Cookbook /
Summary: Markup additions
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
Abbreviation Plurals | Automatically format text like CCDs as a plural abbreviation, instead of as a wikiword. ( ) | Markup | |
Abc music notation | Display music scores from abc notation (2006-04-03 ) | Markup | +1 |
AbcSong | add and edit abc music using existing PmWiki scripts and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (2020-01-20 stable) | Markup, Editing, CMS, PHP72, Javascript | |
AbcTunebook | add and edit abc music using Fox and rendered as score and midi by abcjs javascript abc editor (2016-01-08 stable) | Markup Editing CMS Fox PHP55 | |
Accessibility | Accessibility Enhancements (1.0 Active) | Markup | |
ActionMenu | Drop-down menu to page actions (Edit, History, Attach...) instead of links. (20170618 Beta) | Forms, Markup, Menus, PHP55, PHP72 | |
AddFootnote | Insert markup to create a footnote (2017-11-06 Beta) | Editing GUI Layout Links Markup PHP55 PHP72 | +2 |
AddSignature | Insert markup for a stylized signature (20150802 Beta) | Editing GUI Links Markup PHP55 | +2 |
Adit | Affliate advertising management system (1.0 Stable) | Markup | -1 |
AdvancedTableDirectives | Add Table capabilities - nested tables, zebra tables, new directives. (3.2 Working) | Markup Tables | +1 |
AMmathjax | Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. (20190619 Stable) | Markup Math PHP72 | +1 |
ASCIIMath | Display MathML rendered ascii formula into PmWiki 2.x pages (20190209 Stable) | Markup Math PHP55 PHP72 | |
Audio5 | HTML5 Audio Support for PmWiki (2022-10-30 Stable) | Audio, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 | +2 |
AutoTel | A recipe to automatically detect and markup telephone numbers (2022-12-22 Alpha) | Links, Markup, Media, Mobile | +1 |
Bbcode | BBcode for PmWiki (080326 Release candidate) | Markup | |
Blockquote-Cite-Quote | Markup for Blockquote, Cite and Quote HTML tags (2017-06-16 new) | Markup PHP55 PHP72 | |
BootstrapIcons | BootstrapIcons extension for PmWiki (2024-05-16 Beta) | Images Markup Extensions PHP83 | |
Callout | Present something within an iconic bubble or style. (2010-01-02 alpha) | Markup Editing Images PHP55 | +4 |
CardsMarkup | Markup suitable for displaying playing card games (e.g., contract bridge) ( 20191121 Stable) | Markup PHP72 | |
Carousel | simple Image Carousel, from one-line Markup: auto-populated from contents of a directory (2022-05-06 Active) | Images, Media, Layout, Markup | |
ChartDirector | Add a bar chart to a page using modifiable data in page markup ( ) | Markup, Images | |
Checklists | Ephemeral to-do lists (20220611 Beta) | GTD, PIM, Markup, ToDo, PHP81, PmSyntax | |
ChessMarkup | Display chessboards in arbitrary positions (20220103 Stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP80, PmSyntax | |
Chord Pro | Display ChordPro-formatted song sheets in a wiki page (2022-01-22 Stable) | Editing, Layout, Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
ClassTags | Markup for Edit-Mode to give a block of content a named class, for use with CSS, JS, or to add content-folding, and lots more! (2020.09.26 Stable) | Layout, Links, CSS, Markup | |
CodeHighlight | Syntax highlighting for programming languages (2024-07-25 Beta) | Extensions Layout Markup PHP83 | |
ConditionalExtensions | A Conditional Markup extension for PmWiki 2.x (20150217 Stable) | Markup | |
ConditionalMarkupSamples | List of default and custom conditional markup definitions (2006-03-02 Stable) | Markup Core candidate | |
ConvertHTML | Convert an HTML page to PmWiki markup (20210207 beta) | Administration, Markup, Wiki conversion, PHP55, PHP73, PHP80 | +4 |
ConvertTable | Convert table action (1.2 Working) | Markup Tables | |
