00178: emulate textile and/or phpmarkdown

Summary: emulate textile and/or phpmarkdown
Created: 2004-11-25 07:59
Status: Closed - implement as cookbook
Category: Cookbook
From: Pm
Priority: 55555 55542 5

Description: hello, is it available any implementation of custom markup to emulate textile or (better, IMHO) phpmarkdown? how difficult would it be to implment it (based on what can be understood at: http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/? regards, --franco

I would also love to have Textile or Markdown for PmWiki. I've just finished doing research for new wiki software to use for a couple of internal uses (although online) and have decided upon PmWiki instead of the beloved Instiki because of several issues with installing Instiki on a hosted box. Anyway, Textile (and I guess Markdown as well) is VERY nice to use, especially for people not familiar with general wiki-markup. Instiki is located here: http://www.instiki.org -- Thanks, Justin

Just wanted to agree with this request. Textile is very well thought out and it's a major part of the appeal of Instiki for me... though in most every other respect PmWiki is better. Any chance of this happening sometime soon? --Andy Crouch

Question: Do you want Textile markup in addition to the standard PmWiki markup, or exclusive from it? For example, Textile doesn't have any concept of "inter-site" links such as [[WikiSandbox]] or the like... --Pm

Personally, I'd like to see Markdown (easier to use than Textile) combined with the existing markup, so I could use Markdown for styling and PmWiki syntax for making links (a selfish request, really, as I use Markdown a lot when writing for work, and it'd be great to be able to drop everything I write into my local PmWiki) -- Jack Mottram

Also, if it's useful, you may want to add some votes to the priority above... :-) --Pm

One specific feature of Textile markup that I'd like to see is "smart quotes", where the usual `"` glyph is automagically turned into curly raised apostrophes (with the correct distinction between opening and closing quotes). It seems like this wouldn't be too hard to create a custom markup for, though it's beyond me at the moment. --GrahamL

John Rankin's Cookbook.ExtendMarkup script can do smart quoting -- you might take a look at it. --Pm
Excellent! I'd missed that recipe. Thanks. (fixed link: Cookbook/MarkupExtensions) --GrahamL

If someone will publish a table of phpmarkdown markups below that they want to see supported, I'll write the markup rules for it. --Pm

see http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax

Thanks, but that doesn't really answer my question. Clearly we cannot easily make all of markdown's markups easily co-exist with PmWiki's syntax, so my question is "Which markups do you want to see supported?" Or, do you want to completely throw out PmWiki's syntax and just build a site entirely with markdown?

(Example conflict: markdown uses leading ###'s to indicate a new heading, while PmWiki uses them for ordered lists.)


Here below the minimum markdown syntax that could be added to the pmwiki one (BTW, PM you rock!) --franco :



* list1
* list2
* list3


![image text](link)



* * * (horizontal rule)



  • list1
  • list2
  • list3


[image text](link)

  • emphasize*
    • strong**
  • * * (horizontal rule)

I think that PmWiki could implement alternative markups (a la Instiki). In this way there should be no conflicts between PmWiki's and other markups. I personally would prefer to use Textile over the current markup. I know that currently Textile does not support WikiWords, but I guess that adding something like [[Wiki Word]] to Textile's markup should not be difficult. This last comment coming from someone that has never written one line of PHP in his life ;-) -- Luis

I agree that we should have Textile (and markdown) implemented as options. We would need linking to be maintained, but WikiWord and [[double brackets]] are nearly a standard in the wiki world. I also have been looking into Instiki, but it's not robust enough yet. PmWiki is awesome in how extendible it is, and how well designed. Thanks Pm!

My opinion is that one should be able to entirely replace the PmWiki syntax by Textile or Markdown by editing the configuration file. Think about workflows where people are already used to one markup (in other tools like Basecamp or PunBB), it would be confusing to make them learn part of PmWiki's syntax mixed with Textile or Markdown. Instiki supports wikiwords and Textile (or Markdown) together, why not having something similar here? --Enrique

Another vote for alternative markups. I do not care if they are completely separate or they maintain some basic wiki conventions too, like double bracketed links.

