Questions answered by this recipe
- Is it possible to make a simple to use yet customisable gallery that makes it easier to add images to page with a slideshow?
- Having to resize images is a chore, would it be possible to automate this for thumbnail and large images?
Smart Colorbox Gallery is an easy to use gallery that creates small and large images, and makes a colorbox slideshow.
Files Δ
Copy the files into your PmWiki installation as per the structure in the zip.
This recipe has a variety of configuration options. It can use the options set, or override them in each instance. An example of typical configuration would be:
# smart colorbox cookbook
# defaults
$smart_colorbox_settings['maxweewidth'] = '300';
$smart_colorbox_settings['maxweeheight'] = '300';
$smart_colorbox_settings['maxbigwidth'] = '900';
$smart_colorbox_settings['maxbigheight'] = '700';
Standard usage
It can be used with no options, so will just use the defaults image sizes. To use it like this, just use text such as...
Advanced usage
It can be used with no options, so will just use the defaults image sizes. To use it like this, just use text such as...
(:smartimage image=myimagefilename.jpg maxweewidth=50 maxweeheight=50 maxbigwidth=800 maxbigheight=600 text="my image" :)
...all of the extra parameters are optional. They simply over-ride the defaults if set. If the 'text' value is not set it just uses the site name.
- Just pulling this together, writing details and doing some final testing.
Change log / Release notes
- Used and debugged internally for a while, but v1.0 is realised July 2011.
See also
See discussion at SmartColorboxGallery-Talk?
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