CountGlyphs | A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (20170801 Stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | |
CreateColumns | quickly divides up a list of items into separate columns within a table (2010-12-16 ) | Markup Tables | |
CreativeCommonsLicenseDisplay | Display a compliant Creative Commons License description from a wiki page (2012-09-19 Stable) | Markup | |
Creole | Enable Creole markup ( (2007-02-15 Stable) | Markup WikiConversion | |
CSSToolTipsToGo | markup for tooltip functionality (2023-05-31.v.0.5 New) | Markup CSS | +1 |
CurlyQuotes | Display Curly Double/Single Quotes and M/N Dashes ( ) | Markup | |
$CustomSyntax | Design notes of PmSyntax and custom markup rules (pmwiki-2.4.2 Beta) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PmWikiDeveloper, PmWikiInternals | +1 |
Dailymotion | Markup for embedding DailyMotion videos (20210415 Stable) | Video Media Markup PHP55 PHP72 | |
DeactivateParagraphTag | Prevent the automatic insertion of a <p> tag by the markup engine (20220423 Beta) | Markup, Layout | |
DebugMessages | Capture recipe debug messages for display by the messages directive (2024-01-14 In use) | Markup PmWiki Developer | |
DefaultTableAttributes | How to change the default attributes for tables created using PmWiki.Tables (2004-11-30 ) | Markup, Editing | |
DetectBrowser | detect what browser your visitor is using (2009-12-29 ) | MarkupExpressions Markup | |
Dice | Dice roller for PmWiki (2011-06-29 stable) | Markup | |
DisplayHtml | Markup to display the html resulting of pmwiki syntax. (20150720 Stable) | Markup PHP55 PmWikiDeveloper | |
DomTT | Use divs as tooltips (20180420 Stable) | Markup PHP72 | +1 |
DreamWidthUserLink | Displaying styled dreamwidth user and community links (2012-09-19 Stable) | Markup | |
EasyHttpRequests | Quickly and easily retrieve variables from a URL (HTTP Requests) (1.0 Insecure) | Markup | |
EditMX | Allow Markup Expressions to be used in the editing of a page (20230823 Alpha) | Markup MarkupExpressions PHP82 | +1 |
EditThisPageLink | short markup for a link to 'edit this page' (2071121 ) | Markup Editing PHP72 | |
EmbedFacebook | Use Facebook API to embed Facebook content into PmWiki (2024-04-25 Production) | Markup PHP8 | |
EmbedTweet | a recipe to embed live tweets from using Twitter's oembed API facility (2012/07/04 stable) | Twitter, Markup, SocialNetworking | +1 |
EnableHTML | How to include HTML markup in wiki pages ( ) | Forms, Markup | |
EscapedMarkup | Allow a selection of markup rules to be performed for otherwise escaped text (2012-09-25 Functional) | Markup | |
ExpandingMenu | A sidebar menu that supports nested lists where the nested items are displayed only if the user is in that group ( ) | Menus, Layout, Markup, PHP72 | |
EZDate | make displaying the date, time, and PHP timestamp inside the wiki easy (1.5 Working) | Markup PHP72 | |
EZLocaleDate | make displaying the date and/or time with a non-English language inside the wiki easy (1.4 obsolete | Markup | |
FancyLaTeXLogo | How to make a fancy LaTeX logo (as it appears in typeset documents) (2012-09-19 Stable) | Markup | |
FeralFormattedEntry | (:ffe:)...(:ffeend:) directive to output text via a template. (2007-04-18 Initial, apparently working.) | Markup | |
Filterable | Search box for instant filtering of long lists and tables (2024-08-06 Beta) | Extensions Markup Searching | |
FixmeMarkup | Implement "FIXME" markup in PmWiki. (2020-03-19 Stable) | Markup | |
Flipbox | Flippable checkboxes and checklists (20240918 Beta) | GTD, PIM, Editing, Markup, Ajax, ToDo, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 | +7 |
Flowplayer | Flowplayer recipe (2015-08-12 Beta) | Media, Markup | |
FontAwesome | Include and use Font Awesome Icons (20210119 beta) | CSS Includes Markup Images PHP72 PHP74 | +4 |
