Cookbook /
Security (Authentication/Authorization)
Summary: Security authentication and authorization methods and systems
Discussion: Security-Talk
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.
Name | Summary | Categories | Users* |
ActionLog | Maintain a page log of wiki actions (2006-08-03 Stable) | Administration Security | +3 |
AddingAuthLevels | Adding an auth level and page attribute (2011-12-23 ) | Security Fox | |
AddToWatchlist | Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click (20180221 beta) | WikipediaSuite, Links, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | +1 |
AesCrypt | Provide client-side AES encryption support (0.1 ) | Security | |
AesCrypt-1 | Provide client-side AES encryption support (2021-10-26 ) | Security | |
AuditImages | View the images that have been uploaded to your wiki. (1.1 Stable) | Images, Security, Uploads | |
Auth-SMF | Integrate SMF Simple Machines Forum with PmWiki and use SMF user management for Pmwiki authentication (2008-06-27 new) | Administration Forum Security | |
AuthCAS | Central Authentication Service(CAS) based authentication ( 2012-08-28 ) | Administration, Security, Authentication | +3 |
AuthDNS | Password-less authentication based on the visitor's IP address or (dynamic) hostname (20110603 Beta) | Administration, Security, Authentication, PHP55, PHP72 | +2 -1 |
AuthenticatedAsConditional | A different way of performing authentication than PmWiki's "default" ( deprecated) | Obsolete, Security | |
AuthenticatedAttach | Lets the user view an Attachment only if they have the appropriate password ( Obsolete) | Uploads, Security, Obsolete, | |
AuthPhpBB2 | Use phpBB2 user authentication for PmWiki page edit protection and author name (1.0 (05 March 2007) Stable) | Administration, Security, Forum | |
AuthPhpbb2Sso | Single Sign On for PmWiki and phpBB2 (080401 Stable) | Administration, Security, Forum | +1 |
AuthPhpBB3 | Use phpBB3 user authentication for PmWiki ( ) | Administration, Security, Forum | |
AuthPhpBBUsersAndGroups | Use phpBB3 user authentication and groups for PmWiki ( ) | Administration, Security, Forum | |
AuthProfile | Like AuthUser, but designed to store login information in profile pages (8/25/2012 Beta) | Administration, Security | |
AuthPunBB | Use PunBB/FluxBB user authentication for PmWiki (2010-OCT-18 Draft) | Administration, Security, Forum | |
AuthUser | PmWiki built-in user authentication system using user names and passwords (pmwiki-2.4.2 Stable) | Security | +5 |
AuthUserBbPress | Ability to Authenticate against a MySQL BBPress user database. (0.1 First Release) | Security | |
AuthUserCookie | Persistent login for AuthUser (0.1 ) | Security | |
Account Management Page | Enables user authentication via database, whether from another application, or standalone (2.0.1 beta) | Security | |
AuthUserFederated | OpenID and OAuth authentication extension for AuthUser (2018-02-08 In active use) | Administration, Security | +1 |
AuthUserOpenId | Implement single sign-on and Identity mechanism based on OpenID protocol. ( ) | Security | |
AuthUserSaml | SAML authentication extension for AuthUser (2022-11-08 In active use) | Administration, Security | |
AuthUserSignup | Allow users to sign up themselves (with email verification) for authuser accounts (2010-04-14 Deprecated (UserAdmin is better)) | Administration and Security | +5 |
AuthUserVBulletin | Allows PmWiki to use vBulletin for a user login/password base, and to borrow PmWiki groups from vBulletin. (0.1.2 beta) | Security | |
BackupHTMLZip | Export your wiki to static HTML then optionally compress/zip it (20170717 Experimental) | Administration, System tools, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | |
BadBehavior | Protect PmWiki with Bad Behavior 2.2.x (2.2 ) | Security, Spam | |
Blocklist | Obsolete recipe, please see PmWiki.Blocklist ( obsolete) | Administration, Security, Obsolete | |
Captcha | Use captchas to prevent automated systems from modifying pages (20240920 Stable) | Security Spam Captcha PHP55 PHP72 PHP80 PHP82 PHP84 | |
Captchas | Uses captchas to protect certain actions from spambots (0.0001 pre-alpha, discussion) | Security Spam | |
CMSMode | Make your wiki look and act like a normal website for non-author visitors. (2016-09-28 Beta) | CMS Security | |
ControllingWebRobots | How to control web robots or bots trying to scan files (1.0 stable) | Security PHP72 | +1 |
CryptPlus | Additional password hashing algorithms for AuthUser and HtpasswdForm (2012-12-27 Initial release ("works for me")) | Security | |
DeletePage | Use a "delete" action and a separate password for deleting pages (20220507 ) | Administration, GUI, Security, PHP81 | |
