PmWeekly, August 07, 2017
August 07, 2017, at 10:46 PM (0 comments)
Update for PmWiki activity July 31 - August 7, 2017: a new release fixing a bug with long text variables, 38 recipes reviewed and/or updated, discussions about security, development and PHP 7 compatibility, cookbook bug reports and patches.
Version 2.2.102 was released (2017-08-05)
This version reverts the patterns for text variables changed in 2.2.99, because we found that a longer text variable content may cause a blank page or an internal server error. In the page SiteAdmin.AuthList an input box was added to allow filtering of the groups or pages.
Focus on...
In case your wiki has pages or sections open for editing, once in a while you'll have to deal with spambots or trolls. 10 days ago, someone defaced a number of pages, and edited our home page more than 60 times. Fortunately, only that person was able to see the changes, because we use the recipe Session PageStore which provides an ephemeral, temporary page storage mechanism, where the changes are not actually saved in the page but in a session variable unique to that visitor.
Another recipe we use on WikiSandbox and a few other pages is AutoRestore which keeps any changes for 15 minutes, then discards them and reverts the page to a previous version.
For other spam-fighting tools in the PmWiki core or provided by addons, see our Spam category.
On the talk pages:
- Passwords-Talk How to improve the messages that conditional markup shouldn't be used to hide secrets?
On the mailing list:
- A thread about pagelists and searches no longer work after a server migration. The cause was incorrect permissions on the wikilib.d directory.
- A request to update 3 addons for PHP 7 (they were updated, see below).
In the PITS: PmWiki Issue Tracking System (please comment, vote):
- 01300 (Incomplete definition of page text variable halts the rendering) This entry was reopened because the previous solution broke when there was a text variable longer than 2699 characters.
- 01412 ( integrated developer platform) More context in diffs will be nice, but may be complex to implement.
Cookbook (addons, modules, skins)
- FixShortSessions (How to fix short sessions so you aren't prompted frequently for a password) by Petko : The configuration was modified, and a warning was added about security issues with the previous code.
- RecentChangesExcerpt (How to display a list of last n RecentChanges) by Petko : A "pagelist trail" solution was added.
- Worse (is better) (Simple WYSIWYG editing for PmWiki) by Petko : 7 new versions released since the first release last week, with a large number of improvements and fixes.
- BlockCrawler (Redirect web crawlers to different pages) by Petko : left a message that the script is missing.
- EditHelp-Talk (Easier editing with automatic detection and insertion of some wiki markups) by SILVERMOUSE? : left a message that the recipe should be out of beta.
- HorizontalVerticalMenu-Talk (Generate multilevel horizontal and vertical menus) by St : asked about a bug in a farm configuration with the pub path.
Recipes reviewed and/or updated and marked compatible with PHP 7.2
- AddNewline Make wiki text end with a newline character, so the last line won't be marked as changed if text is added at the bottom by floozy
- AddUrlSchemes How to get PmWiki to recognize additional URL schemes such as
, etc. by Petko - AMmathjax Add markup to embed math using ASCII MATH by MathJax. by MassimilianoVessi
- AutoGroupPages How to create a number of pages for a new group automatically by Petko
- AutomaticChangeSummary Automatic change summaries by Petko
- AutoRestore Automatically restore pages after a set time interval by Petko
- AutoThumber Automatically resize uploaded images using ImageMagick by Petko (original author: EemeliAro)
- CaseCorrection Makes PmWiki intelligently case-insensitive by Petko (original author: EemeliAro)
- CleanUrls Enable URLs that are shorter (without .php) and/or look like paths to wiki pages. by Hagan Fox
- CountGlyphs A replacement for some of PmWiki's typographical wiki markup by Petko (originally written by Pm)
- DynamicTrails Dynamic WikiTrails with pagelist by
- ExpireDiff How to remove a page's history by Petko (original author: Pm)
- ExportHTML Export PmWiki pages as "static" HTML pages by Petko (original author: Pm)
- Extra Words In Title Tag Recipe This is a really simple recipe for adding extra words to the title tag in the head. by AndyG
- GoogleAnalytics Add Google Analytics tracking code to wiki pages by Petko
- GroupHomePageChange How to rename the group's starting page, i.e., be different than the default "HomePage". by Petko
- Highlight Text (HTML5 <mark> tag) Use HTML5 <mark> tag to highlight text. by HaganFox
- JJSIterator let the browser iterate over a set of wiki pages by jjs
- Login Logout How to log out after logging in by
- MovePage Move and copy wiki pages by Petko (original author: Eemeli Aro)
- OutputCompression Use zlib output compression to make pages load faster by Anno
- PageRegenerate Make PmWiki regenerate a page, as if someone had done an edit+save sequence. by Anno
- PageTopStore A PageStore alternative which doesn't mangle page contents when viewed outside PmWiki by Eemeli Aro
- PerGroupSubDirectories Subdivide wiki.d into subdirectories according to page group by Petko
- PPDonate Create links to accept donations via PayPal by Petko
- PreviewFirst How to get the page preview to appear before the edit box by Petko
- RandomQuote Insert random quotes or markup into a page by Petko (original author: Pm)
- RecentChangesExcerpt How to display a list of last n RecentChanges by Petko
- RequireAuthor Require author names when saving pages by Petko
- RequireCategory Require categories to be entered by
- RequireSummary Require a summary to be entered by Petko
- SelectQuery Run a SQL SELECT query based on parameters submitted by Ben Stallings
- Stopwatch Use the $StopWatch function to measure PmWiki performance. by Petko
- SuperscriptLineSpacing How to fix line spacing of superscripts and subscripts by
- SysDiff Use an external "diff" program to speed saving of long pages. by Petko (original author: Pm)
- TemplateMarkupTricks Various ways of using templates to facilitate the creation of new pages (using standard PmWiki markup) by StefCT
- Underline Text (HTML5 <u> tag) Use HTML5 <u> tag to underline text. by HaganFox
- UpdateForm Easily create forms to display, add, and update records in a MySQL table. by Ben Stallings
(total: 38 pages)