
This page is a template. Please copy it first to your local group (e.g. PmWikiIt, PmWikiFr, etc.) and then translate the text, commentaries and localized page names.

You can find below a sample file for adaptation of PmWiki to your own language.
This shall be included at the end of your local/config.php file.

Define your own value and remove the trailing # to activate any command.

It contains variables and data which cannot be set directly in the XLPage

As an example, you can see this page in French:

See also

NOTE: The encoding type used when config.php is saved has an effect if you will be converting between character encodings on your wiki. Refer to page encoding for more details. If you are not using international characters then you do not need to be concerned about this.

Text file content for insertion in config.php

Translation note:
  • In this file, the notation PmWikiLc will be used to designate the local language directory. This shall be modified to PmWikiXx, where Xx is the international language code used.
  • All text prefixed by Lc is supposed to be translated. It can be either text, or references to pages. Beware before referencing pages that they are existing.
  • All comments (##.......) are supposed to be translated, to give an administrator some help with the meaning of the various statements.

##---------------localization -----------------------------------

# XLPage('lc','PmWikiLc.XLPage'); #'lc' is here the page name e.g. 'fr'
# XLPage('lc','PmWikiLc.XLPageCookbook');

##-- Strings and pages ---------------------------

# $DefaultGroup = 'YourWiki'; # Default group, default name 'Main'
# $DefaultName = 'LcHomePage'; # Home page of any group, default 'HomePage'
# $TimeFmt = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"; # Format date/hour, here European
# $AuthorGroup='LcProfiles'; # Name of authors group, default 'Profiles'
# $AuthorRequiredFmt = 'Write your name/ident'; #When author name required

##-- Page management ------------------

# $DefaultPageTextFmt = 'The page $Name don\'t exist'; # Deprecated ? 
# $PageNotFound = 'PmWikiLc.LcPageNotFound'; #Redirect when page not found
## Expression used to indicate that the page shall be deleted
# $DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*Lcdelete\\s*$";
# $PageRedirectFmt = '<p><i>redirected from $FullName</i></p>';

## Definition of last changes pages (RecentChanges)
# $RecentChangesFmt = array(
#  '$DefaultGroup.LcAllRecentChanges' => 
#    '* [[$Group.$Name]]  . . . $CurrentTime $[by] $AuthorLink',
#  '$Group.LcRecentChanges' =>
#    '* [[$Group/$Name]]  . . . $CurrentTime $[by] $AuthorLink'); 

## Definition of recent uploads ... 
# $RecentUploads = array(  # ... later

## Predefined local styles 
# $WikiStyle['LcBlack']['color'] = 'black';
# $WikiStyle['LcWhite']['color'] = 'white';
# $WikiStyle['LcRed']['color'] = 'red';
# $WikiStyle['LcGreen']['color'] = 'green';
# $WikiStyle['LcBlue']['color'] = 'blue';
# $WikiStyle['LcYellow']['color'] = 'yellow';
# $WikiStyle['LcGray']['color'] = 'gray';
# $WikiStyle['LcSilver']['color'] = 'silver';
# $WikiStyle['LcMaroon']['color'] = 'maroon';
# $WikiStyle['LcPurple']['color'] = 'purple';
# $WikiStyle['LcNavy']['color'] = 'navy';

##-- Groups and pages to be excluded from searches ----------------

# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.LcSearchWiki$!'; 
# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.Lc(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads)$!';
# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.LcHomePage$!';
# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!\\.LcSideBar$!';
# $SearchPatterns['allgroups'] = $SearchPatterns['default'];
# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^PmWiki\\.!'; # exclude PmWiki Group
# $SearchPatterns['default'][] = '!^AWikiGroup\\.!';
# etc.

## Excluding PmWiki group is possible if the local translation
## is relatively complete. It means that you can access the
## pages, but they will not be seen in default searches nor
## page lists. To allow search in this group, in above example,
## the 'allgroups' array is created, to allow wider
## searches/lists like :
## (:pagelist group=PmWiki list=allgroups:)
## or to add in a search 'list=allgroups' to search all  

##-- Modules ------------------------------------------------------

##- If PageRefCount module is loaded --
# $PageRefCountFmt = "<h1>Cross references</h1><p>"; # Page Title
# $RefCountTimeFmt = "<small>%d-%b-%Y %H:%M</small>"; # Date format
# Others string can only be modified in the code of refcount module. 
# in that case, use a copy of refcount in your local directory.

## String for mailposts. Only administrators use, not critical...
# $MailPostsMessage = "Your Wiki recent modifications:\n 
# $MailPostsSubject = "$WikiTitle : Recent changes of your wiki";
# $MailPostsTimeFmt = $TimeFmt;
# $MailPostsItemFmt = ' * $FullName . . . $PostTime LcBy $Author';

##- if urlapprove script is loaded --
$ApprovedUrlPagesFmt = array('$DefaultGroup.LcApprovedUrls');

##-- Documentation stuff -------------------------------------------

## This defines the pages where the Variables are described. 
## The pages shall exists in your language
#$VarPagesFmt = array('PmWikiLc.Variables','PmWikiLc.BasicVariables',
#  'PmWikiLc.LayoutVariables','PmWikiLc.LinksVariables',
#  'PmWikiLc.EditVariables','PmWikiLc.UploadVariables',
#  'PmWikiLc.AutresVariables','PmWikiLc.MailPosts');

This page may have a talk page: Localization.SampleConfigFileLocalization-Talk?.