Things left to do...
- Check installation on Windows
- How to easily install Emacs
- What to put in .emacs
- Change 'define-minor-mode' to 'easy-mmode-define-minor-mode' so that it works in Windows
- Test installation instructions
Normal pages that need major work
- Introduction: Write a page that introduces pmwiki-mode. I guess the contents will be similar to what's on pmwiki-mode, but in a longer version. Or maybe I should really start with a tutorial and skipt introduction. Unless the purpose of introdution? is to motivate why it's useful?
- Installation: move/copy text from pmwiki-mode.el here
- Tutorial: Write it...
- Documentation?: Create a page with a list of the documentation pages, possibly even including them?
- Tips: I need to make the instructions more detailed for how to configure this
Pages that could (always) use some work
- ReferenceManual: Add more information about the different functions. Add a section or two about how pmwiki-mode works and is implemented.
- FAQ: ...
- Screenshots: Take some more screenshots?
Development related issues
- Ask someone to "try" the installation instructions
I did just that and one thing bit me (note that i am quite to emacs) : i didn't know how to change mode. I had to scout outside the site to get this info ("M-x pmwiki-mode") Lionel
- Verify that it works with XEmacs
- Move source code to savannah
- ReleaseInstructions: Write it