Here's another vote to have Markdown (I prefer this over Textile) syntax somehow integrated (or a separate option) for PmWiki. I like how it's used with Instiki, but the instability of that wiki software keeps me from using it too much. In addition to the samples above, I'd especially like Markdown's formatting rules for code, blockquotes, and numbered lists.

One more vote to support Textile and/or Markdown. These are the closest things we have to "standard" markups, and they could be very helpful to reduce the learning curve of this very nicely designed wiki. I don't have experience with Markdown, but I've found Textile to be very powerful, though the main tags are very easy to learn.

Yet another vote for pluggable markups. In particular I would love to use Markdown Extra (http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/extra/) as markup combined with the pmwiki reference and groups syntax.

I would also like to add my vote for this feature. Like many others, I love the features of pmwiki but I really miss the ability to use an alternative syntax. My vote is for Textile but I would be okay with Markdown as well.

I compared both Markdown and Textile and I think Markdown is more readable (regarding headings...). Short comment to above, its also possible to use ======= for the first headings and -------- for the second in markdown (just make the dashes under the heading) . My vote: MARKDOWN.

Another vote for native Markdown syntax support in PmWiki! Please add it, thanks.

I would love to use textile, as the markup language. Some one should really add support for it.

I would like to see Markdown as an alternative markup language for PmWiki. Then I would actually use it. The biggest drawback to any wiki is using ' ' and ' ' ' for markup. Just how readable is ' ' ' ' ' some text ' ' ' ' ' really?

Markdown in PmWiki! Markdown is the reason that led me to PmWiki. -- WPK

For me, one of the key features of markdown is its use of the "blockquote" element. Still, I'm not completely satisfied by it, either. What I'd like to see is *word* for bold, //word// for italic, __word__ for underline, and --word-- for strikethrough. > for blockquote is, of course, really great. --Carl

I have implemented Textile into PmWiki now, using the Markdown plugin as a model template to follow. Perhaps I should post it? --KMcc

Heck, yes, KMcc! Post it! --Miles

Yes, KMcc, please post! Textile would be my preference too. --Stacey

I'm all for alternative markups. Textile and Markdown is a just few of them, the method of adding another formatting markup must be agnostic through an interface. Personally, I'd like to use Markdown Extra class made by Michel Fortin. Say, in Settings user specifies he/she wants to Use, say, Textile, then he/she places a plug-in (Textile.php) in /pub/scripts or /pub/plugins, then the text is being parsed through a function parse($text) which is called from selected file. I'm not sure how hard it is to implemet PmWiki its own markup system into agnostic approach, but that kind of flexible system simply solves all the problems with markup - everyone is allowed to use anything One desires. -- R_K

For everyone above who has been asking for pluggable markups for PmWiki -- PmWiki already has a pluggable markup system. Simply set $EnableStdMarkup=0; in the local/config.php file, and then generate your own markup rules (see PmWiki.CustomMarkup). Just follow the approach that scripts/stdmarkup.php uses and change the patterns however desired.

See also the Cookbook.Creole recipe which shows how PmWiki can be used to implement the WikiCreole specification (http://www.wikicreole.org/).

-- Pm November 14, 2007, at 03:59 PM

-- 2010-02-14 -- Maurice
I like Markdown too (and use it in PMwiki). The advantage is to be able to cut and past text source between pmwiki and another tools, and being able to convert the Markdown text in many other format (LaTeX, pdf, ...). Also the use of sqlite in pmwiki would allow to read the Markdown text directly from the sqlite base with any other (e.g. Ruby) tools.
But pmwiki is not only a collection of independent formated text, but make use (as a wiki) of internal cross link, so what is the best way mixte Markdown syntax and pmwiki internal crosslinking.

P.S. for PM, I'm not sure if I had to put this post at the end of this page or before your last post: you can update and modify my post as you like!