Questions answered by this recipe
- How do I use a page's Summary, instead of its title, as link text?
- How do I make a link that automatically includes a page's Summary or other page text variable following the link text?
This recipe provides markup that will create a link whose link text is a page text variable on the target page. If the variable is not defined, the link text will default to the page's $Title
. This allows you to easily use meaningful text, such as the page's Summary, for links to pages whose names are meaningless.
Put this in your configuration file:
function PTVLinkText ($pn) { $ptv = PageTextVar($pn,'Summary'); if (strlen($ptv)) { return $ptv; } else { return PageVar($pn, '$Title'); } }
You will also need one of the following:
- For PmWiki versions 2.2.58 and later, add this:
Markup('[[|~', '<[[|', "/(?>\\[\\[([^|\\]]+))\\|\\s*\\~\\s*]]/", "mu_PTVLinkText"); function mu_PTVLinkText($m) { extract($GLOBALS['MarkupToHTML']); return Keep( MakeLink( $pagename, $m[1], PTVLinkText( MakePageName($pagename,$m[1]) ) ), 'L'); }
- For PmWiki versions prior to 2.2.56, add this instead:
Markup('[[|~', '<[[|', "/(?>\\[\\[([^|\\]]+))\\|\\s*\\~\\s*]]/e", "Keep(MakeLink(\$pagename, PSS('$1'), PTVLinkText(MakePageName(\$pagename,PSS('$1'))) ),'L')");
In the code shown above, "Summary" is the page text variable used for the link text. To use a different variable, change "Summary" in the PTVLinkText function to your preferred variable.
Use a tilde character as your link text in markup. For example:
would create the following link:
Use a page text variable for link text, when available
A variation of this is to modify a link so that it is automatically followed by a page text variable. Here's an example of appending the page's $:Summary in a smaller font (for versions 2.2.56 and later):
Markup_e('[[|$', '<[[|', "/(?>\\[\\[([^|\\]]+))\\|\\s*\\$\\s*]]/", "Keep(MakeLink(\$pagename, \$m[1], PTVLinkTextSummaryAfterAndSmaller(MakePageName(\$pagename,\$m[1])) ),'L').PRR(' [-'.PageTextVar(\$m[1],'Summary').'-]')"); function PTVLinkTextSummaryAfterAndSmaller ($pn) { $title = PageVar($pn, '$Title'); return $title; }
The markup for the above variation would look like this:
and it would create the following link plus text:
PTVLinkText Use a page text variable for link text, when available
Change log / Release notes
See also
- Cookbook:PowerTools - for automatically creating page names with non-meaningful text
- PmWiki:Links
See discussion at PTVLinkText-Talk
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