00085: WikiTrails Fails w/ alternate text
Summary: WikiTrails Fails w/ alternate text
Created: 2004-10-09 08:07
Status: Closed - fixed for 2.0.devel12
Category: Bug
From: PRZ
Priority: 2
Version: 2.0 Devel11
Description: When in the list of an index page of a WikiTrail, there is an option with alternate text, The Wikitrail is not displayed in the local page.
Say *[[EnvoiDEmail | Envoi d'email]] give a faulty wikitrail in the page
*[[Envoi d email]] is ok
(used alternate text because of the apostroph)
Can you provide an example showing the failure (either on pmwiki.org or somewhere else that I can access)? --Pm
Here is one page : the link is ok, but when i added the alternate text, the wikitrail was lost.
Feel free to modify the directory to test.
Should be fixed in 2.0.devel12. --Pm