00273: Refcount for attachments

Summary: Refcount for attachments
Created: 2005-01-09 10:33
Status: Closed (cookbook recipe)
Category: Cookbook
From: Pm
Priority: 54432
Version: 2.0.beta14


From: Leo <slonik.az@gmail.com>

I greatly appreciate Pmwiki's Refcount feature that allows me to promptly locate orphaned and missing pages. It would be great if refcounting is available for attachments as well. In particular I would like to track down orphaned and missing attachments.

I hope that this feature is not difficult to implement and it will be appreciated by many Pmwiki users.

I agree. A quick way to find unreferenced attachments would be great for easy maintenance. It would help both to find attachments orphaned by accidents and obsolete files that should be deleted. The users of my installation have strongly attachment-centered usage habits, like it or not :-/ --Henning January 26, 2005, at 09:07 AM

Alas, it is fairly difficult to implement this feature, or at least difficult to do well. I'm leaving it for someone to do as a cookbook extension, at least for now. --Pm

There are cases when PmWiki uses and displays attachments which are otherwise not "referenced" by an Attach: link. One is the Path: reference to files, other may be a http: link, and also some of the PmWiki picture galleries are refering to otherwise "unreferenced" files. Difficult task. --Petko November 27, 2007, at 07:56 PM

This is now implemented as a part of Cookbook.Attachtable. —Eemeli Aro April 20, 2009, at 03:25 PM