00194: Code samples break numbered lists

Summary: Code samples break numbered lists
Created: 2004-12-01 03:25
Status: Suspended
Category: Bug
From: sb?
Priority: 3

Description: If I have some documentation like:

  1. First connect to a server
 ssh servername -u username
  1. Now list the files on the server
 ls -l

The numbering breaks :/


This is not a bug -- at present PmWiki has always worked this way (somewhat by design), that pre-formatted text is a top-level formatting item at the same level as a first-level bullet and always starts from the left margin. For most lists this doesn't matter, but for numbered lists it's a pain because HTML then restarts the numbering at 1.

We should be able to come up with an option that allows this to be configured differently, so that preformatted text sections are nested inside of any surrounding list elements.

Markup to mark the start (and end?) of a numbered list would be good. Maybe #- to mark the end of a list?

This is a very annoying bug for me since I want to include warnings in procedures and there is no easy way to do so. Warnings, tips, code blocks all break the numbering of my lists. Is there any easy to implement workaround out there?

# First connect to a server [@
 ssh servername -u username
# Now list the files on the server[@
 ls -l
# And leave [@
  1. First connect to a server
     ssh servername -u username
  2. Now list the files on the server
     ls -l
  3. And leave

Why don't you try this. --Petko March 12, 2007, at 03:14 AM