00750: RecentChanges link in default skin gets a <span>

Summary: RecentChanges link in default skin gets a <span>
Created: 2006-06-02 21:17
Status: Closed - added for 2.1.10
Category: Feature
From: HaganFox
Priority: 5
Version: 2.1.x
OS: All

Description: I'd like to see the following minor change made to the default PmWiki skin template file.

<     <a href='{$ScriptUrl}/$[{$Group}/RecentChanges]'
<       accesskey='$[ak_recentchanges]'>$[Recent Changes]</a> -
>     <span class='headnav'><a href='{$ScriptUrl}/$[{$Group}/RecentChanges]'
>       accesskey='$[ak_recentchanges]'>$[Recent Changes]</a> -</span>

The main reason is because it allows the wikiadministrator to use CSS to keep the link from being displayed.

In particular, the change is helpful for someone who wants have a CMS type installation using the default skin. With the change, a recipe file can add this

$HTMLStylesFmt[] = '
 .headnav, #wikicmds, .pagegroup, .footnav { display:none }
 .pagetitle { margin-top:8px; } div.lastmod { color:#cccccc; } ';

to turn this into this.


