Cookbook /
Summary: Links and page handling
Discussion: Links-Talk
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
Accordion | lightweight Accordion javascript requiring no framework (2017-06-16 stable) | Links Layout TOC CMS PHP55 PHP72 | +1 |
AddFootnote | Insert markup to create a footnote (2017-11-06 Beta) | Editing GUI Layout Links Markup PHP55 PHP72 | +2 |
AddLinkBookmarklet | How to use PmWiki to bookmark pages (2018-01-13: addlink2.0.3.phpΔ ) | Links | |
AddLinkTagsBookmarklet | Adding links, selected text and tags from another page to a wiki page (2017-10-27 Maintained) | Links | -1 |
AddPageForm | How to add new pages without creating a link first ( ) | Forms, Links | |
AddSignature | Insert markup for a stylized signature (20150802 Beta) | Editing GUI Links Markup PHP55 | +2 |
AddToggle | Add a toggle link (20150723 Beta) | Editing GUI Links Layout PHP55 | +1 |
AddToWatchlist | Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (20180221 beta) | WikipediaSuite, Links, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
AlternateNamingScheme | Use other naming schemes for PmWiki pages ( ) | Administration Links PageNaming | |
Ape: Automagical PmWiki Embed | Embed videos, maps, documents, and more in wiki pages (20240605 Stable) | Links, Integration, Images, Maps, Media, Video, Flash, Includes, Google, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72, PmSyntax, Audio | +6 |
AtLinks | Alternative linking scheme with @ prefix (@Page) (5 Feb. 2005 Stable) | Links, Editing | |
AutoLink | automatically displays any specified word, phrase or name as a link, throughout the entire site (2010-02-15 ) | Links | +1 -1 |
AutomaticLinks | How to automatically create Crosslinks for use in, e.g., a glossary (2006-02-24 ) | Links | |
AutoPlay | Unobtrusive embedding of video players from simple links (20140408 Superseded by Ape) | Media, Video, Flash, Links, Includes, PHP55, PHP72 | |
AutoTel | A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (2022-12-22 Alpha) | Links, Markup, Media, Mobile | +1 |
AutoTOC | Unobtrusive Automatic Table of Contents links (20170717 stable) | Menus, TOC, Links, Layout, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72 | +8 |
Backlinks | List pages with links to a target (n/a Documentation) | Links Searching PageList PHP72 WikipediaSuite | +3 |
BlogCalendar | small calendar for blogs showing highlighted links to date-named blog pages (2017-06-16 stable) | Blog CMS Links PIM Calendar PHP55 PHP72 | +3 |
Bloge-Linkback | Automatically send and receive Pingbacks and Trackbacks (2009-08-12 beta) | Blog, Links | |
Bloge-ShortUrl | Get short URLs on your own site (2009-08-28 beta) | Administration, Blog, CMS, Links | |
Bloge-Tags | Use page keywords and categories as tags (2009-10-13 beta) | Blog, Links, Categories, PHP72 | +2 |
Bloge-UrlApprove | Approve links one at a time (2009-08-10 beta) | Blog, Links | |
Bookmarklet | Make bookmarklet links, make browser toolbar buttons (1.4 working) | Links BookMarklet | |
ButonLink | How To Link Another Page Using a Gui button (2008-7-5 ) | Links | |
CaseCorrection | Makes PmWiki intelligently case-insensitive (20170618 beta) | Administration, Links, CMS, SystemTools, PHP72 | +4 |
ClassTags | Markup for Edit-Mode to give a block of content a named class, for use with CSS, JS, or to add content-folding, and lots more! (2020.09.26 Stable) | Layout, Links, CSS, Markup | |
Cluster | Group-clustering recipe. (2017-06-21 beta) | links, Hierarchy, PageNaming, PHP55, PHP72 | |
CopyingInternationalURLs | Some hints and tricks to copy URLs with international (UTF-8) characters (new ) | Links International UTF8? | |
CSSPopups | How to make popups with CSS (2006-08-30 ) | Links Layout | +2 |
Dash-Pagenames | URLs and page names with dashes for word spacing, UTF-8 friendly (2023-02-17 new) | PageNaming Links UTF8 International | |
