Cookbook /
Pagelist Site Map
Summary: Create a sitemap using the page list directive
Version: 0.1
Prerequisites: Pmwiki version 2.2
Status: Production
Maintainer: Simon
Discussion: PagelistSiteMap-Talk
Questions answered by this recipe
How do I simply create a basic sitemap?
Use the following page list template to create a sitemap.
Add the following to your Site.LocalTemplates.
!! #sitemap Site map showing number of pages >>comment<< [[#sitemap]] (:template first:) !! Sitemap [--((:pagelist fmt=count list=normal:) pages)--] (:template first {=$Group}:) [[#{=$Group}]] !!! [[{=$Groupspaced}/]] [--((:pagelist fmt=count group={=$Group} list=normal:) pages)--] [- {{=$Group}/$:Summary} -] (:template each:) (:if ! equal {=$Name} {$DefaultName} :) -< [[{=$Group}/{=$Namespaced}]] [- {=$:Summary} -] (:ifend:) [[#sitemapend]] >><< ---- (:pagelist group=PmWiki name=-*-Talk fmt=#sitemap list=normal count=10:) |
#sitemapSite map showing number of pages Sitemap (10406 pages)Pm Wiki (310 pages)Access Keys Access keys are keyboard shortcuts for tasks that would otherwise require a mouse
Admin Task List of PmWiki administration related tasks organized in alphabetical order
Analyze Results Instructions and possible responses from using the Site Analyzer
Audiences Patrick Michaud's comments regarding the "audiences" for which PmWiki was designed
Authoring Philosophy Patrick Michaud on the reasons behind Author variables
Auth User Authorization system that uses usernames and passwords
Available Actions All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters
Backup And Restore background information and some basic backup and restore procedures
Basic Editing PmWiki's basic edit syntax
Create a page, say "DefaultGroup.SiteMap", and copy the above page list directive modifying it as necessary.
Release Notes
See Also
- SimpleSiteMap Easy site map using only core PmWiki features
- Sitemapper Adds a dynamically generated sitemap to PmWiki.
- SiteMapsWithOptions Standard Site Map for websites
- PageLists Searching and listing pages by multiple criteria with templated output
- Pagelist Auth List Short Display, in brief format, the permissions settings for pages that have permissions set.
- PagelistByCategory List pages by Category
- PagelistCalendar Use PageTextVariables and ftime markup expression to create a calendar where each event has its own page.
- PagelistCount Get pagelist to return a count of pages (deprecated)
- PageListExtensions Many Pagelist Enhancements
- PageListMultiTargets Enable multiple pages and wildcards in PageList
- PagelistNotes Notes on page lists
- PageListPlus Extend pagelist with various capabilities
- Pagelist Random Image Select an image randomly from all pages with images and display
- Pagelist Recent Changes A recent changes page created using Page lists
- Pagelist Site Map Create a sitemap using the page list directive
- PageListTemplates Recipe deprecated, see PmWiki.PageLists
- Pagelist Template Samples Custom templates for pagelists formats
- PageListWikiTrail Enable a WikiTrails markup to use a (:pagelist ... :) directive
- Simon
See discussion at PagelistSiteMap-Talk
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