00529: Presence Awareness in PmWiki
Summary: Presence Awareness in PmWiki
Created: 2005-09-18 12:33
Status: Closed
Category: Cookbook
From: Alessandro Sisto
Priority: 5
Version: 2.0.6
OS: Linux
Description: I have developed a plugin that makes possible to see who is online on the wiki and what it's doing (ie: browsing or editing a page). It is based on UserAuth plugin, and use xajax (xajax.sourceforge.net) to update users list. You can see it at http://nemophp.altervista.org
PITS is generally used for feature requests, bug reports, and other "issues" that need to be tracked for PmWiki development. Is there a question associated with the above, or is it just noting the availability of a new recipe/feature? If the latter, it probably belongs on the Cookbook.UserAuth page or as its own cookbook recipe. --Pm