DeObMail | Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (20120717, pmwiki-2.4.3 Beta) | Security Links Spam PHP55 PHP72 | +7 |
DirList | Local/LAN directory listings and downloads. (20241030 beta) | System tools, Includes, Links, Uploads PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP83 | |
Do the Right Thing | Link shortcuts to custom searches for your browser (20230622 beta) | Links, PIM, Cloud, PHP55, PHP72 | +3 |
DotsInLinks | How to enable dots in wiki links (20131004 Experimental) | Administration, Links, PHP55, PHP72 | |
DynamicTrails | Dynamic WikiTrails with pagelist (1 experimental) | Links, CMS, WikiTrails, PageList, PHP72 | |
Embed OpenStreetMap | Easy, lightweight and unobtrusive embedding of simple maps in wiki pages (20131130 Superseded by Ape) | Links, Integration, Maps, PHP55, PHP72 | +2 |
ExternalLinks | Configure external links to open in a new window, have a "tooltip title", or use other CSS classes (n/a Stable) | Links | +1 |
ExternalLinks2 | Add an icon to external links and make them automatically open in a new window ( ) | links | -1 |
ExternalLinksFavicons | Display favicons before links to external websites (20201203 Beta) | Links Images CSS PHP74 | |
FreeMind | Embed mind maps in PmWiki pages (20120412a experimental) | Mind mapping, Uploads, Links, Media, PIM, PHP55, PHP72 | |
FriendlyAuthorLinks | Displays author page titles as link text for all automatic author links. (2017-12-28 Needs review) | Links Markup | |
GetRidOfMain | How to get rid of "Main" group, i.e. all pages in "Main" are accessible and accessed directly in the wiki root (1.0 ) | Administration Links | |
GlossaryPlus | Glossary Plus (2015-01-01 Beta) | FunctionalExtensions, Links | |
GooglePlusOne | A recipe to enable the use of Google Plus One widgets in your PmWiki pages (1.0 RC) | Links Menus SystemTools | +2 | URL shortener | Provides PHP variable and Page Variable that contains the shortened URL for the current page. (1.0 Works) | Links PageVariables | |
Hg | Produce Hierarchical groups like effects on your site (2007-03-07 Stable) | Markup | Links | Hierarchy | PageNaming | |
Hlinks | Create hierarchical pages (2020-04-27 beta) | Markup | Links | Hierarchy | PageNaming | |
HrefPageDirective | How to get the href address to a particular wiki link ( ) | Links | |
InCategory | Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (20220606 Experimental) | Links, Markup, PHP81 | +1 |
ISO8859MakePageNamePatterns | How to convert ISO 8859 character input for page names to unaccented ASCII equivalents (2023-02-16 ) | Administration Links International PageNaming PHP72 | |
LazyWebLinks | Cause markup text beginning with "www." to be automatically converted into a link to an external site (20171011 ) | Links, Editing, PHP72 | |
LinkCSSToolTip | link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus (2020-07-26 stable) | Links Markup Menus PHP55 PHP72 | +1 |
LinkIcons | Add icons to your links according to their extensions. (20170226 ) | Links, Layout | +3 |
LinkPageCreateFmtTooltip | How to add a tooltip for a link to a non-existent page ( ) | Links | |
LinkPageExistsFmtTooltip | How to add tooltips to links (2007-01-15 Stable) | Links | +1 |
LinkTel | Active telephone links in wiki pages (20170618 beta) | Links, Markup, Media, Mobile, PHP55, PHP72 | |
LinkTitles | Add "title" attributes to all links (20101221 Beta) | Markup, Usability, Links, Obsolete | |
ListCategories | use categories as tags (2021-09-19 stable) | Links CMS Blog PIM PHP72 | +2 |
Multilink | How to create multilinks ( ) | Links, Editing | |
NewGroupWarning | Display a warning when a user is creating a page in a non-existing wiki group. (2008-01-29 ) | Editing, Links, Administration, MarkupOnly, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
PageAction | Change the page actions on a page-by-page basis (2010-09-02 new) | Administration Links | |
