00513: autorise IP to view protected pages by id:*
Summary: autorise IP to view protected pages by id:*
Created: 2005-09-11 10:19
Status: Closed - add to cookbook
Category: Feature
From: Isidor
Priority: 4
Version: 2
It's possible to read protect pages using id:*
In certain case it would be interesting to allow some IP's to view the page, without authentification
Syntax could be :
id:*, ip:x.x.x.x
Is there a way to include this in the Cookbook/AuthUser script ?
One can always authorize by IP from within local/config.php -- try something like
if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == 'x.x.x.x') $AuthId
= 'username';
This says that anyone connecting from 'x.x.x.x' is automatically authenticated as 'username'.
Let me know if that works for your application.
It rocks perfect ! thanks, I think this could be explained in the Cookbook/AuthUser --Isidor