Footnotes | Simple footnote markup (2025-02-16 Stable) | Markup PHP55 HTML5 PHP72 PHP80 WikipediaSuite | +7 |
FootnotesExtended | A footnote recipe with extended referencing possibilities (2023-11-04 stable, maintained) | Markup | +1 |
Formula | Lightweight rendering of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (20220104 Beta) | Markup Math Google PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PmSyntax | +1 |
FoxEdit | add edit links for editing page sections and PTVs with Fox (2017-06-16 stable) | Forms Markup Fox Editing CMS PHP55 PHP72 | |
FoxHoneyPot | Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms (2024-04-15 New) | Fox Security Forms Markup | |
FractionsPlus | Adds simple markup to write fractions. (2025-01-19 Maintained) | Markup Math | |
FriendlyAuthorLinks | Displays author page titles as link text for all automatic author links. (2017-12-28 Needs review) | Links Markup | |
GoogleVoice | Embed the Google Voice Widget on a webpage (2010-08-26 ) | Google Mobile Markup | |
GpxStat | A recipe to display statistics about a GPX file (2024-05-05 Beta) | Maps Markup Includes | +1 |
Grep | Use regular expressions to control what to include from a page (20171103 beta) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP83 | +2 |
GroupTitles | Create group titles for groups, analagous to page titles with the (:title:) directive (2008-5-21 stable) | Markup | |
HandyTableOfContents | Handy Client-side Table of Contents (2023-03-20 stable) | TOC, Markup, PHP5, PHP72 | +3 |
Hg | Produce Hierarchical groups like effects on your site (2007-03-07 Stable) | Markup | Links | Hierarchy | PageNaming | |
HideSearchBar | hide the search bar at the top of a skin with (:nosearch:) (2009-10-15 ) | Skins PageDirectives Markup | +1 |
Highlight Text (HTML5 <mark> tag) | Use HTML5 <mark> tag to highlight text. (2016-09-01 Beta) | Markup, HTML5, PHP55, PHP72 | |
Hlinks | Create hierarchical pages (2020-04-27 beta) | Markup | Links | Hierarchy | PageNaming | |
HTML5Audio | Play HTML5 Audio (20160205 obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead) | Audio Markup HTML5 Media Obsolete | +1 |
HTML5Extensions | resources to use new HTML5 elements ( new) | Markup HTML5 PHP55 | |
HTML5Video | Show HTML5 Video (20151004 obsolete - use APE - Automagical PmWiki Embed instead) | Video Markup HTML5 PHP55 Media Obsolete | +4 |
ImportTabTable | import and convert tab table to simple table markup quickly. (2010-04-14 stable) | Tables Editing Markup PHP55 PHP72 | |
InCategory | Custom conditional markup to determine if a page is in a category (20220606 Experimental) | Links, Markup, PHP81 | +1 |
IncludeSection | Include a section from the first available among a list of pages (20220516 ) | Includes, Markup, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 | +1 |
InputStar | Input control shaped like a group of 5 stars. (2024-04-06a Beta) | Extensions Markup Forms | |
InternationalPTVs | Allow international characters in the names of PageTextVariables (20240704 experimental) | International, PageVariables, Markup, PHP55, CoreCandidate | +1 |
JavaScript | Embed (static) JavaScript into wiki pages (2006-07-17 Stable) | Markup PmWiki Developer | |
JavaScript-Editable | How to include JavaScript markup in wiki pages (20190619 ) | Markup | +1 |
JsMath | Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages using TeX. (20160803 Obsolete - use MathJax) | Markup Math PHP72 | +3 |
JumpBox | A pull down menu that can be used for navigation (2018-06-07 ) | Forms | Markup | Menus | PHP55 | PHP72 | |
LaTeXMathML | Translating LaTeX math notation dynamically to Presentation MathML (2007-10-04 Stable) | Markup Math | |
LibChart | Creating charts in PmWiki (0.1 Alpha?) | Markup, Markup changes | |
Licenses | Markup to display licensing info on pages (20180415 Stable) | Markup PHP72 | +1 |
