00002: searchresults and pagelist could allow sort= parameter

Summary: searchresults and pagelist could allow sort= parameter
Created: 2004-08-26 18:20
Status: Closed - added in 2.0.beta33
Category: Feature
From: Pm
Assigned: Pm
Priority: 551
Version: 2.0.devel

Description: The [:searchresults:] and [:pagelist:] directives could allow an optional sort= parameter to change the order in which pages are displayed.

Aw! Why was it suspended???

  • add sorting to searchresults and pagelist (since they seem to use the same mechanism)
    • by file date
    • or even other values definable in local/config; something like the fields in PITS, Field: value, one field per line, anywhere in the file)

-Radu March 11, 2005, at 03:13 PM

  • Sort in reverse order


Now available via the "order=" option.