DeObMail | Unobtrusive e-mail link (de)obfuscator (20120717, pmwiki-2.4.2 Beta) | Security Links Spam PHP55 PHP72 | +7 |
DesCrypt | Provide client-side DES and 3DES encryption support (0.1 ) | Security | |
DiffDelay | In page histories, display vertical spacing proportional to the time between the edits. (2022-01-03 Preview) | Layout, Editing, Security, PHP81 | |
DirectoryAndFilePermissions | Explains which directories and files need to be readable, writable, and servable by the webserver. (2014-06-18 Developing) | Security, Administration | |
DNSauth | Authentication by (dynamic) DNS or IP address (2010-01-07 superseded by AuthDNS) | Security | |
EditCrypt | Allow server-side encryption/decryption of pages while editing (2008-05-04 Alpha (still missing history suppression)) | Security | |
EncodePost | Base64 encode/decode fields in posted forms as a workaround for mod_security (20230504 experimental) | Editing Security Ajax | |
EProtect | Email obfuscation via ROT13 (7 April 2005 ) | Security, Administration, Spam, PHP55, PHP72, PHP82 | +2 -1 |
ExternAuth | Use authentication mechanisms external to PmWiki ( 0.1, 3 June 2006 ) | Administration, Security | |
FailedLoginFunction | Protect your wiki from brute-force login attempts (pmwiki-2.4.2 ) | Security | |
FarmApacheConfiguration | An attempt to secure a Pmwiki Farm with apache configuration (2.2 (should work with 2.1) ) | Security WikiFarms | |
FarmSecurity | Some things to know about PmWiki.WikiFarm security. (3 Stable) | Security WikiFarms | |
Farm Setup By Example | An alternative introduction to creating a WikiFarm (0.06 Maintained) | WikiFarms, Security | +2 |
FixShortSessions | How to fix short sessions so you aren't prompted frequently for a password ( ) | Administration, Security, Passwords | |
FoxAuthUserCommentBox | Posting comments for logged in users only, using Fox (2011-12-23 ) | Fox Security CMS Forms | |
FoxHoneyPot | Adds honeypot trap for bots to Fox forms (2024-04-15 New) | Fox Security Forms Markup | |
FuseEdit | Merge the latest successive minor edits in page histories (20220118 Beta) | Editing, Security | |
HideDiff | Hide specific edits from page histories (20241015 Experimental) | Security, Spam, WikipediaSuite | |
HtpasswdForm | Form based management of users and passwords using .htpasswd /.htgroup files (2020-01-14 Stable) | Administration Security PHP55 PHP72 | +3 |
IFrameLogin | Demo kit for passing messages between pmwiki and an embedded iframe (see includeSite), with a simple working login demonstration. (2019.12.5 Beta, Active) | SystemTools, Layout, Administration, Security, Passwords, Javascript | |
InactivityTimeout | Automatically logout inactive users (2007-07-27 ) | Security | |
JavaScriptHelpers | Collection of simple JavaScript tools for wikis ( Planning) | Editing, Forms, Layout, Security, PHP55, CoreCandidate | |
LocalTimes | Display RecentChanges and History timestamps in the local timezone of each visitor. (20201220 (recipe), pmwiki-2.4.2 (core) Beta) | International Layout Security Ajax WikipediaSuite PHP55 PHP72 Core Candidate | +4 |
Login Logout | How to log out after logging in (1.0 Q&A) | Security, Administration, MarkupOnly, PHP72 | +4 |
MailmanAuth | Use an external mailing list for PmWiki authentication (2008-09-02 beta) | Administration, Security, SystemTools | |
MakingPasswordRequestsExplicit | How can we tell which password is requested? (1.0 ) | Security Layout | |
MemberMgmt | Advanced member management (using ZAP and AuthUser). Allows self registration, logins, groups, site customization, and more! (Latest ZAP version. Beta (relies on latest Beta version of PmWiki)) | CMS Security Administration | |
MyDBLogin | User Level Login with email verification using MySQL Database (2019-11-08 Deprecated - Use new Version: MyDBLogin-PMW) | Administration, Security, Passwords, MYSQL | |
MyDBLogin-PMW | Integrated User-Level Access-Control & Login with email verification/management using MySQL Database (2021-03-17 Maintained) | Login, Administration, Security, Passwords, MYSQL | |
OnlyOneLogin | Only allow 1 login at the same time for a username (1.4 working) | Security | |
OpenPass | Set a global password which is openly displayed to reduce spam (2009-05-01B Alpha) | Spam Security Passwords | +3 |
PageCreator | adds page creator (original author) to be stored as a page attribute (2008-02-24 ) | Administration Security | |
PageTimer | A draggable countdown timer. URL redirect on timer expiration. (20160726 ) | Security | |
PendingChanges | Browser and desktop notifications for page changes (20201220 Experimental) | Security, Ajax, PHP55, PHP72 | |
