This recipe was last tested on PmWiki version: all
Helps to edit wiki source code in SubEthaEdit, a popular text editor for Mac OS X.
- download PmWiki.mode.zipΔ
- extract it
- put it into
~/Library/Application Support/SubEthaEdit/Modes/
(or double click for instructions)
Notes and Comments
It provides:
- syntax highlighting
- headings as jumpable section marks
- autocomplete (enter first letter and hit Alt+Esc)
- SubEthaEdit ignores
so you have to use(:in
as startpoint instead of(:
for example. The list used matches the entries in MarkupMasterIndex.
- SubEthaEdit ignores
How to load a Wikipage into SEE
So how do I make a wiki page load into SubEthaEdit for editing, then save it back to PmWiki when I have finished?
I think there is no possibility to load a wiki page directly into SEE. You have to copy&paste a wiki page into SEE. It's nice for large pages and you can use the system spellchecker. kt007 March 15, 2005, at 01:14 AM

You can do this via AppleScript if you want. I wrote a simple sample XCode AppleScript project that interchange between Safari and SEE. You can also easely adapt the contained scripts to use them with theAppleScript Menu or map them to keys with other tools.
It works only for wikis with change summary cookbook until 00387 is solved.
SSEPmWikiAppleScripts.zipΔ V1.0.2
Schlaefer March 15, 2005, at 05:20 AM
Today I tried this receipt, but it did not run. When I hit the SEE button the wiki changes to edit, SEE open but the text wasen't filled in the SEE. I tried to upload the text into the wiki with the save button, but nothing was filled in. Is this reciept broken with the lastest pmwiki? fraz
No, it should still work, but you need the name/id on the edit form. This is not standard in the PmWiki distribution. (See note about 00387 above.) Schlaefer October 03, 2005, at 10:38 AM
See Also
- v1.1 Schlaefer September 20, 2005, at 12:18 PM
- div. changes and markup additions
- V1.0 Schlaefer March 14, 2005, at 08:03 AM