Questions answered by this recipe
How can I export information and markup from a pmwiki page in xml?
A simple wiki page xml exporter.
Put the file inside PmWiki's root directory and unzip the contents of the zip. The file named xmlexport.php should reside inside The /cookbook folder
Very little configuration is needed, you just have to include xmlexport.php from your config.php file with a line like this:
You can use it on a farm, but the xml scheme file will be recorded in './pub/schema/', could not find a solution yet, as the scheme file has to reside within the same hostname as the extracted xml export.
To activate the xmlexport just use :
To record the schema file in your pub folder (don't forget to fix folder authorizations first), the 'action=xmlexportschema' puts a file inside the folder 'pub/schema/' with the name 'xmlexport.xsd' that will be showed to you as a result of the action used.
No notes for now
Change log / Release notes
20110329Δ - Removed firstedit and firstcontributor fields as it is not natural to pmwiki.
20110221Δ - first release
See also
See discussion at XmlExport-Talk
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