LinguisticGlosses | Adds markup for entering glossed text (2012-12-08 Beta) | Markup | |
LinkCSSToolTip | link markup with css popup tooltip text including styling, variables, includes, menus (2020-07-26 stable) | Links Markup Menus PHP55 PHP72 | +1 |
LinkTel | Active telephone links in wiki pages (20170618 beta) | Links, Markup, Media, Mobile, PHP55, PHP72 | |
LinkTitles | Add "title" attributes to all links (20101221 Beta) | Markup, Usability, Links, Obsolete | |
LinuxTex | Enable TeX markup ( ) | Markup, Publishing, Math | |
ListResume | Resume numbered lists interrupted by other markup (20180312 Experimental) | Layout Markup PHP72 | +1 |
LiteralWhiteSpace | Preserve white spaces, tabs and extra lines (2024-04-25 beta) | Markup Editing | +3 |
LuaExecute | Lets Lua scripts dynamically generate parts of your wiki page (1.0.3, 2025-01-18 Beta) | Markup Math | |
Markdown | A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup (0.2 Beta) | Markup | |
MarkdownMarkupExtension | Use Markdown markup with PmWiki (2021-11-12 stable) | Markup PHP72 | -1 |
MarkdownOutput | Presents a wiki page in Markdown format instead of HTML (2023-10-10 beta) | Markup, Layout, SystemTools, WikiConversion | |
MarkupExpressionSamples | custom markup expression samples (2007-12-08 ) | Markup MarkupExpressions | |
MarkupExpressionsExtensions | Adds math, threads, captcha, group counter, random number, attr reader, CSV formatter, server variables, source reader, etc. (2007-04-19 Stable) | Markup | Page Variables | Markup Expressions | |
MarkupExprPlus | Extends {(...)} expression markups (2023-02-24 Stable) | Markup, Page Variables Markup Expressions PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 | +8 |
MarkupExtensions | Adds a range of character, start of line, and link markup extensions (2.1.1 (2014-02-13, compatible with php 5.5, requires php 5.3 or above) Stable) | Markup PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +4 |
MarkupToUnstyled | Converts PmWiki markup into unstyled text (2009-03-01 working) | Markup PHP72 | |
MathJax | Add markup to embed math using TeX syntax. (2019-03-28 Stable) | Markup Math | +2 -1 |
Mathtex | Add markup to display and embed several lines of mathematical formulas in wiki pages (2008-10-11 testing) | Markup Math | |
MediaCategories | Assembles all Categories in a page, alphabetizes, and appends to bottom of page--in the style similar to MediaWiki. (2.2.5 (2018-01-08) Stable as of 2.1.5) | ChickenRecipies | Frog Recipes | |
MermaidJs | diagrams and visualizations for PmWiki (2021-12-06 Beta) | Markup Images PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 | |
MessagesReplacement | A drop in replacement for the PmWiki (:messages:) directive (2024-05-31 beta) | PmWiki Developer Markup | |
MimeTeX | Add markup to display and embed mathematical formulas in wiki pages (2007-02-16 Stable) | Markup Math | +2 |
Music Notation | Display music scores from various ascii notations (abc, abctab, asciitab, tab) (1.3 2008-03-07 Stable) | Markup | |
NestedIf | Provide nested if / nested conditionals (2008-04-24B Deprecated (now in core)) | Conditional Markup | |
NestedMarkups | Allows nested (: markup ...:) ... (: markupend:) (2017-10-25 Beta) | Markup PHP72 | |
NZTopo | Use to display an excerpt from a New Zealand topographic map in a PmWiki website (2022-02-22 Production) | Markup Images Includes PHP74 Maps | +1 |
PageTableOfContents | Adds a clickable table of contents to a page (2025-01-22 Stable) | Markup, TOC, PHP55, PHP72 | +7 -1 |
PHPExecute | Lets you execute PHP-Code in any page. (0.9 2008-12-07 BETA) | Administration Markup | |
PHPScriptAsWikiMarkupSource | let PHP scripts generate parts of you wiki page content (1.4b stable) | Markup | +1 |
