00276: a very small change concerning AllRecentChanges

Summary: a very small change concerning AllRecentChanges
Created: 2005-01-10 07:25
Status: Closed
Category: Other
Priority: 1
Version: 2.0-beta14

Description: Here is a very small change i made for internationalization matter :

in pmwiki.php :

$RecentChangesFmt = array(

  '$DefaultGroup.AllRecentChanges' => 
    '* $Group.$Name?  . . . $CurrentTime by $AuthorLink',
  '$Group.RecentChanges' =>
    '* $Name?  . . . $CurrentTime by $AuthorLink');

the default value for the AllRecentChanges is "hard coded" to Main.AllRecentChanges.

As i redefined $DefaultName and $DefaultGroup in config.php, the group "Main" has no use.

PmWiki's current setting of always using 'Main.AllRecentChanges' is intentional, because it often surprises administrators that changing $DefaultGroup causes the Main.AllRecentChanges page to stop being updated. --Pm