
Summary: Map of older recipe filenames to recipe pages
Status: Information
Maintainer: Pm

Many older cookbook recipes don't contain $RecipeInfo data needed for RecipeCheck. This page simply maps the names of common cookbook recipe scripts to the associated recipe page.

Feel free to add new entries to this list -- just follow the given format.

  authuser.php         Cookbook:AuthUser               Starting with version 2.0beta39, PmWiki includes an authuser.php script.
  blocklist.php        Cookbook:Blocklist              Obsolete recipe, please see PmWiki.Blocklist
  changesum.php        Cookbook:ChangeSummary          This recipe is superseded by pmwiki 2.0.beta44.
  currentvisitors.php  Cookbook:CurrentVisitors        -
  downloadman.php      Cookbook:DownloadManager        -
  extendmarkup.php     Cookbook:MarkupExtensions       -
  mimetex.php          Cookbook:MimeTeX                -
  pmcal.php            Cookbook:PmCalendar             -
  pmgraphviz.php       Cookbook:PmGraphViz             -
  rotatemarkup.php     Cookbook:RotateMarkup           - This recipe is obsolete -- see Cookbook.RandomQuote for an improved recipe.
  usemod.php           Cookbook:ConvertUseMod          -
  visitorslogging.php  Cookbook:VisitorsLogging
  ServerInfo.php       Cookbook:ServerInfo             -