00134: Buggy implementation of the page PageNotFound
Summary: Buggy implementation of the page PageNotFound
Created: 2004-10-31 09:51
Status: Closed - fixed for 2.0.beta11
Category: Bug
From: chr
Priority: 2
Version: latest?
Description: This URI (with the '.' at the end) > http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/Cookbook/MarathonSkin.
Produces a buggy 'PageNotFound' where the links seems to be off:
We couldn't find a page called "MarathonSkin.". You can: [1] Create MarathonSkin.? [2] Create MarathonSkin..HomePage [3] Create MarathonSkin.? [3]
- [1] links to the real page, i.e. the '.' was dropped, so in this case it actually gives you a link to the page it says it couldn't find... lol.
- [2] -> http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/$Group/$Name?action=edit which seems very wrong with the $Group/$Name bits
- [3] -> http://www.pmwiki.org/pmwiki2/pmwiki.php/$Group/$Name?action=edit which also seems wrong, and is identical?
http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Main/PageNotFound is broken too
-- sb
I think documentation is missing, but i observed the following behavior:
- Links without group in url are redirected to the main group: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/WikiSandbox
- Same Link, if site not exists goes to this: http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/LovelyNewWikiSandbox
Makes sense in some way.
Schlaefer November 29, 2004, at 06:02 AM