00343: Doesn't create groups if they start with a number

Summary: Doesn't create groups if they start with a number
Created: 2005-02-23 06:56
Status: Closed - not a bug
Category: Bug
From: Braben?
Priority: 2
Version: 2.0.beta21
OS: Linux 2.4.20, Apache 2.0.48, PHP 4.3.2

Description: I try to reference a group outside the actual group. It works well if the group doesn't start with a number.

If this is not a bug, the documentation should clarify that in the PmWiki/WikiGroup section, IMHO.

It's not a bug -- by default groups don't start with a number. This can be changed via the $GroupPattern variable in config.php:

    $GroupPattern = '[[:upper:]\\d][\\w]*(?:-\\w+)*';

Feel free to add a note to PmWiki.WikiGroup explaining that groups do not start with a number.
