
Summary: Talk page for InlineRSS.
Maintainer: zkarj (Peter Bowers with recent updates)
Users: (View / Edit)

This space is for User-contributed commentary and notes. Please include your name and a date along with your comment.


It's working well, but I had to replace "directive" by "directives" to avoid the parsing error (and with <fulltext instead of directives, I was able to use my custom markup and to get the correct list output). The xslt file may also use utf-8 by default. The patch to get a custom number of posts should be included as well - Farvardin

Hi, work great! but is there a way to choose the number of post you want to show? touann - 12/07/2007

WebBird - 12/06/2010

Here's a quick mod to achieve this:

  $p_altXSLT   = $args['altXSLT'];


  $p_maxitems  = $args['maxitems'];
  if (empty($xslt_result)) {
    $xslt_result = "Horrific XSLT error - $casualname returned empty - verify $cachepathname is a valid XML file and check logs.\n";


  if ( $p_maxitems && is_numeric($p_maxitems) && $p_maxitems > 0 && $p_maxitems < 1000 ) {
      $temp = preg_split( "#\r?\n#", $xslt_result );
      $result = implode( "\n", array_slice( $temp, 0, $p_maxitems+1 ) );
  else {
      $result = $xslt_result;
  $result = $xslt_result;

Use "maxitems=<number>" to restrict the number of items to show.

WebBird - 12/06/2010

When I attempt to create a page with an {:inlineRSS:) markup, I get a white screen, blank except for the words "No valid XSLT processor found." I installed everything exactly as it was written here and have tried pointing to several different feeds to see if any worked. Mike - 8/30/2007

I am pretty sure this requires PHP5 with the XSLT functionality enabled. I am getting the same error as above. Scott - 2/18/08

Works with PmWiki 2.1, PHP4 and XSLT. BM - 10/10/08

Could someone link to a tutorial on how to get XSLT working with PHP? Richard - 8/13/09

Talk page for the InlineRSS recipe (users).