Questions answered by this recipe
How to quickly display a list of user-chosen most recently modified pages?
Track the most recent changes to a list of pages
This can be very easily done with page lists on a WikiTrail.
1. Create a page Profiles/YourName-watchlist with a bulleted list of the pages that you wish to track, and some format for the pagelist. Example:
* [[PmWiki.Download]] * [[Cookbook.Cookbook]] * [[PITS.00544]] * etc. !!Format [@ [[#simplelist]] [[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]] - \ '''[[{=$FullName}]]''' - [[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] ({=$LastModifiedSummary})\\ [[#simplelistend]] @]
2. On your profile page add the pagelist line:
!! Watch list (:pagelist trail=Profiles.YourName-watchlist fmt=Profiles.YourName-watchlist#simplelist order=-time:)
Example (the list and format are on the page Cookbook.WatchLists-watchlist):
!! Watch list (:pagelist trail=Cookbook.WatchLists-watchlist fmt=Cookbook.WatchLists-watchlist#simplelist order=-time:) |
Watch listAugust 30, 2024, at 12:12 PM - PmWiki.PageLists - gb (+trail from anchor to anchor (+124)) |
Clicking on the date opens the page history.
Single page option
On a page where you have a bullet list of wiki pages follow this markup example
!!! [[Cookbook/Watch list(s)]] (:pagelist trail={$FullName} fmt={$FullName}#watchlist:) >>comment<< [[#watchlist]] (:template defaults order=-time:) (:template first:) ||width=* style="font-size:smaller;" (:template each:) ||%pre%[[{=$FullName}?action=diff | {=$LastModified}]]%% ||''[[{=$FullName}|{=$Groupspaced}.{=$Namespaced}]]'' ||[[~{=$LastModifiedBy}]] ||{=$LastModifiedSummary} ||{=$:Summary} || (:template last:) [[#watchlistend]] >><< | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Watch list
- Notes
- the comment hides the page list format from being displayed, yet it is used by the pagelist
- you can customise the markup between the anchors ([[#...]]) as required
Text in the {$LastModifiedSummary}
has control characters removed, and formatting suppressed by default.
Release Notes
See Also
- AddToWatchlist Add or remove a page from your watchlist trail with a single click
- PmWiki.Notify - How to receive email messages whenever pages are changed on the whole wiki site, individual groups or selected watchlists of pages
- PmWiki.Page Lists - Searching and listing pages by multiple criteria with templated output
- PmWiki.Page Variables - variables that are associated with pages
- PmWiki.Page List Templates - Creating page list format templates
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