00093: include group name in the <title>

Summary: include group name in the <title>
Created: 2004-10-13 21:36
Status: Closed - added for 2.0.devel14
Category: Feature
From: jr
Priority: 3
Version: pmwiki 2 dev 13
OS: all

Description: The pmwiki 1 behaviour of putting the pagename (group.title) into the <title> is more helpful than pmwiki 2's title only. If there are several Home Page entries for example, it is not easy to tell them apart in the browser history. Perhaps a format of "wiki | group | title" could be used (or title | group | wiki since the title is often what you use and it's helpful if this is first). Ideally, include the current action: "wiki | group | title | action". This avoids accidentally returning to an edit view instead of a browse view.

Update: through a local customisation, I tried "Wiki | Group / Title | Action" and it's great. jr

Wow, the above looks great. I'll make it so in the next release, thanks. --Pm

I've also deprecated $HTMLTitleFmt -- it's no longer needed since the desired title can be placed directly into the layout template.