PageHistorySource | Disable markup in page history (1.1 obsolete - see InlineDiff) | Links | |
PageListMultiTargets | Enable multiple pages and wildcards in PageList (20151222 Experimental) | PageList, Links, PHP55, PHP72 | +2 |
Parmset | Provide access to the current requests in the URL as a page variable (20150803 Beta) | Links PageVariables Menus PHP55 | +1 |
PopupIFrame | create a modal popup iframe with dynamic content (2018-03-22 stable) | Links | |
PopupWindow | create popup windows (2017-04-23 stable) | PHP55 | |
PPDonate | Create links to accept donations via PayPal (20221029 Beta) | Links, Administration, Payment, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
PTVLinkText | Use a page text variable for link text, when available (2019-07-10 works so far) | Links, Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | |
RandomImageFromAListOfPictures | Posting a random image from a number of pictures ( ) | Images, Links | |
RecentChangesExcerpt | How to display a list of last n RecentChanges (1 ) | Layout, GUI | +1 |
RedirectIntermap | Allows redirects to intermap and external locations & implements silent 301 redirects (20190915 beta) | Links PHP72 PHP74 | |
RedirectMap | create short urls for redirects using mapping similar to intermap (2008-07-11 stable) | Administration Links PHP55 PHP72 | |
RedirectSilent | Redirect pages without messages and without modifying links (1.3 obsolete) | Links Obsolete | |
RelativeLinks | How to create links using relative urls instead of absolute urls ( ) | Links | |
RemoveQuestionMark | How to remove question mark beside links for non-existent pages ( ) | Links | +1 |
Router | Router allows a website's url structure to be different from PmWiki's group/page structure. (2007-12-19r12beta beta) | CMS Links PageNaming | |
SEO | A set of best practices to Search Engine Optimization ( ) | Administration, Links, Layout, CMS | |
ShareButtons | Social media sharing buttons without tracking or JavaScript (20220820 Experimental) | Links, Blog, SocialNetworking, PHP81 | +3 |
ShortCutsMarkup | Gives easy access to creating some types of custom markup. (1.0 Working) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PageVariables, Navigation, Links | +1 |
ShortURLs | shorten URLs using, including a markup expression and a function for further coding (2009-07-22 ) | Links, SocialNetworking, Twitter | |
SubgroupMarkup | Add one level of subpage using [[,subpage]] markup (2025-02-11 Stable) | Markup, Links, Hierarchy, Page Naming, PHP72 | +1 |
Tagger | Easy tagging into multiple category groups. (2017-06-21 stable) | Links, Markup, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
Tags | How to have tags (like Flickr) ( ) | Searching, Administration, CMS, Blog, Links, PHP72 | +2 |
TalkPages | Talk pages, as enabled on ( Stable) | Layout Links Menus, WikipediaSuite, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74 | |
Toggle | Adds links or buttons for toggling (hiding/showing) elements on a page (2025-01-18 stable) | Layout Links PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 | +13 |
TraceTrail | Trail history of the last (default=5) visited wiki pages (20060516 Stable) | Links, WikiTrails | |
UnToggle | An unobtrusive show/hide toggle switch. (20090311 Beta) | Layout Links | +3 |
WatchLists | Track the most recent changes to a list of pages (n/a Stable) | Cookbook, Links, Menus, PageList, MarkupOnly, PHP55, PHP72 | +2 |
WikiSVN | Handle TortoiseSVN (Subversion) via pmWiki (1.0 Complete (Utility works for users for Windows only. pmWiki can be installed on any supported OS)) | Links | |
WPCategories | Mimic Wikipedia's categories behaviour -- group category-referencing links in a neat box by the bottom of a page + automatically create category-listing pages. (2007-10-07 - v1.6 Stable (tested in pmwiki-2.2.0-beta63 - 2.0beta55)) | Markup, Links, WikipediaSuite | -2 |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.