
Summary: Custom templates for use with Cookbook.UserAdmin.
Maintainer: Peter Bowers

Custom templates for use with Cookbook:UserAdmin.

New user

(:if superuser:)To directly add a new user, please enter details below.
(:else:)Please enter your details below. An activation link will be sent to the e-mail address provided.

(:input form '{$PageUrl}?action=user/new' autocomplete=off:)
|| Username||(:input text username:) ||
|| E-mail||(:input text useremail:) ||
|| Password||(:input password userpasswd:) again (:input password userpasswd2:) ||
|| ||(:input submit post 'Send':) ||
(:input end:)

New User Email Body

Welcome $username!

Thank you for registering at $WikiTitle.

To activate your account and confirm your e-mail address, please visit
the following location:


Password reset

(:input form '{$PageUrl}?action=user/resetpasswd' autocomplete=off:)
|| Username||(:input text username:) ||
||    Email||(:input text useremail:) ||
|| ||(:input submit post 'Send':) ||
(:input end:)

Password Reset Email Body

Welcome $username!

Thank you for registering at $WikiTitle.

To activate your account and confirm your e-mail address, please visit
the following location:


Edit user

(:input form '{$PageUrl}?action=user/edit' autocomplete=off:)
(:if equal '{*$Username}':)
|| Username||(:input text username '{*$Username}':) ||
(:input hidden username '{*$Username}':)
|| Username||'''{*$Username}''' ||
(:if2 ! superuser:)|| Password||(:input text useroldpasswd:) ||
(:if2end:)|| E-mail||(:input text useremail:) ||
|| New password||(:input password userpasswd:) again (:input password userpasswd2:) ||
|| ||(:input submit post 'Send':) (:input submit cancel 'Cancel':) ||
(:input end:)


!!! Available Actions
* [[ {$FullName}?action=user/new | $[UAnew_title] ]]
* [[ {$FullName}?action=user/resetpasswd | $[UAresetpasswd_title] ]]
* [[ {$FullName}?action=user/unlock | $[UAunlock_title] ]]
(:if authid:)
* [[ {$FullName}?action=user/edit | $[UAedit_title] ]]
* [[ {$FullName}?action=login | $[UAlogin_title] ]]
(:if superuser:)
* [[ {$FullName}?action=user/group | $[UAgroup_title] ]]