00507: jump from the search field to a page instead of searching
Summary: jump from the search field to a page instead of searching
Created: 2005-09-03 01:25
Status: Closed - available in Cookbook
Category: Feature
From: Schlaefer
Priority: 2
Version: 2.0+
Description: Often you know the name of the page you want to visit. Instead of typing it into the url it would be more elegant to have a jump feature for the search field. With a "jump" button for regular users and a "shortcut" for more experienced users.
Shortcut: for example we use a dot as first character in the search field to indicate that we want to perform a jump instead of a search.
If the page does not exists a normal search should be performed.
See SearchExtensions
Thanks, I didn't found this before. Profiles September 03, 2005, at 10:05 AM
FYI: Because I only wanted the fast jump from the searchfield I'm using this now:
SDV($JumpNSearchTrigger, "."); define('jumpnsearch', 1); if ($action == 'search') { $text = stripmagic($HTTP_GET_VARS['q']); $jumpto = ''; if (strpos($text, $JumpNSearchTrigger) == 0) { $text = substr($text, 1); $text = preg_replace("/\\s*/", "", ucwords($text)); if (preg_match("/^$GroupPattern([\\/.])$NamePattern$/", $text)) $jumpto = $text; elseif (strrpos($text, "/") == strlen($text)-1 ) { $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 1); $jumpto = FmtPageName("$text.$DefaultName", $pagename); if (!PageExists($jumpto)) $jumpto = FmtPageName("$text.$text", $pagename); } elseif (preg_match("/^$NamePattern$/", $text)) $jumpto = (isset ($HTTP_GET_VARS['group'])) ? stripmagic($HTTP_GET_VARS['group']).".$text" : FmtPageName("\$Group.$text", $pagename); if ($jumpto && PageExists($jumpto)) Redirect($jumpto); } }