PmWikiInfo | Display of selected PmWiki Information in a wiki page (2024-05-03 Stable) | Markup PmWiki Developer Markup Writing Extensions | +1 |
PopulationCounter | Produces a linear estimate of a number, for example the population of an area, when given two data points and their corresponding times. (1.0 ) | Markup | |
PowerTools | markup expressions for multi page processing incl. plist, pagelist, rename, pagecount, wordcount, trail, serialname, serial, newticket, sumdata, allptvs, random (2022-11-01 stable) | Markup Administration Markup Expressions PageVariables WikiTrails Menus PHP55 PHP72 | +7 |
Precode - general utility block markup for displaying codes | General utility block markup for displaying codes with syntax highlighting (2.3.1-20241027 Active/Stable) | Markup layout PHP55 PHP72 PHP74 PHP81 | |
ProgressBar | Create visual percentage indicators with (:progress xxx:) markup. (20191121 beta) | Markup PHP72 | |
PTVLinkText | Use a page text variable for link text, when available (2019-07-10 works so far) | Links, Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | |
QuickPageTableOfContents | Adds a dropdown clickable table of contents to a page - client side processing (1.12, September 4, 2006 Stable) | Markup, TOC, Layout | |
QuickReplace | Quickly define replacement texts in wiki pages, and use them as markup or during page save. (2006-10-27 Testing) | Markup MarkupWriting | |
RegularExpressions | Some basic info about PHP regular expressions. ( ) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PmWiki Developer | |
Request | Extends conditional markup to test parameters in the URL, to allow pages to pass parameters via their URL links (2010-05-12 Beta) | Markup PHP55 | +1 |
ReverseHeadings | Reverse !'s so that more !'s are larger headings (20170618 Stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
ROEPatterns | Replace On Edit (1.2 obsolete) | Markup Obsolete | |
Replace on save and Replace on edit | How to use $ROSPatterns , $ROEPatterns , and $TROEPatterns ? (N/A ) | Markup, PHP55 | |
SDML | Embed UML Sequence Diagrams in your wiki pages (1.0 beta) | Markup | |
SearchQueryVariable | New {$SearchQuery} variable and what you can do with it. (1.0 beta) | Markup Searching | |
SerialPageNames | Markup expressions to create serial page names (2008-05-25 stable) | Markup Forms Fox PHP55 PHP72 | |
ServerInfo | Markup - Display $_SERVER Super-Global results from current Server (2022-06-10 Stable) | PmWikiDeveloper, MarkupWriting, Markup, SystemTools, PHP | |
ShortCutsMarkup | Gives easy access to creating some types of custom markup. (1.0 Working) | Markup, MarkupWriting, PageVariables, Navigation, Links | +1 |
SignalWhenMarkup | Tells you whether your markup is evaluated within (:markup:) code (2019-01-26 stable) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72, Obsolete | +1 |
SimpleChem | Simple markup for chemical formulas in PmWiki 2.x pages (20081108 Experimental) | Markup | |
SimpleJsMath | Notes on modifying the jsMath for a skin (not a complete recipe) ( ) | Markup Math | |
SimpleRecipeTemplate | A Simple Recipe Template to provide a framework for PmWiki recipes (2022-06-11 Always beta) | Markup PHP74 PmWiki Developer Markup Writing | |
Simpleviewer | Simpleviewer recipe (1.0 Beta) | Media, Markup | |
SimplifiedAdvancedTableDirectives | Simplify Advanced Directive Syntax (2.5 working but still testing) | Markup Tables | |
SmartQuotes | Turns straight quotes into smart quotes (2017-12-30 Maintained) | Markup | |
SortableTables | Create tables which can be sorted instantly by javascript (2017-06-17 stable) | Markup Tables PHP55 PHP72 | +5 |
SourceCodeHorizontalLines | Allow horizontal lines made of dashes ("-------") in PMWiki page source code (2.0 Working) | Markup Tables | |
SubgroupMarkup | Add one level of subpage using [[,subpage]] markup (2025-02-11 Stable) | Markup, Links, Hierarchy, Page Naming, PHP72 | +1 |
