00009: images do not float (v2)
Summary: images do not float (v2)
Created: 2004-08-26 20:35
Status: Closed - added for 2.0.devel20
Category: Bug
From: Pm
Priority: 455
Version: 2.0.devel3
Description: Currently there's no mechanism for floating images right or left in pages. PmWiki 1.0 checked to see if an image was at the beginning or end of a markup line to determine the float, but this led to problems with WikiStyles and some other minor features.
How should we handle floating images in PmWiki 2.0?
WikiStyles %float=left% and %float=right% ?
Added %align=left%
and %align=right%
WikiStyles for 2.0.devel20.
It might be worthwhile to create style shortcuts, as in %imgleft%
and %imgright%
I may still add automatic left/right floating images as a Cookbook recipe or an optional feature. --Pm