
Summary: A desktop-application like menu for authors and admins
Version: 009bX
Prerequisites: pmwiki2.2.X
Status: beta
Maintainer: Benjamin?

Questions answered by this recipe

Is there a solution to get all editing, administer and layout options on one place to provide a nice overview and easy access.


A desktop-application like menu for authors and admins. The menus position is fixed at the top of the page.

Tryout a demo on Login/Password is Author/test or Admin/test.



Cookbook:AuthUser. Create authgroup @admins and @authors. The menu shows only actions/options which a user is allowed to perform. The menu works also without AuthUser but you have to change the if authgroup @authors/@admins conditions in Site.Menu.

Fresh Installation

  1. Download the package listed below and copy it into your pmwiki directory.
  2. Copy the sample config file doc/netstreams/sample-config_menu.php into /local/config.php.

Existing Installation

  1. include a wikipage marker for the page Site.Menu directly below the body-tag into your pub/skin/yourskin/skin.tmpl file. Change the style of the body-tag to position:absolute. Take a look on the skin template in pub/skins/pmwikimod/pmwiki.tmpl
  2. use the sample config file in doc/netstreams/sample-config_menu.php to update your local/config.php


This is a beta release. Suggestions and bug reports are very welcome. This receipted uses Cookbook:HorizontalVerticalMenu. This may change in to future in favour to a JQuery plugin.

Release Notes

23-10-2008 beta

  • passes w3c xhtml/css validation
  • checked mozilla, khtml, ie6,7


  • several small changes


  • several small changes

13-09-2008 experimental

  • Initial Experimental Release

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See Also




See discussion at NetstreamsMenu-Talk?

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