
-2 | WPCategories | Mimic Wikipedia's categories behaviour -- group category-referencing links in a neat box by the bottom of a page + automatically create category-listing pages. (version: 2007-10-07 - v1.6, Stable (tested in pmwiki-2.2.0-beta63 - 2.0beta55)) | Markup, Links, WikipediaSuite |
-1 | MarkdownMarkupExtension | Use Markdown markup with PmWiki (version: 2021-11-12, stable) | Markup PHP72 |
-1 | PageListPlus | Extend pagelist with various capabilities (version: 2009-03-17, HIGHLY experimental) | Uncategorized |
-1 | Adit | Affliate advertising management system (version: 1.0, Stable) | Markup |
-1 | GoogleWave | Include Google Waves into PmWiki 2.x pages (version: 2010-08-02, obsolete) | Includes, Google |
-1 | TimeZones | Display all dates and times in user selectable timezone and format (version: 2007-10-28d, alpha) | Page variables, Editing, Administration |
-1 | ExternalLinks2 | Add an icon to external links and make them automatically open in a new window | links |
-1 | AddLinkTagsBookmarklet | Adding links, selected text and tags from another page to a wiki page (version: 2017-10-27, Maintained) | Links |
- Note that this is not a full list of recipes: the ones without rating can be found in the full Index.
PmWiki skins
See also Cookbook recipes.
- Note that this is not a full list of recipes: the ones without rating can be found in the full Index.
Users | Name | Summary | Categories |
+21 | Blix | Blix is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (version: 2.1.5 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74 |
+17 | DropShadow | DropShadow provides a simple two column interface, and includes top navigation tabs. (version: 2.2.4 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, PHP55 |
+17 | Marinee | Marinee is based on Green Marinee by Ian Main. (version: 2.2.1 (25-Feb-2016), Active) | Skins, PHP55 |
+14 | Skittlish | Skittlish allows site visitors to choose between fixed and fluid width, and between seven candy-inspired colours for the sidebar. (version: 1.2.2 (31-Mar-2016), Active.) | Skins, Blog, BlogIt, PHP55 |
+14 | Enlighten | Enlighten is a two-column theme, several color options, fluid/fixed width, a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (version: 1.1.3 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP82 |
+13 | Triad | Highly configurable skin with 3-column layout with full-width header and footer (version: 2023-02-24, Stable) | Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+10 | GlossyHue | GlossyHue provides a simple two column interface, and includes top navigation tabs, and a three-section footer. (version: 2.2.3 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, PHP55. BlogIt |
+10 | Amber | responsive mobile-friendly skin for all devices (version: 2024-04-24, stable) | Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PHP81 |
+9 | SkinChange | change skin via query or cookie setting (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Stable) | Skins Layout PHP72 |
+9 | FixFlow | Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar, plus fixed or flowing SideBar, on left or right (version: 2023-02-24, Stable) | Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+9 | Equilibrium | Equilibrium is a blog-oriented skin, with a focus on simplicity. Along with the typical sidebar and top navigation tabs, this skin presents blog summaries in column oriented, rather than the traditional vertical layout. (version: 1.2.3 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, Blog, BlogIt, PHP55 |
+7 | Skidoo | Skidoo provides a simple, low distraction interface with rapid (no page refreshes) access to a whole bunch of stuff. I use it for the various wiki's I use for note taking on a daily basis. (version: 1.0.6 (12-Jun-2010), Active) | Skins |
+6 | PmWiki-responsive skin | Responsive skin shipped with PmWiki (version: pmwiki-2.4.2, Production) | Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 |
+6 | Adapt Skin | A mobile-friendly skin that adapts to suit the display size. (version: 2017-09-26, Beta) | Skins, RWD, CMS, Mobile, PHP55, PHP72 |
+6 | Vanilla5 | Vanilla5 is a simple HTML5 compliant skin for PmWiki v2+ (version: 20180226) | Skins Mobile RWD PHP72 |
+6 | Choice | Choice is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (version: 1.1.3 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, BlogIt, PHP55, PHP82 |
+5 | Colorimetry | Colorimetry is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer. (version: 1.2.3 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, BlogIt, PHP55 |
+5 | Boira | Boira skin (version: 20111202, Alpha) | Skins, PHP72 |
+4 | ABitModern | PmWiki port of the template of the same name | |
+4 | Flexi | Extremly flexible skin; created to make final design via CSS; All contents through separate wiki documents (version: (14-Oct-2015), Active) | Skins |
+3 | TwitterBootstrap | Adapted PmWiki skin to use Twitter Bootstrap | CSS Skins PHP72 PHP74 |
+3 | Gemini | Highly configurable skin with many color-schemes, plus optional RightBar (version: 2023-02-24, Stable) | Skins PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 |
+3 | IPMWiki | Mobile skin for IPhone viewing and editing of PMWiki (version: 2010-06-29, stable) | Skins Mobile |
+3 | Maguila | Tableless skin for PmWiki based on design by Haran from OSWD. (version: 2007-11-06, mantained) | Skins |
+2 | YAMLForth | Highly configurable skin with fixed-width 2-column layout based on the YAML 3.3 framework (version: 2.1.1 (2010-12-05), Stable) | Skins |
+2 | SimpleTab | For a website with menu tabs for groups without making it look like a conventional wiki | |
+2 | Simple | Sidebar accessible available through popup menu to save valuable space, minimal menu | |
+2 | Green | Tableless skin in green. (version: 2007-07-13, stable) | Skins |
+2 | Minimous | Minimous is a two-column theme, with a top navigation tab bar, and traditional footer; width of content and sidebar are adjustable; 8 different color variations. (version: 1.0.5 (31-Mar-2016), Active) | Skins, BlogIt, PHP55 |
+2 | PhotoGallery | PhotoGallery is focused around the presentation of pictures, images, and photographs. It provides a basic tab navigation, and markup to ease the creation of albums. Designed to be used in conjunction with pmGallery and Galleria. (version: 0.4.1 (25-Feb-2016), Active) | Skins, PHP55 |
+2 | Sinorca | Tableless skin, based on sinorca skin by Haran. (version: 2006-11-24, Beta) | Skins, PHP72 |
+2 | Mobile | Plain vanilla PmWiki responsive template that is compatible with mobile devices. (version: 18-Nov-2011, Active) | Skins Mobile RWD PHP72 |
+2 | Academian | A tan skin with a gradient red header and brown highlights (version: 0.6 (2013-11-08)) | |
+1 | Monobook | Makes PmWiki look like MediaWiki/Wikipedia (version: 2009-02-23, Stable) | Skins, WikipediaSuite, PHP72 |
+1 | Lens | Super customisable skin with most skin furniture, such as the footer and action list, stored in wikipages | |
+1 | Technobabble | tester on graphic web design template (version: 1.0, Stable) | Skins, PHP72 |
+1 | Grease | Minimalistic skin inspired by the Dive Into Greasemonkey online book. (version: 20070125, Stable) | Skins |
+1 | Default Skin Without Table | This skin replaces the HTML table of the default skin with divs. (version: 2014-06-09, Proposed) | Skins CSS |
+1 | 2016 skin | Responsive skin very close to the default skin (version: 20160823, Superseded by PmWiki-responsive) | Skins, RWD, Mobile, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 |
+1 | Barthelme | A minimalist skin where white space and margins can show culture and aestheticism, ported from the Barthelme Wordpress theme |
- Note that this is not a full list of recipes: the ones without rating can be found in the full Index.