00561: Preview produces a page different from the saved one

Summary: Preview produces a page different from the saved one
Created: 2005-10-19 02:59
Status: Closed - not a PmWiki bug
Category: Bug
Priority: 4
Version: 2.0.10
OS: php 5.0.0

Description: When I use my own Box Markup:

Markup('box', 'directives', "/\\(:box(.*?):\\)/", "<div class=\"box\" style=\"$1\">");
Markup('boxend', 'directives', "/\\(:boxend:\\)/", "</div>");

in a page like this:

(:box:) box1 (:boxend:)

(:box:) box2 (:boxend:)

(:box:) box3 (:boxend:)

the preview produces cascaded boxes (box in box) the saved page renders correctly.

I think there's an error in your Markup directive, the second one needs to be specified as

Markup('boxend', '<box', "/\\(:boxend:\\)/", "</div>");

If both are specified as "directives", then there's no guarantee about the order in which they are processed and the pattern used for the "box" markup rule also matches the "(:boxend:)" directive.
