
Summary: User notes for the PageTopStore recipe.
Discussion: PageTopStore-Talk?
Users: +2

If you use or used the PageTopStore recipe, you can add yourself in the list below. These statistics may help newcomers to select recipes for their wikis. Both (+) positive and (-) negative short comments are welcome. For longer comments or questions please use the PageTopStore-Talk? page.


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  • (+) Hi, i've adapted this recipe to store the plain text line by line separated with a newline character. I am using it with git (Fast Version Control System) as a synchronization engine for synchronization between a distributed set of my personal pmwiki, which live on several hosts. This works quite well, besides minor problems with auto generated tags from the tag recipe. I would be happy to contribute this changes as a patch, even though im using the wiki.d dir as my main PageStore right now so the application philosophy (using it in parallel with wikitop.d) changed a little. LukasDiduch
  • (+) Hello, it is a very good recipe, and I've enabled it into my wiki. I see a few limitations though, which I'll describe on the main page. Farvardin

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User notes for the PageTopStore recipe (talk?).