
Summary: NoteIt is a simple Windows application to create notes for PmWiki
Version: 25 Octobre 2009
Status: Prototype
Maintainer: SH
Discussion: NoteIt-Talk


NoteIt is a Windows application to create notes for PmWiki. The Notes, based on a very basic template, are created on the windows side with NoteIt and stored on the NoteIt wiki site where an updated version of XMLRPC is running. Look & feel of this Windows application is inspired by the Colorimetry skin !.

Windows Installation (manual)

  • Download the file.
  • Unzip the file in a temporary directory (overwrite your previous installation) and run NoteIt.exe.
  • Setup your parameters with login Guest, password Guest123, homepage People.Guest & nickname Guest.
  • Create a new Note and publish it.

Windows Web Installation (automatic)

You can use this setup program to automatically install NoteIt.

  • Download and run this install.exe setup program.
  • Follow instructions
  • Setup your parameters with login Guest, password Guest123, homepage People.Guest & nickname Guest.
  • Create a new Note and publish it.
*remark:* When NoteIt is installed with this web installation setup, It will check available updates on the NoteIt site.

Todo (maybe)

  • Evaluate interest to make NoteIt compatible with a blog engine like BlogIt or Bloge

Release notes

  • 20091025 new GUI inspired by Colorimetry. Multiple xmlrpc servers configuration. Access to all ShoutBox in one click. Possibility to have mutliple templates per group. Delete Notes is implemented
  • 20090927 Added a filter option to be used with Notes Search. Multiple ShoutBox pages can be used.
  • 20090813 tags stored with keywords to be compatible with Bloge-Tags
  • 20090810 added ShoutBox, short messages can be sent from NoteIt's GUI
  • 20090804 Basic release

See also



See discussion at NoteIt-Talk

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