Pagelist Random Image

Summary: Display a random image using the page list directive
Version: 0.1
Prerequisites: Pmwiki version 2.2, Cookbook:ThumbList
Status: Production
Maintainer: Simon
Categories: Images PageList

Questions answered by this recipe

How do I display a random image from those uploaded to the wiki?


Use the following page list template to create a sitemap.


  1. Install Cookbook:ThumbList
  2. Add the following to your Site.LocalTemplates.


display a random image

(:template default order=random count=1 if="attachments" list=normal:)
(:template each:)
(:thumblist {=$FullName} px={$$px} link=2 order=random count=1:)

(:pagelist fmt=#randomimage list=normal count=8 px=128:)

(:template default order=random count=1 if="attachments" list=normal:) (:template each:) (:thumblist {=$FullName} px={$$px} link=2 order=random count=1:)

(:thumblist PmCal.20060626 px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist Cookbook.AttachLinks-Users px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist Cookbook.EasyHttpRequests-Talk px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist Cookbook.SharedPages-Talk px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist ViewModes.TestPage1 px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist Cookbook.UploadGroups-Users px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist Profiles.Tonybaldwin px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:) (:thumblist PITS.01212 px=128 link=2 order=random count=1:)

In a page copy the above page list directive modifying it as necessary, eh

(:pagelist fmt=#randomimage list=normal group=Photographs count=1 px=256:)

Release Notes

If the recipe has multiple releases, then release notes can be placed here. Note that it's often easier for people to work with "release dates" instead of "version numbers".

See Also



See discussion at PagelistRandomImage-Talk

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