Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; GmaLine has a deprecated constructor in /home/pmwiki/pmwiki/cookbook/GoogleMapAPI/GoogleMapAPI.php on line 58

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PmWiki | GoogleMapAPI / Features
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Suggested Features

Suggested features are those requested by the Community that have not yet been planned. To suggest a new feature, create a new page following the example below.

New Suggestion Format:

To add a new suggestion, copy the markup below and paste into a new suggestion page. Suggestion page names must be in the format Feature-BreifFeatureTitle The status should be 'Suggested'. When the suggestion is accepted, BenWilson will change the status to 'Planned'.

Provide a terse description in the first paragraph. This description
should appear in some feature listings.

Futher discussion should proceed in subsequent paragraphs.

Status: Suggested
(:title Brief Feature Title:)

Planned Features

Planned features are those that BenWilson hopes to implement either in the current development version, or others.

All Features

This is just a general list of all feature pages. This list helps ensure no pages are lost by improper tagging.

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Page last modified on September 10, 2011, at 05:58 PM