PersistentLogin | Login form with "Remember me/Stay signed in" option (20091122 Beta) | Administration Security | +2 |
PresenceAwareness | User-based authentication, a list of online logged users, tools to register and manage users and send posts via Jabber (1.1 ) | Administration, Security, Ajax | |
PreventHotlinking | Prevent hotlinking of uploaded files ( ) | Uploads Security | |
PrintGroup | Export WikiGroup pages to one large HTML file, and/or to PDF (20210822 Experimental) | Administration, Publishing, PDF, Security, PageList, PHP55, PHP72, PHP80 | |
PrivateGroups | How to create private groups on public wikis (1 Stable) | Security | |
RebuildRC | Rebuild (All)RecentChanges pages either after a format change, an import or to remove spam. (20191125 Experimental) | Security Administration Layout Spam PHP72 | |
ReCaptcha | Slow down spammers with Google reCAPTCHA. (0.0.3 Active) | Security Spam Captcha PHP55 PHP7 | |
RecipeCheck | Check for new versions of recipes on (20190903, pmwiki-2.4.2? Stable) | Administration, System tools, Security, PHP74 | +4 |
RequireAuthor | Require author names when saving pages ( Documentation) | Administration, Security, PHP72 | +4 |
RestrictActions | require admin privilege for most actions (if not defined otherwise). (1.5 stable) | Security | |
SecLayer | Provide a ready-made security layer (while developing recipes) for controlling page access (2015-06-06 Beta) | PmWiki developer Security PHP55 Obsolete | +1 |
SecureAttachments | Security issues for attachments (n/a ) | Administration, Security, Uploads | +2 |
SessionGuard | Hamper session theft (session hijacking) and session fixation attacks. (2.2 Working) | Security | |
SessionSecurityAdvice | Collections of advice for securing your Wiki's sessions. ( ) | Security | |
SimplemachinesIntegration | How to use the authentification of the Simplemachines forum to control the access to a PmWiki installation (2006-1-21 ) | Integration, Security | |
SingleSign-On | Use Windows-Logon for Authentication on pmwiki (1 Stable) | Administration, Security | |
SourceForgeServers | Install PmWiki in's project web space. (1 Outdated) | Administration, Security, CustomPageStore | |
SpamFilters | Automatic blocking of some spambots (20170619 beta) | Administration, Security, Spam, PHP55, PHP72 | +2 |
StoredAuthName | How to set a stored author name to an authenticated user (2011-08-05 Stable) | Administration, Security, PHP55 | |
SwitchToSSLMode | How to force PmWiki to use Transport Layer Security (TLS) (2007-06-12 Beta) | Administration Security | |
TextCaptcha | Small and simple text captcha that uses ascii art and no session, cookies and images (2009-01-29 beta) | Captcha, Security, Spam . | +1 |
TrackChanges | Ways to more easily detect and verify all recent edits (N/A ) | Administration, Editing, Security, PHP55, PHP72 | +4 |
UBBThreadsIntegration | How to use the user authentification of the UBBThreads forums to control access to a PmWiki installation (2006.01.30 ) | Integration, CMS, Security | |
UserAdmin | AuthUser account self-registration and management (2016-08-23 beta) | Administration, Security, PHP55 | |
UserAuth | User-based authorization (0.70, 25 January 2006 Obsolete) | Administration, Security Obsolete | |
UserAuth2 | A user-based permission granting and authentication module (2.2.3 (2010-03-03) released, stable, maintained (tested with Pmwiki 2.1.11, 2.2.0-beta45)) | Administration, Security | +3 -1 |
UserAuthDevel | User-based authorization Development Page ( ) | Administration, Security | |
UserLastAction | Record the last action for each user so that stale accounts can be detected (2007-03-25 stable) | Administration Security | |
WebServerSecurity | How to use ".htaccess" to make PmWiki more secure ( ) | Security, Administration | |
WhosWhere | Show Who's Where on your wiki (2009-03-08 Experimental) | Data Security Administration | |
WikiSh | Wiki-based script language roughly emulating linux shell tools - NOTE THIS RECIPE IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AND DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN VERSIONS OF PHP (2015-06-06 (abandoneware) Beta) | Markup Searching Includes SystemTools Administration Files Security Markup Expressions Forms Obsolete | +3 |
WikiShCrypt | Provide encryption/decryption for WikiSh commands and in other contexts (2015-06-06 Alpha Obsolete Wikish is no longer supported nor maintained and does not work with modern versions of PHP.) | MarkupExpressions Security PHP55 |
- Note: The last column counts the number of users who left comments on the *-Users page dedicated to the recipe.