00302: allow pagelist to display titles instead of pagenames
Summary: allow pagelist to display titles instead of pagenames
Created: 2005-01-25 19:01
Status: Closed (add to cookbook)
Category: Feature
From: Pm
Priority: 543
Version: 2.0.beta19
> Maybe a very simple question : why spaced wikiwords do not works in
> (:pagelist:)
and in search results ? They works in RecentChanges...
...because (:pagelist:)
is considered to be a list of page names and not
necessarily a list of page titles. But it shouldn't be too difficult
to come up with an option to pagelist to display titles instead of names.
Names and titles
Actually, one can set pagelist to give a list of titles by modifying the appropriate $FPL variables. We ought to have a cookbook recipe for this.