00390: support simultaneous edits/merging in windows / non-popen environments

Summary: support simultaneous edits/merging in windows / non-popen environments
Created: 2005-03-16 02:16
Status: Closed - cookbook
Category: Cookbook
From: Pm
Priority: 5554
Version: 2.0.beta26

Description: Windows doesn't support the diff3 command needed by SimultaneousEdits, and some PHP environments don't allow the popen command. It'd be nice to come up with a version of simuledits that doesn't require these.


Though there is a cookbook script it would be nic to integrate this feature

-- Klonk September 22, 2005, at 03:30 AM

Since handling simultaneous edits is a core function on Unix boxes, it should be a platform-independent implementation. I particularly would like to have this feature available on Windoze servers.

NeilHerber September 29, 2005, at 10:01 AM

Closed this PITS entry, the capability is provided by the Cookbook:SimultaneousEdits recipe.
