00309: Using %block <style>% <some text> kills URL and other formatting and makes paragraphs become on long line that goes off screen
Description: I have installed the ExtendedWikiStylesCSS1 cookbook file on my wiki and have some custom styles for each of the users, so we know who has contributed what.
What we wanted to do (and upgraded from PMwiki v1.x to 2.0 to do this) was have a block style using the [==] tags that ran from the top of the page of text to the bottom and then people who make amendment can add their style in between this .
When i tryed using the block (with a space at the beginning of the line)with no border just a text style. It worked but then subsequently killed all other formatting such as URLs and nothing else using . Also it made every paragraph one long single line that ran off screen width wise.
I can use apply=block or just the style on every line but with the double spacing required and with long pieces of text its very cumbersome.
Is there a way around this I have overlooked, or is it a bug that can be fixed?
I added a comment in your WikiStyleExamples page (http://www.pmichaud.com/wiki/PmWiki/WikiStyleExamples) towards the bottom but no one has replied yet.
Thanks again, and keep up the good work!
Well, first note that the Cookbook-V1/ExtendedWikiStylesCSS1 script will probably not work with PmWiki v2 (most V1 scripts need to be rewritten for V2), so that may be part of the problem. We can redevelop the script if it's needed.
Can you provide a url that demonstrates the problem, either on your own site or here on pmwiki.org (e.g., at Test/WikiStylesKillUrls)? That would really help to locate the problem.
We can definitely come up with something that will make things work for your site.