TableOfContentsPortion | Inserts a portion of external table of contents into the page (2006-12-05 Alpha) | Markup, Menus | |
TablesPlus | A simpler yet more flexible markup for tables. (1.0 First & only release April, 2007) | Markup Tables | |
Tagger | Easy tagging into multiple category groups. (2017-06-21 stable) | Links, Markup, CMS, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
Textallion | Textallion markup for PmWiki (24 dec 2011 Active) | Markup | |
TextExtract | search, grep, and extract text from other pages or groups with search terms and regular expressions, using search form or markup expression. (2025-01-30 stable) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Markup Expressions PHP55 PHP72 PHP81 | +5 |
TitleMarkup | setting a page title with the first title markup, subsequent titles (from included pages etc.) are ignored (2008-01-27 ) | Administration Markup | |
ToggleEdit | easier addition of toggle-markup. (2014-07-01 beta) | Editing Markup | |
TrueLatex | Enables interpretation and rendering of real LaTeX markups in PmWiki. Support for XeLaTex included in v1.8. (20211011 Working perfectly. Very simple to use, customizable and comes with lots of options.) | Editing Markup Changes Markup Math PHP72 PHP80 | |
Txt2tags | Txt2tags markup for PmWiki (05 feb 2016 Active) | Markup | +1 |
Underline Text (HTML5 <u> tag) | Use HTML5 <u> tag to underline text. (2016-09-02 Beta) | Markup, PHP55, PHP72 | |
Video5 | HTML5 Video Support for PmWiki (2022-10-30 Stable) | Video, Media, Markup, HTML5, PHP74, PHP80, PHP82 | +1 |
VideoAttach | Handles Attach: videos, provides a video directive and optional support for popular Video Upload sites. (2017-07-25 Beta) | Video Markup HTML5 PHP55 Media | |
Voting | Add a form to record "votes" on a page ( ) | Voting Markup Forms | |
WikiBox | Allow posting to and reading from PmWiki via email (2008-08-17 Alpha) | System Tools Markup Administration | +4 |
WikiHost | Code for your Config.php file to simplify updates/templating/migration regardless of http or https (2020-10-14 ) | Markup, System tools, Administration | |
WikiRoot | Add Markup to insert the root path to your Wiki allowing, for example, something like a relative address for images or files in your Wiki. (2020-10-14 ) | Markup, System tools, Administration | |
WikiSh | Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (2015-06-06 (abandoneware) Beta) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Administration Files Security Markup Expressions Forms Obsolete | +3 |
WikiSmileys | Add graphical smileys to the markup ( ) | Images, Markup, Editing | |
WikiStylesPlus | Lots of useful Wikistyles (rollovers, code blocks, notes, warnings, outlines) (2007-05-23 ) | Markup PHP72 | +8 -1 |
Worse (is better) | Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki (20231213 experimental) | WYSIWYG, Editing, Markup, Uploads, HTML5, Ajax, PHP55, PHP72, PHP74, PHP82 | +1 |
WPCategories | Mimic Wikipedia's categories behaviour -- group category-referencing links in a neat box by the bottom of a page + automatically create category-listing pages. (2007-10-07 - v1.6 Stable (tested in pmwiki-2.2.0-beta63 - 2.0beta55)) | Markup, Links, WikipediaSuite | -2 |
ZAP Form Processor | The ZAP forms processor handles data and file management, page insertions (forums, blogs), email & newsletters, e-commerce, and more. ( Stable (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki)) | Forms | Markup | CMS | File Management | Editing | Page Variables | Email | Shopping Cart | |
ZCode | Extract and highlight source code files from 7z, TAR, ZIP, or RAR archives (20170812a Experimental) | Programming, Layout, Markup, Includes, PmWikiDeveloper | +1 |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.